I become light in American comics

Chapter 560 Different Dimension

Within a second, the originally tense battle seemed to have stalled.

Iron Man and Killian, the only two remaining people, were still looking at each other, but the atmosphere of confrontation at the beginning had turned into an atmosphere of looking at each other.

It's like saying, should we continue to fight?

Thinking of it, just a few seconds ago, the question of "who is the strongest individual unit on the surface of the earth in the new era?" even seemed quite important. One represents cutting-edge biomodification technology, and the other is the most advanced armor.

But suddenly, that false reputation seemed to have suddenly turned into a cloud.

After all, they all know now that everyone can only compete for "second place in the world" if they fight over it. So what's the point?

From the perspective of a scientist and engineer, especially the first person in the world to develop exoskeletons, Tony was far more shocked than Killian.

Because he couldn't understand at all what kind of black technology was used in the armor just now.

More than thirty desperate warriors were instantly evaporated in full view of everyone. That guy swaggered in from the main entrance and passed by them gracefully, but neither his new armor nor Killian saw it at all!

Killian tried every possible means to speed up the reflexes of the desperate warriors, while Tony did not hesitate to inject viruses into the human-machine integration to pursue the ultimate armor operation speed. But now when they compare these results with the one just now, it seems like they are joking.

What technology can make a piece of armor, no, I should say anything in the world, move at such a terrifying speed? ? ?

This isn’t science, it’s metaphysics, right?

Of course, from the perspective of an engineer, Tony never expected that the speed of the car had nothing to do with the armor on his body. The anti-physics phenomenon he witnessed today has a cool name: the "Speed ​​Force."

Tony wears armor because it gives him all the equipment and skills he needs, while some people wear armor basically just to act as a uniform and to make it easier to interact with their AI.

Of course, any normal person would probably think that any amazing moves performed by Shen You came from the equipment on his body. Because in comparison, the setting "the armor is just a decoration, the real driver inside is the real devil" seems more terrifying to say.

Iron Man's worldview has received a huge impact. But Tony has never been a person who is easily defeated. Even if he has God as his opponent, he will quickly pick himself up, learn from experience, analyze problems, and find solutions.

Now he has made up his mind to find out where this armor comes from, what technology it uses, how it works, and who is behind the scenes.

Of course, Tony didn't know it at this time, but he was doomed to fail when he came up with such an idea. Because the direction of his thinking is simply wrong.

"Pal, give me the mark of the scanning intensity structure of the entire space."

Arriving at the empty room on the ground floor of the experimental facility, Shen You activated the scanner and looked around with Ultra sight.

Killian was connected to some unknown force, he was sure of it. And Shen You knew that Kilian had been acting under the name of a terrorist named "Mandarin", so he found all the Mandarin terrorist strongholds and investigated them one by one.

And in this base, he found the wavelength of a certain space-time wave. Although it is not possible to see the use of this kind of fluctuation for the time being, it is not a regular phenomenon, nor is it a fluctuation that can be emitted by technology on the earth.

Shen You had a hunch that there was something hidden under this base.

While he was concentrating on searching, he heard the sound of heavy metal footsteps behind him. Iron Man walked in through a door that had been torn apart by Shen You.

The Extremis Warriors were basically knocked out for a second, and the only remaining Killian posed almost no threat to the upgraded Extremis Nano-Iron Man. Tony defeated Killian in three strikes, five additions, and two, and then impatiently pursued Shen You in his direction.

"There's actually a cavity down there. To be honest, even I might have missed it. And I rarely make mistakes."

Shen You didn't look back, and continued to scan attentively while speaking casually.

"There's a first time for everything."

Iron Man stopped behind him.

"Who are you? Where did your equipment come from?" Tony asked in a deep voice, "When I see something of value, I know what it is. And to be honest, the technology on your body is something that even I have never seen before. "

"You've just never seen it before."

Shen You is still concentrating on his work. At this time, the mobile armor showed that the module connected to the time-space bracelet responded, and a signal flashed. He reached out and groped a few times in mid-air.

"Ha, here. I caught you." Shen You said to himself.

Tony felt ignored, which was a bit unpleasant for a big-name superhero who was the center of attention wherever he went.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. What's so important down here."

But he knew it before he finished speaking.

Shen You found the weak point in space and activated the time-travel bracelet. White light gathered in the air, and an invisible force opened up a hole.

The space suddenly shattered, like a hammer hitting a mirror, and the broken glass scattered. And behind the cracked space was a sea of ​​red.

"Holy what is this?"

Tony was stunned, and the tools built into the armor quickly analyzed it. At this time, Iron Man was not as well-informed as he was in the later stages of the comics, and his database was far less complete than that of Shen You. This was the first time he had seen such a strange scene.

"Did you do this?" He looked at Shen You in surprise, "The readings look like something penetrated the space?"

"That's okay if you want to say so."

Shen You responded casually while continuing to observe.

"I opened this door, but it has always been hidden here. Someone provided Killian with technology, using some unique technology to improve the design of Extremis.

Now it looks like they never left, but stayed nearby in some unseen way to monitor their every move. "

"You mean it's like being in some different space? Are we talking about phase changes?"

Shen You finally glanced sideways at him and smiled slightly.

"Impressive, Mr. Stark."

He said this from the bottom of his heart. As an earth scientist who just realized for the first time that there are real aliens in the world not long ago, Stark's ability to accept unknown phenomena is indeed outstanding.

"It's almost the same meaning. We generally call the space behind this another dimension."

Shen You said, already taking steps towards the red space after the space was shattered.

Tony was shocked: "What are you going to do?"

"Of course I want to say hello to the mastermind behind the scenes." Shen You waved his hand.

After saying that, the person disappeared into the blood-red space.

Tony looked at the unknown hole, hesitated for two seconds, and then gritted his teeth.

"This is just crazy."

After saying that, he followed up and disappeared into the red.

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