I become light in American comics

Chapter 561 Who is more vicious?

"Jarvis, everything I saw is true, right?"

"The vision sensors detected nothing unusual, sir," Jarvis said.

"Okay, then I must be crazy." Tony muttered.

The gravity sensor readings were mysterious, and that wasn't the only weird physics in this place. Colorful auroras flash in the sky, not bound by any rules, twisting and jumping like a dream, dyeing the space with fantastic colors.

When Tony came to his senses, he realized that he was standing on a desolate land. The ruins of ancient buildings coexist with the yellow sand, like witnesses of time, silently telling the dust-laden history.

The unique architectural structure was something he had never seen before. It was carved with complex patterns and exuded an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The yellow sand flows among the ruins, as if telling the vicissitudes of time.

Everything in the space seemed still and solemn. The sound here became distorted and blurred, as if filled with some mysterious power, and the air was filled with a dull and depressing atmosphere.

Tony had countless questions to ask, but a certain intuition of danger allowed him to temporarily suppress his doubts. And soon it turned out that he was right.

Shen You stopped in the middle of a deserted building, and said to himself as if talking to himself in the deserted place: "It's really surprising to meet people from other dimensions, Yabo people in this universe. "

There was a brief silence, and then the sound of footsteps sounded. A figure in black walked out from the back of the building. It was an old face. He was wearing a tall black hat and a wide robe. He was wearing a black leather glove. His right hand was holding a handful of colorful balloons, which were floating in the air. Half empty.

"Oh, I actually recognized him. He doesn't look like a complete rookie."

Awa, a different-dimensional human, first appeared in Ace TV as a behind-the-scenes villain. He is famous for his expertise in making biological weapons "super beasts" that surpass conventional monsters. He is the earliest behind-the-scenes boss in the Ultraman series that runs through the entire TV series.

Obviously, he was supposed to belong to the Ultra Universe.

"A new universe, without the Kingdom of Light, without nosy Ultra Warriors, but at the same time has more resources, endless potential and possibilities. This is how it should be."

Yabo narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen You.

"Until you showed up. You can imagine my surprise when I first noticed you. You shouldn't be here, Ultra Warrior. This universe is outside your jurisdiction."

"Before? Maybe." Shen You said calmly, "But you should also know, Yabo people. From the moment you came here, this place has become our jurisdiction."

The technology of the Yabo people is quite recognizable. When Shen You noticed the iconic energy signature of the rupture of another dimension and matched it with the database he had, he realized that it might be the Yabo people.

To be honest, he was surprised at first that the Yabo people would appear here. He could only speculate that this might be related to the collaboration between Marvel and the Ultra Universe.

Although as the Ultra Universe enters a new era, ancient BOSSs like the Yabo people have fallen from the final BOSS to the status of a handyman in front of today's Ultra brothers, but they are still a big deal in front of ordinary Ultra warriors. Demon king level existence.

With his strong personal strength, the super technology transformed by super beasts, and the ability to manipulate dimensions, Shen You knew before that even ten of him combined would never be a match for this kind of BOSS.

But what do you say?

Before was before.

Shen You, who has been working alone in DC until now, is no longer a rookie hiding in the spring water of the Kingdom of Light.

"You are not a member of the security force, or a newcomer, maybe? Otherwise I should recognize you." The Yabo man tilted his head.

This surprised Shen You. There are so many people in the Space Guard, including so many nameless Ultra Warriors who haven't even shown their faces on TV. Can the Awa people actually remember them all?

As expected of Ace-senpai’s fan base

"It doesn't matter. But since you are here, you should have seen it, young Ultra Warrior." The Yabo man sneered, "This planet, the humans here.

Dirty, backward, fighting each other. They exhausted their resources and wisdom to create the ultimate weapons, but their ultimate goal was just to kill their own compatriots."

"Sorry to interrupt," Tony couldn't help but frown after hearing this, "You sound familiar? Who is this person who is making a speech?"

The Arbois glanced at him but ignored him.

