I become light in American comics

Chapter 564 I won’t go

When watching the last super beast fall down with a howl, Yabo was almost numb.

If his mood at the beginning of the match was "Look at this lineup, we will definitely win", then his mood now became "I can beat you hot guy".

Do I want to hit you? How can I play with you?

He even began to wonder if he had made a mistake. Even now, he wouldn't believe that this was a new member of the police force. At this moment, someone jumped out and told him that this was actually one of the legendary Ultra Four Magic Sticks wearing a new vest and playing tricks on him. He might not be able to believe it. Everyone will believe it.

Because the performance of this product is really abstract.


Walking out of the fire curtain when the last super beast exploded, Shen You clapped his hands and said to the changing light in the air of the different dimension: "So now, are you going to come out on your own, or am I going to pull you out?

Anyway, no matter what, we all know how it will end. "

Abo people: "."

Humiliation, simply a shame!

There was no Ultraman other than Ace who was so arrogant in front of him.

None of the Ultra brothers were so humiliated in the decisive battle that year.

But with this thought in his mind, Yabo's body still showed its shape honestly. I saw a huge body appearing out of thin air under the rippling aurora. An invisible force field barrier surrounds the whole body, the right hand is a sickle-shaped structure, the pink body is covered with poisonous burrs, and the green eyes are filled with fierceness.

The giant Awa people, in the original TV setting, are the form of the entire Awa race that merged and became gigantic. But in subsequent works, he gradually became the representative image of the Yabo people, a gathering of evil thoughts and resentment.

"Finally Ken showed up in person." Shen You said.

"Don't be too proud, Ultra Warrior. The super beast just now was just to collect your energy and data. With these data, you are already a dead person."

Hmm. In fact, the Yabo people didn't know whether this was the case. To be honest, the scene of fourteen super beasts being killed was quite frightening. But that being said, don’t be discouraged by your momentum. This is the law of Aopeng BOSS. As a veteran BOSS who has been on the front line of being whipped to death all year round, he, Yabo, would not be able to make such a stupid mistake.

As he spoke, he raised his hands, let out a series of iconic "hahaha" laughs, and then shouted at the top of his lungs: "The data should have been analyzed. Show up, Ace Killer!"

Counter this overestimating Ultra warrior and destroy him! "

But nothing happened.



The Yabo man coughed, then raised his voice and shouted again: "Appear, Ace Killer! Destroy this Ultra Warrior!"

Still silent.

Yabo people: "?"

No, where is my A to kill?

At a loss, Yabo tried to use his telepathy, contacted the Ace killer he had buried with the help of this unpredictable extra-dimensional space, and transmitted a series of encrypted codes using electromagnetic signals——

——Where are the people?

So he received an encrypted message fed back by Ace Killer hiding in another dimension. After cracking it, it probably means something like this——

——Hahaha, I won’t go.

Just kidding, you were blind and didn’t see the energy data you just collected, right?

You want me to counter this kind of thing?

Why the hell didn’t you send me to assassinate Noah?

Our interdimensional technology is so awesome, I suggest you create a Noah killer to pressure it. I'm not going anyway.

Abo people: "."

At this time, Yabo realized that it was a mistake to upgrade the AI ​​of the new generation of Ace Killer.

They have been sparing no effort to improve Ace Killer's combat intelligence so that it can better judge the situation and be more flexible in combat, but they have ignored this problem.

When intelligence improves to a certain level, machines will also become timid.

"It is inevitable that the machine will malfunction occasionally." Shen You even began to comfort the Yabo people, "Sometimes it is like this."

Abo people: "."

MD, fight it!

Knowing that he had no choice, the Yabo roared, raised his sickle, and a strange light shot out. Shen You slapped it away with his backhand and counterattacked with a sagittal light bullet. But the Yabo people had disappeared with a burst of space distortion.

"Space movement. So, is that the advantage of playing at home?"

Shen You saw it quickly. It seems that all the laws in the extra-dimensional realm are chaotic, but this is not the case. Yabo people who are familiar with this set of rules can easily use space to attack and dodge.

However, Shen You had encountered a similar situation not long ago, and he was fairly experienced in handling it.

A strange pink shadow flashed not far away. Shen You turned his head and looked in the direction where the Yabo people appeared, but at the same time he could only hear the roar of huge rocks behind him, and an entire hill surrounded by dark red energy flames roaring towards him.

The strange energy of the Yabo people, coupled with telekinesis. He used his own flash to attract Shen You's attention, and at the same moment launched a sneak attack from behind using a combination of super power and light.

Although the data of Yabo, an old man, is starting to fall behind as the new generation of bosses are becoming increasingly powerful, his telekinesis strength has always been outstanding and his combat experience is quite rich.

Of course, he has never met an opponent like Shen You.

Shen You didn't hide at all, only his body blurred briefly. He stood still as if he didn't notice the sneak attack from behind, but then he saw that the burning mountain thrown by the Yabo people with full telepathy penetrated him completely!

Yabo was caught off guard and was hit head-on by his own attack, and the energy contained in it hit him in the face.

Shen You was wrapped in electric light and immediately followed up.

Speed ​​Force resonance, kid.

Never seen it?

And the next punch.

Its name is hope.

The heavy punch of blue light crooked Yabo's cheek, and the protective barrier surrounding him shattered like glass. The Yabo people roared and swung their sickles to fight back, but the hand swords that followed also chopped the sickles to the ground.

The Yabo roared angrily and jumped into the air, flying into the air and shooting lasers. But Shen You easily dodged it and at the same time accelerated into the air to pursue him. There was a series of muffled bangs and bangs in the air, and half a second later the Yabo people fell down.

After two arms were removed, half of the face was smashed, and a large transparent hole was blasted in the chest so that the scenery behind could be seen, the person from another dimension was finally unable to resist at all, and only had the ability to have a bad mouth.

"Don't think...ahem, you will win this way, Ultraman"

"Yes, yes, the winner will bear the resentment of the loser and live forever. He will never be able to escape the torture, blah blah blah."

The Yabo man who was robbed of his words suddenly choked up and swallowed the second half of the sentence alive, as if he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Yes, we all know." Shen You said calmly, "But so what? We, the Ultra clan, have always been like this. We have defeated every opponent, every empire, countless souls and countless people along the way. The resentments have been countless by now.

But even so, we will still fight until every world no longer needs to fight, until every universe no longer needs Ultraman. "

Abo people: "."

He formed a cross with his arms, locking the Arbor man.

Under the light of Specium, the Yabo people and the twisted black energy were purified by the light and disappeared without a trace.

Tony said nothing. But he watched the whole thing and recorded everything, including their conversations.

When the light of Specium lit up the sky, the giant's body seemed to be several times taller.

That figure stood tall and tall.

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