
Eric was a little confused.

This doesn't look like the Iron Man armor and gives him a completely different feel. But he had never heard of anyone else on Earth possessing such advanced exoskeleton technology except Stark.

"No, but you'll soon wish I was."


Eric curled his lips and stepped forward carelessly.

"I've even done Iron Man"

He kicked his steps and accelerated suddenly, his figure tumbling like a leaping fire dragon.

"Let's see how much weight your iron shell weighs?"


With an explosion-like roar, the desperate warrior flew out upside down, half of his face deformed by the terrifying force. He rolled and flew far away, and the high temperature of his body burned a burning black track on the ground.


Shen You frowned slightly.

Eric, who had been blown away by him, actually swayed and stood up again, his broken body tissues repairing rapidly. But it's not just a repair, it looks like it's mutating.

The skin that originally looked almost transparent due to the high temperature was replaced by some strange rock-like black tissue, firmly covering the surface of its body. The rugged skin was covered with bone spurs, and sharp knife-like bone spurs sprouted from the backs of both hands. The eyes seemed to have turned into some kind of ferocious beast.

"What exactly did you do?" Shen You frowned.

This is definitely not what the original Extremis virus was supposed to do.

Extremis modifies untapped parts of the human brain, enhancing repair capabilities and forcing the body to regrow stronger organs. But still fundamentally human.

But this body has clearly broken away from the human body and has begun to transform into some other species.

"We have created the ultimate creature, the new most powerful individual combat weapon!"

Eric shouted and flew towards him.

"Instead of those fancy and useless armors like those of you!"

He still moved extremely fast, turning into a burning afterimage and flying towards him. But Shen You stood motionless on the spot, but his eyes could see accurately, and he could easily see through and predict the opponent's movement trajectory.

His right palm came out sharply, and his five fingers accurately grasped the throat of the afterimage that was coming towards him. Eric's movements suddenly stopped abruptly, as if the energy circulation in his body was forcibly cut off along with his breathing, and his whole body was unable to exert any strength.

What frightened him even more was that Eric soon felt a burning sensation.

From the steel palm, there was a hot touch, accompanied by a sharp sting, as if thousands of sharp thorns were stirring up the nerves.

You actually feel hot?

You must know that he is a desperate warrior, his body temperature can easily reach several thousand degrees, and he is a high-temperature explosive barrel that can explode easily. And after the desperate situation escalates, even if he is at the center of a five-thousand-degree energy explosion, he can quickly return to an unscathed state.

How could he feel hot like this?

And this armor, and the person in this armor, how can he withstand such a temperature?

"You seem to think you're hot."

Shen You said lightly, and the core on the chest of the mobile display suddenly turned from blue to red. Red flame-like energy enveloped the whole body of the armor and was released from his palms.

"But you don't know anything about real heat."

Shen You said and added fire again.

"First of all, let's learn to adapt to the temperature of 'anger'."

The red light of rage.

The ultra-high temperature far exceeds the desperate situation, and the super corrosive power beyond the temperature. The flames of anger instantly enveloped Eric's body, burning through his skin and flesh, melting his bones, causing the disintegrating skeleton to sway and scream miserably.

"No nothing can surpass your why.how."

Eric had collapsed to the ground, and his shocking skeleton had turned black, but Hongyan still clung to him like a shadow, refusing to let go.

"My temperature, I will never let the heat give me uhhhhh!!!"

A few seconds later, Eric Severn melted completely, and even his ashes were burned, along with the desperate situation they were proud of.

Facts have proved that even in a desperate situation known for its high temperature, it is obviously still no match for the temperature of anger.

Shen You then turned his attention to Iron Man who had turned off his engine.

For a moment, Tony felt as if he were dead.

He returned to the cave back then and to Dr. Yin Sen, who gave him a second life.

It's still that cave, that experimental table filled with scraps and worn-out equipment. Yin Sen sat opposite, looking into his eyes under the dim light.

"So you made it out," the doctor said softly. "Escaped from hell, this prison."

"Yes." Tony nodded.

"You said your previous life was a joke, and you have to be different in the future."

"I told you," he said.

"Then," Dr. Yinsen turned around, as if looking into his soul through his eyes, "did you do it?"

Tony was silent.

This time he was silent for a long time, as if he was lost in thought.

".I have no idea."

The lights went out and darkness engulfed the entire cave. Tony felt the air beneath his feet, and he seemed to begin to fall freely, ending in endless nothingness.

For the first time in his life, he wanted to do something meaningful.

People call him a future scientist, a person who plans and creates the future for the world. But one day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that this was not the case at all. All he has left behind is pain and destruction, and he has lost himself in flattery and empty praise.

Just once, he tried to do something right, but it seemed like he just failed.

In the endless darkness, the voice of the program host seemed to ring in his ears, and even the image seemed to overlap with Yin Sen in the cave.

"Iron Man is the ultimate weapon."

said the voice.

"It is the final version of the fusion of all the killing weapons you have designed."

"In the end you didn't make any difference."


He suddenly felt so tired, as if he was even more tired than when he was trapped in the cave. Maybe he never escaped from the cave.

He closed his eyes and let his body fall toward nothingness.

Let's end it like this.

Let all mistakes follow you.

But there was another voice, as if coming from the far, dark side.

"Why did you create Iron Man?"

Tony thought instinctively.

"To create the future."

"So in your eyes, when you designed and completed it with your own hands, was what you envisioned and expected in your heart the ultimate weapon?"


Tony responded instinctively, suddenly feeling a little more energetic for no apparent reason.

Then he seemed to hear a soft laugh.

"Then it looks like you already know the answer."

Suddenly, he felt less cold and less tired. He opened his eyes slightly and seemed to see the darkness being dispelled.

For a moment, he seemed to see Dr. Yin Sen again in a trance, but this time he smiled and nodded gently to him in the radiance as warm as the spring sun.

"Yin Sen."

He tried to reach out, but the image quickly disappeared.

The dazzling and warm light tore apart the hell-like darkness. He felt as if he was full of strength again for no reason, and even all the fatigue was swept away.

Opening his eyes, he seemed to see a giant.

The giant bathed in light stretched out his big hand to him.

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