"So you've been busy doing this here? Give some evil-minded people some extra-dimensional technology and let them carry out terrorist attacks and destruction, so that you can accuse human beings of moral problems from the commanding heights?" Shen You asked.

"I'm just clarifying the facts." The Yabo people said calmly, "Now that you have seen this, you know what they will do once they have the power.

I'll tell you the truth. In the past, I wouldn't even say this to a newcomer like you, but now I'm willing to give you an extra chance like this."

The Arbois stretched out their hands to him.

"Cooperate with me. For such an earth and such human beings, there should be no reason to fight, right? Join us Yabo people.

Imagine a young Ultra Warrior. Together, in this new universe, how much can we accomplish? "

"I see, you are right."

Shen Youzuo looked thoughtful and nodded slightly.

"Indeed, I have seen what humans are doing in this world." Shen You said, "Maybe more than you think. Fighting for internal resources, racial differences, chaos and destruction, and selfish desires At the expense of thousands of lives.”

"Ha, exactly."

The people of Abo were overjoyed. He didn't expect that the new Ultraman he met by chance in this alien land would be so easy to talk to. It was completely different from the stubborn heads he met before who couldn't explain anything at all.

Although Tony didn't recognize either of the two parties talking here, he had already roughly guessed that the two sides seemed to represent two alien forces. Judging from the content of the conversation, it seemed that they were about to reach an agreement.

"Jarvis, prepare the armor for battle." Tony looked solemn.

He had a hunch that if the war started, he might not be able to leave here alive.

"So you agreed?" asked the Yabo man.

"Of course, there is no reason to disagree." Shen You shrugged, "Honestly, you are right, this universe is even outside the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Light. It was just an accident that I came here. I just wanted to find it from the beginning. Just the way home.

As for the people and creatures here? I don't care and have no reason to care. As you said, they don't even care about themselves, so why should I worry about others? "

"That's right."

Yabo was very happy, thinking that finally, after so many years, he finally succeeded in deceiving the first Ultraman who could listen to him.

Sure enough, his thinking was wrong before and he always preyed on the elite members of the police force. Now it seems that the newbies below are better at psychologically building up.

Although he doesn't pay much attention to a rookie Ultraman, even if he just takes this opportunity to delve into the secrets of light and understand the powerful secrets of the Ultra clan, it is still a huge gain.

"Your choice is correct, child." The Yabo people made a mysterious look and nodded slightly, "Space dimension technology is the field that we Yabo people are best at. I can give you what you want."

"That couldn't be better."

Shen You stepped forward to shake hands with him, and they seemed to have become good brothers while talking and laughing.

"Oh, right."

Shen You thought of something and looked back at Iron Man.

"This human being knows too much."

The Yabo man nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter, he's just a primitive earthling with a little cleverness. I'll just take care of it."

As he spoke, he took a step forward and lazily raised his arms as if to attack Iron Man.

Tony was on guard and raised his arms to prepare for the attack.

But at this moment, there was a scoff.

The Yabo man suddenly froze.

His eyes widened and his gaze slowly moved downward.

He looked at his chest in disbelief, the sharp blade made of light particles that penetrated from his back to his chest.

And Shen You who stabbed him in the back without warning.

"you you."

The pupils of the Yabo people were shaking, as if their world view had collapsed.

".You plotted against me!?"

An Ultraman? A warrior of light? ?

She actually deceived his feelings and shot him behind his back!

"You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you!"

I don't know if he was angry or injured, but Yabo spit out a large mouthful of something black and blood-like, but continued to shout angrily regardless of his injuries.

"You actually lied to me, you. Are you still a Warrior of Light!?"

"I wonder if you are old and confused." Shen You raised his eyebrows, "Then if I really join in the same trap with you, am I considered a warrior of light?"

Abo people: "."

What MD said made sense, but he was speechless.

But he still couldn't accept it.

You're such a majestic Ultraman, and you actually came to steal and lie to me about an old boss from the Showa era?

How can your mind be so dark and vicious! ?

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