I become light in American comics

Chapter 559 The strongest weapon?

The process of coming to terms with a desperate situation was more intense than Tony imagined. The first minute was a rapidly intensifying pain, followed by a strong spasm after the numbness of the pain. His consciousness quickly blurred, and everything in his field of vision faded away, even Maya Hansen's voice constantly calling his name became farther and farther away.

In the complete darkness, he seemed to see light again. In that dazzling light, the giant's image seemed to be floating against the background of the endless starry sky, looking at him so quietly, with some kind of divinity in his golden eyes.

Tony raised his head and looked at the huge figure.

".What the hell are you?"

No reply.


"Tony? Tony?"

Tony opened his eyes with some difficulty. He was blinded by the light at first, but he quickly adapted and could clearly see Maya Hansen next to him.

"I'm alive."

"Yes. Your body has been struggling for four hours. Then, please don't move around. I have to give you a comprehensive examination."


Tony stood up and unplugged the lines all over his body. He took a deep breath and felt that even his breathing became easier.

"I made some changes to the program while you were out," he said. "I deleted some security measures and added some personal touches."

Maya Hansen was stunned.

"what have you done?"

"What I should do, this."

He opened his hands.

The next moment, Maya Hansen's eyes widened, and she was shocked to see something seeping out from under his skin.

The liquid-like substance seeped out from under the skin and quickly took shape as it covered the entire body until it became solid like metal.

The red and gold body fit tightly to his body, transforming into a complex mechanical structure, cables and electronic components, until it transformed into a complete armor covering his whole body.

"What are you doing!?"

The scene in front of her was obviously beyond Maya Hansen's cognition as a biologist. She could not help but be stunned when she saw the Iron Man armor that suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Don't be surprised, nanotechnology is just an idea, and it may take several years to be completed." Tony said, "I have solved the problem of nanomaterial deformation long ago, but I have never been able to solve the problem of miniaturizing the completed system. question.

A nanosuit could theoretically be made, but there would be no operating system to make it work. "

Maya gradually caught up with his train of thought: "You mean you use desperate situations?"

"Yes, Extremis has solved the problem of the operating system." Tony said, "The nanomaterial is hidden in the gaps of my bones, allowing it to be summoned at any time.

And the desperate situation made my brain directly connected to the armor. So this armor is part of my body and I am part of the armor system. My brain is the operating system. "

"It's like growing new arms and legs. Exactly how desperate situations work."

Maya sat down at the table and rubbed her temples, as if she was a little tired.

"I gotta. I need to digest."

"If you are scared by this, then don't watch what happens next." Tony said.

The cell phone rings.

"Pause for a moment, I'll take a call."

Maya took out her phone and pressed answer: "This is Maya Hansen."

A voice came from the other end of the phone: "This is Tony Stark, Hi Maya."

Maya was stunned and turned to look at Tony in surprise.

"Friendly reminder, my mouth didn't even move."

Tony slapped his new iron skull bluntly.

"I did it entirely with my brain. My brain is the new Iron Man operating system. I can invade any system and tamper with any data just by thinking. Or you can also think that the Iron Man armor did it. That's fine."

Maya: "."

She may need some time to catch up.

When she originally designed Extremis, she never dreamed that her virus could be used in this way. Stark relied on the virus to directly achieve a major breakthrough in man-machine integration.

"Well, you still need a check-up anyway." Maya said, "The impact of the desperate situation on your organs, as well as your current physiological operation."

"It doesn't matter, the armor has already done this. It can monitor my physical condition in real time. I have never been in better condition than now."

Iron Man turned around and walked out following the heavy mechanical sound.

"It's time to get to work. There are more Extremis warriors out there, as well as your boss Killian who is carrying out terrorist activities."

"He hid his tracks and we don't know where he is now," Maya said.

"No, I know."

Tony gestured to his iron skull again.

".I can see them through the satellite now."


