I become light in American comics

Chapter 563 Super beast has no sense of pain

"Be careful, these creatures are 'super beasts'."

Tony was surprised to find that there was a voice in his ear. He looked around in surprise and asked, "Jarvis, did we detect audio?"

"Did you hear something, sir? No sound source was found." Jarvis said.

Tony then realized that the armor had not picked up any audio sources, and the communication channels were unresponsive.

Could it be that this guy is talking in his own head.

"Any creature will feel pain, fear, or weakness when attacked, but super beasts will not feel that way."

Tony: "."

No, I think this super beast whose arm you chopped off looks quite painful.

Because it's rolling on the ground


The photobomb energy shot out from Shen You's hand, and the moment it flew out, it was covered in red-hot flames. The scorching temperature was as if it came from hell. That is the power of the Red Lantern of Anger. Now Shen You is able to skillfully operate the power of seven spectra. It is not a problem to separate any spectrum from the light of life he controls and enhance its properties.

The red light is the most domineering and destructive among the seven colors of light.

The light energy bombardment fell, and the remaining part of Belokern was instantly melted. The indestructible flesh was instantly burned through by the hell flames, and soon a huge burning skeleton was exposed, which looked shocking.

After a moment, the skeleton also collapsed, igniting fire and crashing to the ground, and soon turned into black ash and disappeared.

Kill instantly with one hit.

This was unexpected by the Yapo people, and they were a little confused for a moment.

No, isn't this a rookie in the reserve force of the police?

And what was the trick you just used?

That violent light, that strong corrosiveness. Is this really part of the skill slot of your warriors of light?

The people of Abo began to realize that things were not simple.

There's something wrong with this Ultraman from head to toe.

The remaining super beasts who were about to go up shoulder to shoulder saw their teammates turn into ashes in a second, and their movements suddenly stopped, feeling a little embarrassed.

He continued to rush but was stopped by his survival instinct.

But turn around and run away, the boss is watching behind you again.

It’s too difficult to work part-time as a super beast

But just because they don't go up doesn't mean the other side will go AFK. Shen You killed one in seconds and immediately took a step towards the next super beast, while continuing.

"Super beasts don't have the emotion of fear. They are modified weapons, not living creatures. There is no mercy, no mercy."

Tony: "."

No, no, I think they look scared.

As Shen You spoke, he punched out at the same time. He was still a thousand meters away and had already made a punching motion. When he stepped forward, he suddenly flashed forward with golden lightning trailing all over his body.

The super beast's reaction speed is also amazing, otherwise it would be impossible to fight back and forth with the ultras who started at supersonic speed. However, compared with the "Speed ​​Force", which is the fastest in all the worlds, it is not impressive enough.

The second one to be locked is the super beast Baksim. The latter hurriedly opened fire, firing volleys of rockets from both hands, and the horned missiles on his forehead also shot out. But it was completely useless. Shen You's afterimage passed through the hail of bullets easily, as if the dense firepower all over the sky was still in his eyes.

And when the punch hit, green and blue flashes of light burst out from the fist. The divine radiance is like a lotus flower, blooming with each punch.

Lightning strike·zero distance!

This is one of Mebius' special moves, a combination of light energy and physical skills. He stabs at close range and delivers plasma energy punches at zero range, mostly used on opponents like Jayton who are immune to light.

Shen You combined the green light spectrum into the lightning punch, while running the blue light energy to increase the power, and activated the speed force under his feet to accelerate and capture the target.

It basically kills you with one hit, killing you instantly.

The eyes of the Yabo people watching the battle in OB were almost widened.

What is this?

No, can you take a look at your movement speed science? Is this the speed a new guard should have?

There is also this explosive power. Logically speaking, with the Yabo people's super beast modified physique, it is hard to say whether ordinary passerby Ultraman who has no role in TV can break through the defense with one big move.

As a result, he was instantly killed with one punch?

Why don't they give you red sheets if you're so cool? ?

Both ends fell, leaving twelve. Shen You kept walking, and the battle with the super beasts continued.

No, in this case it might be more appropriate to say it was a blast.

Now that his whole body is covered with high-level energy and high-level laws from head to toe, Shen You can finally experience Ultra Unparalleled like his predecessors did in the Monster Cemetery.

It's almost like the feeling of the first generation and Seven facing the endless monster army in the Super Galaxy Legend movie and turning on the Musou mode.

The next one to suffer was the ancient super beast Gamera King. The wings on its back are designed as sharp blades that can cut anything, and the tongue in its mouth can spit out poisonous gas. It should even be effective against the Ultra clan under the design of the Yabo people.

However, the white light force field completely blocked the toxins. Shen You waved the nimbus chain blade with both hands and stepped forward. The eight-point nimbus in his hand flew like a nunchuck. When the body passed by like the wind, the Game Thunder King had been chopped into eight pieces. cut.

Ninja Super Beast Garmus took advantage of his teammates to be beaten and quickly turned on his invisibility ability. He huddled in the corner and crouched with his head in his hands, as if to say "You can't see me, you can't see me."

However, there are no eggs. When Shen You kicked one of its teammates over, he casually passed by and gave it a big mouth blessing with a red light. The invisible Gamas' head suddenly exploded like a watermelon, and there was only one thought left in his head before he died.

He can't play, he has a clue.

After killing Gamas instantly with one slap, Shen You didn't even forget to shoot an Ultra Shot at the corpse. The decapitated corpse was immediately blown to pieces under the bombardment of the luminous line, and even the ashes were blown away.

Tony: "."

Seeing this, he was not only amazed at the strength of this starry sky giant, but also had an indescribable and complicated feeling.

He is clearly called a "Warrior of Light" by the other party, but he can defraud and sneak attack old comrades without any pressure. Moreover, this kind of frustrating last-ditch operation also makes people wonder if this person is a bit extreme. .

Also, are you sure that super beasts are not afraid?

They look like they are trembling.

Boom boom boom!

A white light shot at Specium rapidly, and the giant ant super beast Ariponta, the assassin super beast Baraba, and the moth super beast Doragli that were connected in a straight line were all exploded by the three eagles with one arrow.

The remaining super beasts couldn't help but feel frightened, and no one dared to take a step forward.

But Shen You turned a blind eye and continued to dodge and rush to the next level.

Look at them, how similar they look.

Shen Youxun thought that if he hadn't listened carefully in class, he might have really thought they would be afraid.

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