I become light in American comics

Chapter 558 Determination


Maya Hansen was a little surprised when she saw Stark appearing in front of her again.

"What about your desperate situation?"

"Yeah, I came across one of your creations, and it's pretty cool, I must admit."

Tony said calmly.

"He was strong, and fast, and I had almost no chance of operating the armor. In fact, I probably should have been dead."

He glanced at his hands, looking a little strange.

"I thought I was dead at that point."

Maya looked at him carefully.

"But you look fine now," Maya said. "I can't even tell you're hurt."

Tony was silent for a few seconds.

".I think I met him."


"The Giant of Light, the one who appeared in New York."

This time Maya couldn't hide her surprise.


"That's an unregistered name that was spread online, but you can say that." Tony said calmly, "Maybe it was just a hallucination before I died, maybe it was just... I can't say. I actually didn't really see the other person clearly. , but I could feel something pulling me just when I was about to die.

I just vaguely felt that there was some kind of power at work, as if there was light suddenly in the complete darkness, and in the light was the posture of the giant."

"This is simply crazy." Maya frowned, "Even if he is real, even if he really just happened to pass by. Why would he save you? I mean, the mainstream view now is that he is an alien, right?"

Tony thought for a moment and suddenly slowly unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his upper body.

And the eye-catching arc reactor on his chest, the symbol of Iron Man, is also what he relies on to sustain life.

"You should have heard of this." He pointed to his chest.

"I heard," Maya recalled, "it was said on TV that you have been wearing it since you came out of the cave. That is what keeps you alive, right?"

"Yeah. I got a little souvenir in the war zone, a piece of shrapnel." He pointed to his chest, "Every moment, it is crawling towards my heart.

The arc reactor is not only the core of Iron Man, it also performs a similar job as a magnet. As long as it's still functioning, the shrapnel won't sink deeper and I won't die from it. "

"I'm sorry to hear that, Tony." Maya crossed her arms.

"No, because that's a thing of the past," Tony said.


"Like I said, I almost died earlier today, and someone saved me." Tony said seriously, "Do you know what happened after that? I asked the armor to do a full body check-up on me, and the results showed that I was very healthy. .

In fact, the healthiest I've been in the past decade. All of my body parameters are at peak performance, and the shrapnel is gone. "

Maya frowned: "Wait, what do you mean? You mean."

"I mean that man not only saved my life, but with a simple wave of his hand he healed a wound that even the most advanced medical science in the world could do nothing about."

Maya was stunned: "Are you sure?"

"Definitely, I've never been in better shape. I feel like he said something to me. About what Iron Man is."

"What is it?"

But Tony shook his head and didn't answer directly.

"That's what I hope to find out if I ever meet him again and what he is and what his purpose is. But before that."

Tony changed the topic and looked at Maya solemnly.

"I need you desperate."

"What?" Maya was stunned, "Are you saying that we need desperate situation data to study countermeasures? I have already given you what I have on hand.

But as I said, Killian received some outside assistance. He won’t tell us who the mysterious allies are, but after what they did, the desperate situation is no longer the desperate situation I originally developed.”

"No, I mean, I need you to inject me with Extremis."

This time Maya really almost jumped in shock.

"Are you crazy?"

Tony continued, minding his own business.

"When I first saw your desperate design, I knew it was what I needed, but I just didn't make up my mind. But after playing against it and experiencing it myself, I am now sure.

Extremis is a biosynthetic machine, and I'm just a man in armor. I tried my best to make the armor response faster with every new model design and every system upgrade, but it was not fast enough.

And the idea of ​​Extremis, it allows the armor to connect directly to my brain. Who knows? I might even be able to invent brain TV technology in the future, and everyone will be crazy about it. "

He even had the guts to joke about it.

But Maya Hansen couldn't laugh it off: "But there are still unresolved problems in my desperate situation. If you have seen the data, you should know that there is a risk of overheating in the experimental subject, and you may explode."

"Then let's solve the problem together." Tony said, "I solved your problem in just one morning more than ten years ago, right? And that was after a hangover."

Maya was silent.

Indeed, she mentioned her research topic when she and Tony spent an evening together in 1999. After Tony left in the morning, he casually wrote the formula he derived on the back of a business card, which solved the problem that had troubled her for a long time.

He's a conceited bastard, but he's also an undoubted genius of a generational level.

"But even so, injections are still accompanied by huge risks." She shook her head, "Although most of the previous experimental subjects were physically disabled, most of them were front-line soldiers, otherwise they were very strong."

"And I have just been cured of a hidden illness by a mysterious being. My body has not looked brand new like this for a long time." Tony said.

Maya: "."

"Besides, we can also adjust Extremis to reduce the load. I don't need to get hot, breathe fire, or have great physical strength." Tony continued, "So I don't need Extremis to help me grow new organs. , I just needed to be part of the armor myself.”

Maya Hansen was silent for another while.

"You're crazy," she said again.

"Maybe. But you know what my biggest nightmare is?"


"Iron Man became obsolete, obsolete, replaced. It became cheap, everyone could do it, and the worst part was that the new model wasn't developed by me."

"But no one can replace it."

"Exoskeleton technology? Maybe yes. But the people we are comparing to are no longer the industry leaders on Earth." Tony shook his head, "Look at New York. Aliens, huge wormholes, and Starfleet.

Then a glowing giant came and easily destroyed our entire helpless fleet with a wave of his hand. "

Maya suddenly said: "I seem to understand a little bit"

"That's it." Tony said in a deep voice, "This is our earth, our world, Maya. This is an era of rapid change, and I need the ability to keep up with the changes.

They say that I am a future scientist, someone who will create the future for this world. So I have to shoulder these and make plans for everyone’s future, and it can only be done by me, do you understand? "

Maya seemed to have never seen such a serious Tony in her memory, and it was also the first time she saw such a firm gaze.

".ok, I get it."

Maya Hansen rubbed the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll give you an injection of extremis."

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