The Extremis Nano Armor provides Iron Man with a brand new upgrade. The breakthrough in the realm makes everything related to data on the earth almost no longer a secret to him.

Naturally, it is no longer that difficult to find a group of terrorists hiding in Miami who think they are seamless.

Half an hour later, Iron Man attacked the camp under the banner of "The Mandarin". In less than a minute, the Nano Battle Armor paralyzed the entire base's systems, blew up four turrets, blasted away a series of tanks and chariots, tore open the iron gate and rushed into the camp.

In the end, the only ones standing in front of him were Killian and his so-called Desperate Warriors.

"Jarvis, how many desperate opponents do we have?"

"I counted thirty-two, sir," Jarvis said.

"Thirty-two." Tony narrowed his eyes in the suit, "Great."

Last time, he almost died in the armor with just one, but this time, he broke through thirty.

But this does not affect his confidence.

Because he just got the biggest upgrade Iron Man has ever seen. This time, he came prepared.

"Now, Tony, we're finally on the roof."

Aldridge Killian stood before him. The high temperature of his body had burned the suit on his body, revealing a body of strong muscles that looked like flames.

He grinned lightly and opened his arms.

"It's time to end this."

"You know, I completely agree with what you said just now." Tony tilted his head and said while looking at each of the Extremis warriors around him.

"But do you realize that this is the story of The Incredibles?"


Killian raised an eyebrow.

"What nonsense are you talking about? There's no such thing."

"No, it's exactly the same." Tony said seriously, "Look, we have known each other a long time ago, and I hurt your feelings and brought you to the edge of collapse.

Then you come back, become a supervillain, and for a time have the upper hand.

I am Mr. Incredible and you are Mr. Incredible. "

"What? This is completely different. Are you blind?" Killian was displeased. "I can become very hot and I can breathe fire!"

Tony continued: "I even have a black buddy who helps me fight crime, and he even wears armor."

Killian: "."

Damn, it’s really The Incredibles.

"that's not important."

Killian regained his ferocious expression.

"In short, Iron Man is a thing of the past. You will see with your own eyes how you are eliminated."

"By you cheap little matches?" Tony mocked, "I don't think so."

"Say what you will, but Iron Man's days as the number one man-made combat weapon on the planet are over."

Killian sneered and squeezed the bones until they crackled.

"Don't take any action, this is a matter between me and him, and it can only be ended by us."

He ordered to the younger brothers, and then his eyes fell on Iron Man again.

"Now I'll let you see——"

The accident happened in this moment.

Like a bolt of lightning.

In other words, a light riding on lightning flew in from the outside. Some kind of domineering and unrivaled energy swept through the entire room like a storm.

Tony and Killian faced each other, both stunned for a moment.

When they suddenly looked around in shock, they discovered that they were the only two people standing in the whole room.

Thirty-two desperate warriors were completely wiped out in almost one frame.


Killian was stunned.

what? Stark's secret weapon?

But what kind of secret weapon can fortify a fortress to this extent?

However, Tony was no less confused than him at this time.

"Jarvis, what happened?"

"It looks like someone passed by in a flash and killed all the enemies easily, sir."

Tony: "?"

So what am I here for?

The two of them turned around as if instinctively, and suddenly saw that the figure in the lightning seemed to have stopped.

That thing looks like...a suit of armor?

Tony's eyes widened at this moment, and he felt as if his world view had been shocked.

What kind of armor can be so awesome?

The red and silver armor had already passed by them, and was walking slowly to a door in the base, seemingly scanning for something.

After it seemed that the scan had found something, the armor raised his hand and made a gesture similar to "getting up".

Then a sealed alloy door panel in front of him quickly twisted as if under an invisible force, was crushed into a ball of scrap metal, and was thrown aside.

The man paused before entering and turned to look at the two of them.

"Oh, don't pay attention to me, I'm just passing by. You continue."

After speaking, he waved his hands and disappeared behind the door.

Tony: "."

Killian: "."

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