"Wait a minute. Did I just hear someone say father?"

Hal raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

"Darkseid's father?"

"Of course, Darkseid is the brother of Heavenly Father, so he naturally has a father."

Orion glanced at Hal with an expression that said, "Why do you think he jumped out of a stone?"

"Well, of course I know this is true." Hal shrugged, "But you should also know that it is difficult for ordinary people to think about the fact that a monster like Darkseid can still have a family."

There was nothing surprising to Shen You. He knew that DC had No. 1 Yuga Khan, but he didn't know much about it. Because in the original work, this character has had very few scenes for decades.

He only knows that Yuga Khan is the undisputed strongest man of the New God. He defeated all the invincible opponents in the world back then. Even if he revives again today after hundreds of millions of years, he can still defeat Heavenly Father and Darkseid with one hand. Tie a piece up and hang it up for beating. Its existence status is probably similar to Dugu Qiubai in Mr. Jin’s novel. There is such a person but most of the time he lives in the lines of the New Gods.

In the only plot describing the return of Yuga Khan in the original work, Darkseid immediately packed up and ran away at night after hearing the news that his old father had returned, without even the thought of struggling.

"Family? We don't call you that."

Orion said coldly.

"My father never considered Darkseid as family, and neither did Yuga Khan."

"Wait a minute, I just remembered those doomsday warriors you just mentioned, who are specifically designed to wipe out the bloodline of Yuga Khan. And they are now awake and are performing their work according to the programmed settings."

Hal looked at Orion strangely.

"Then you are too...?"

"Of course." Orion said solemnly, "That's exactly why I told you."



It was like a tremor that shook the entire planet Oua, and the earthquake was felt even inside the building. The captured and tied crew members were all thrown to the ground, but their faces showed a look of crazy joy.

"Here he comes! He's here!"

The black-faced Captain Tez shouted excitedly.

"The great God of Apocalypse will return to his faithful throne! Do you hear it? It's coming, it's coming! That's the voice of the king's puppet!"


Hal's body was wrapped in green light and floated up.

"Does this have any special meaning?"

"It's the N-metal magic weapon I just mentioned, the god-killing weapon of Yuga Khan!" Orion shouted, "You have to gather all the lanterns and leaders of the lantern group. Because if the puppet finds this place, then Oa will Disaster is coming!"


Green meteors fell from the sky, piercing the atmosphere and crashing heavily to the ground. The ground of Oa was penetrated, and a huge dust curtain rolled up.

Those are the Green Lanterns.

The Green Lantern was the first to intercept the approaching invaders outside the planet Oa, warn them, and initiate the first wave of conflict.

Obviously the results weren't very good.

The green light defense line was breached, and the invaders broke through the atmosphere and fell into the city.

It was a huge metal giant, its whole body covered with complex fluorescent patterns, as if the flowing galaxy was fixed on the huge body. The lines flashed continuously, and each flash was accompanied by a slight buzzing sound, like the breath of a metal giant.

That is the "puppet", the god-killing doomsday weapon.

More Green Lanterns had already heard the news and gathered around.

"I don't care what you are."

A Green Lantern team leader led the charge, followed by several Green Lantern colleagues.

"But you obviously chose the most inappropriate place in the universe to cause trouble!"

The will energy of several people was superimposed on each other, and together they built a giant cannon that looked like a fan. The green light condensed as the fan blades whirled, and the energy of several lanterns gathered together and burst out into a bright light.

These people have a very good relationship. They were comrades in the same class when they were in the recruit camp, and later they cooperated more often in joint sector operations. They are quite accomplished in the will training of lantern ring cooperation, and this attack is also at the top of the entire lantern group in terms of power alone.

However, it seems that he still can't stand the curse.

If the green light does not exceed five, the team will be destroyed if it exceeds five.

At this moment, the number of green lights has obviously far exceeded the upper limit for the curse to be triggered. I saw the metal puppet raising its arms coldly and opening its palms in the direction of several people. The lines all over its body light up one after another, and the overbearing energy is quickly transferred to the palm along the lines, turning into some kind of annihilating energy, sweeping across like a volcanic eruption.

Several Green Lanterns were shocked, completely unexpected that this iron lump could release such amazing energy. The green light shield was immediately set up, but to no avail. The green light barrier was defenseless against that terrifying energy, and it collapsed and dissipated in an instant. Several Green Lanterns didn't even have a chance to groan, and they all turned into charred skeletons on the spot.

Things happened so fast that the Green Lanterns who were a little further away didn't even have time to take action, and they couldn't help but be shocked and angry for a moment.

With just that one blow, he easily neutralized the joint bombardment of several Lanterns, shattering their shields and killing them all on the spot.

Some younger Green Lanterns could not even imagine that such terrifying power existed in the world.

"Green Lantern, gather your formation!"

The more senior Green Lantern realized something was wrong and shouted hurriedly.

"Keep your distance and use fire suppression in groups!"

The Green Lanterns quickly dispersed, and the Green Lantern constructs bombarded them from all directions. The light transformed into laser cannons, rocket launchers, and electromagnetic pulse weapons. The ray beams crackled and exploded in the air like slender green whips, and the rocket launchers sprayed out fierce green tongues of flame. Waves of green energy spread like waves.

All the weapons, all the energy, all hit the giant's body, but it was just like playing the piano to an ox. The smooth and hard N metal shell easily withstood all the bombardment.

"The attack didn't work!" Green Lantern shouted.

"The lamp ring analyzed the reaction of N metal. This thing is made of N metal from head to toe!"

The Green Lanterns who scanned this result were all shocked.

A huge size of more than sixty meters tall, with the whole body made of N metal from the inside to the outside?

What kind of luxurious machine weapon is this?

"Not only is it N metal, but the fluorescence on it is some kind of energy. There is some kind of energy force field structure inside its shell."

There is Green Lantern Dao who is good at battlefield analysis.

"This is why kinetic energy impact has no effect. The built-in force under the N metal can cushion and offset any impact."

It's simply physical immunity.

The metal puppet turned a blind eye to the green fireflies lingering around him, and seemed not to pay attention at all. It looked around calmly, its fluorescent eyes-like parts flickering on and off, as if it was concentrating on scanning.

Soon, he found his target.

"New god Orion discovered. Creature status: Survival."

The metal puppet made a cold mechanical sound. It speaks an ancient language that has been almost forgotten by the current universe, but can still be correctly translated by the Green Lantern Ring.

"Execute the order and erase it."

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