I become light in American comics

Chapter 570 The Old King

A few minutes later, the unknown battleship had been towed back to the planet Oa, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.

The battleship has been placed in the isolation zone constructed by Green Lantern Energy, and all crew members have been emptied. The black-faced captain also had his hands tied behind his back and knelt on the ground, looking at everyone with a fierce expression.

"Okay, let's talk about it now." Shen You asked, "Who are you?"

"The scan of the light ring showed that he was a Taklon alien. No, it should be said that he was a Taklon fugitive, to be more precise. He organized a large-scale terrorist attack on his own planet, killing more than a hundred people, and then fled the galaxy where he was located, never to be heard from again. "

Hal floated next to him, and the light ring scanned and revealed the identity of the black-faced man.

As he spoke, he raised his head: "Your name is Tez, right? You are really a celebrity."

The black-faced man had a cold face and said nothing.

"In fact, Lantern Leader, the entire crew of this ship seems to be having a similar experience."

Green Light Secretary Sarak's several arms were manipulating different floating screens and said at the same time.

"I have just matched different wanted criminals from sixteen different galaxies. Some of them have even been arrested by the Green Lantern Corps."

"Oh? You can even evade capture by the legion. It seems that you have a chance." Hal narrowed his eyes, "Let me guess, you met some madman who claims to be a god and said that he would give you the power to transform the universe. , blah blah blah? Villains generally have very different imaginations.”

Captain Tezi finally spoke after hearing this and narrowed his eyes at him.

"You are not claiming to be a god, but a real god, Green Lantern. You are just frogs in the well. You think you have seen the truth of the world with a few glowing rings. But you know nothing about the real power. "

"Then help us broaden our horizons."

Shen Yu, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward.

Captain Tez's heartbeat seemed to skip a beat at this moment.

For some reason, from the moment this man stepped forward, he felt as if a huge boulder was pressing on his heart. The invisible pressure made it extremely difficult for him to even raise his head.

This is the giant just now. Tez's heartbeat quickened.

The monster who blocked Omega with his chest muscles, overcame their god's technology with his bare hands, and took down their entire battleship.

"Who do you work for?" Shen You asked.

A flash of fear flashed across Tez's face, as if just the thought of a name in his mind made him breathless.

He shook his head and said nothing.

But Orion on the side answered the question for him.

"It's a god who should have disappeared long ago." He said solemnly.

Everyone's eyes fell on Orion.

"Okay, we do have questions to ask you." Hal asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Orion pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "His name is Yuga Khan."

Shen You narrowed his eyes.

Boy, this is really a heavyweight.

"Yuga Khan, the ancient ruler of the gods, an unspeakably evil tyrant. Even when the gods were at their peak, he was almost invincible, and he only feared one thing in his life.

A certain prophecy, something that the gods believe is destined to happen. The descendants of Yuga Khan will one day rise up and overthrow him from his throne. "

Orion said slowly.

Hal raised his eyebrows.

"Is this supposed to be a big name? I mean I've seen the Guardians' files on the New Protoss. I know Darkseid, and I know Heavenly Father. But I've never heard of it."

"Of course, because the history about him has been erased by the New Gods." Orion said solemnly, "The current Green Lantern Corps may not know how terrible it is, but the New Gods do.

Heavenly Father and Darkseid may be opposites of each other in most situations, but the only thing we can agree on is Yuga Khan. Even if he is as evil as Apocalypse, he would never want to see this monster awaken. "

Hal showed an expression of disbelief.

Is there anything in the world that even Darkseid is afraid of?

"Rumors from the distant past say that once the crown princes of Yuga Khan began to seek their birthright, he would send his own hand-crafted Doomsday Warriors to kill them.

But even so, what Yuga Khan feared came true. His successors took his place, and he himself was imprisoned within the Wall of Origin, the boundary wall of the multiverse, becoming part of the eternal corpse trapped within the wall. "

Shen You still knew this part, but the explanation in the comics was still a little different from the legend Orion had heard. The original work said that Yuga Khan was not really overthrown by his own heirs, but that he came into contact with the Origin Wall because he was obsessed with the power of origin and could not resist the temptation to study the truth of the world.

As a result, he died after trying. Yuga Khan, who tried repeatedly on the verge of death, got his wish and got stuck in the wall. He was trapped in the wall and became one of DC's combat monsters that basically only lived in the background for many years.

"Origin Wall?" Finally, a term Hal had heard of appeared. He nodded and said, "Doesn't it sound like the problem has been solved? The Origin Wall is the end of all things. No one can come down from the Origin Wall."

At this time, the captain named Tezi raised his head again and smiled coldly.

"That's not certain. You all don't understand the power of God."

"Oh come on." Hal frowned, "I bet your god is still a statue on the Origin Wall right now."

"Theoretically, this should be the case. Yuga Khan has been and has indeed been on the Origin Wall for so many years." Orion said, "But recently, more and more omens have begun to appear in the New God World, concerning Yuga Khan. Even Heavenly Father would not dare to be careless.

Moreover, although Yuga Khan has been trapped on the wall of origin, the divine weapons he created to kill the crown prince still exist. It is a giant puppet made of the most powerful substance in the multiverse, a substance called 'N metal' in your universe. "

This is indeed not unfamiliar to everyone. N metal is called the ninth metal and is the most indestructible substance known in the current universe, no, in the entire multiverse.

"We believe that these puppets have always existed somewhere, but have recently awakened for unknown reasons. Years of dormancy have not dulled their programs. They are loyal to their creators, so they wake up as soon as they wake up. Start pursuing the only goal you were set for.

They will destroy anyone who stands in their way until all descendants of Yuga Khan are destroyed. "

"Descendants of Yuga Khan?" Hal frowned, "You just said that Yuga Khan was once the supreme king of the New God. So you overthrew his descendant, who is now the king of the New God? Isn't that true?"


Orion said word by word.

"Yuga Khan is the father of Heavenly Father and Darkseid."

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