I become light in American comics

Chapter 565 He is just my dad

After the Yabo people were solved, Shen You felt a little relieved in his heart.

Although he felt from the beginning that he should be able to defeat the Yabo people in theory now, but after all, it was only on paper. No one knows what it will be like without actually fighting, so he was somewhat wary until just now.

He was very happy to finally find that his experience in DC so far was not in vain, and the process of taking down the Yabo people was easier than he thought.

Speaking of which, Iron Man, who unexpectedly came to the front row to watch, was more silent than he expected. At this moment, Tony remained silent in the armor, staring at him with his head raised, not knowing what he was thinking.

Shen Youben thought he would say more.

Now there's just a little bit of finishing work left.

The Yapo people have basically been eliminated, but he already knows that there is still an Ace killer here, so it is impossible to let him here. In addition, there are also data and information on hand by the Yabo people, which must include information collected by the other party in the Marvel universe, including how he came to this universe.

Since he can come, theoretically, maybe Shen You can find a way back through this.

One question at a time of course, starting with Ace Killer.

The rules of different dimensions seem very confusing, but it didn't take Shen You a few minutes to roughly understand them. After adjusting to the corresponding spatial frequency, he quickly found the location of Ace Killer.

So a few minutes later, the extra-dimensional robot with a golden head and a red body was obediently carried out and stood in front of Shen You.


Killer Ace stood upright and made a sharp and vague mechanical sound from his mouth.

Shen You received the electromagnetic signal it sent out and actually understood what the machine meant.

It is saying that the Abo people just created me, so strictly speaking, he is just my father, and we are not very close.

Shen You: "."

He wondered whether there was something wrong with his translation, or the artificial intelligence might have a different definition of "father" than ordinary people.


Ace Killer's signal came again. It said that it had long been dissatisfied with the various bad behaviors of the Yapo people, and had repeatedly tried to dissuade the other party from stepping back from the brink and turning back, but this guy just refused to listen.

Now this man who has done many evil things has finally received the retribution he deserves. Well done, well done.

As he spoke, a pair of robotic hands even started clapping.

Shen You: "."

What a filial piety.

If the Abo people knew that they had created such a filial son, they would probably jump up and down on the spot.

This killer seemed smarter and more current-minded than the old version Shen You knew from the database. Shen You could only guess what kind of upgraded and improved version this was.

But that’s fine, it’s easier to communicate if you have intelligence, and you can also ask it some questions.

"Okay, I understand. You are in darkness and want to see the light. You want to kill your own father for justice." Shen You said, "Then first I want to ask you a few questions."

"Hey!" (No problem, just ask)

"I want to start with what I want. The Yapo people must have observed and collected a lot of things since they got here, right? I want those data and information."

"Hey!" (Wait a moment!)

After a while, Shen You felt that a large amount of data was transmitted through the robot, all using Yabo people's words and codes. However, Yabo culture had been recorded in the data of the Ultra clan many years ago, and Shen You quickly translated it into words he could understand.

As expected, Killer Ace answered all the questions he asked, and a lot of the knowledge and information he collected about the Marvel Universe was consistent with what he already knew.

But he didn't see the part of it that he cared about most.

So Shen You raised his head: "How did you get here?"

Ace Killer tilted his head: "?"

"You didn't originally belong to this universe, right? How did you get here? What kind of technology was used?" Shen You asked, "Don't tell me that you were also involved in an experimental accident."

Ace Killer scratched its metal head, seeming a little confused. But soon Shen You seemed to see a light bulb on its forehead.

It means that the Yabo people did not come here voluntarily, but were dragged here by some kind of time and space vortex. There is a certain adult who has been talking to them behind the scenes. That adult has very avant-garde technology and extremely powerful power, but has never shown his face.

Yabo is just a wage earner and doesn't know who his immediate boss is.

Shen You fell silent.

As expected of the legendary working emperor Abo, did he come to work even if he came to another world?

So which unlucky guy was cursed by the Yabo people this time? No, it was allegiance?

But Ace Killer said he was helpless. Even when the Lord appears in a projected image, he only has a black outline. He only knows that the other party has a strength that is far superior to the Yabo people, so he can make the Yabo people swear allegiance.

As for who they are, how to contact them, and where to find them, they have no clue.

"I don't know this or that, why are you so useless?" Shen You looked at it with disgust.

Killer Ace lowered his head, as if "I was wrong", and did not dare to say a word.

"Forget it, let's do this for now." Shen You said, "That's all I have to ask."

Ace Killer immediately looked up expectantly.

Like, can I leave now?

"Of course. No."

Ace Killer: "!"

"Hey!" (Liar!)

The robot became excited and gestured wildly with its hands.

"What are you lying about? I never said that I would let you go as long as you tell the truth, right?"


Killer Ace was stunned and tried to remember.

It seems there really isn't.

So it turns out it's still my fault?

The robot suddenly lowered its head in frustration.

After working on it for a long time, he still couldn't escape death.

"Why are you looking so depressed? I didn't say I was going to tear you down."

Shen is amused, and feels that the A-killer of this model is inexplicably a bit cute and a bit silly.

"You're just a weapon of mass destruction from another dimension. I can't possibly let you run around where I can't see you, right?"

Ace Killer understood something. It gestured blankly, asking if it meant that it had to go to jail.

This is acceptable. Anyway, it has been locked up in a small dark room with the Yabo people since its birth. Today is the first time it is used, and it seems to be no different from being in prison.

"It doesn't count. Just stay where I can see it, and it won't restrict your freedom of movement. Oh, but you have to cooperate with me in doing some research. I'm still interested in different-dimensional technology and materials."

Shen You thought for a while.

"By the way, the other thing is that you need to be a little smaller."

He looked up and down at Ace Killer, who was more than fifty meters tall.

"Now this is too big for the cafe."

Ace Killer: "?"

cafes? What cafe?


One day later.


Kara walked around the smaller version of Ace Killer. The latter's waist is straight and very self-qualified as a household machine.

"This looks so awesome, Shen You, where did you get it?"

"Don't make a fuss." Shen You said calmly, "Make it seem like I haven't picked up stranger things from outside before."

Ace Killer: "!"

Can anyone be weirder than me? ?

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