I become light in American comics

Chapter 556 Unknown Energy

“nice guy”

Shen You stood among the charred ruins, facing the mess on the ground.

This place originally seemed to be a top-secret experimental site, but now it has become unrecognizable. Broken glass was everywhere, and the remains of instruments and experimental equipment fell to the ground, exuding a pungent smell.

"Pal, can you restore the scene?" he asked through the armor.

"Trying, sir."

The light projected by the mobile armor created a three-dimensional projection on the ruins, and the transparent blue image restored the original appearance of the site. Through the reconstruction of the scene traces, it can be seen that this was originally some kind of biological laboratory, and the words "AIM" were barely pieced together from some of the wreckage that fell on the ground.

"That's it for AIM. This is a testing ground for desperate situations."

Shen You quickly matched this scene with the movie setting. In the original work, AIM was a cutting-edge technological terrorist organization, but in the MCU it was reset to Aldrich Killian's organization, which is also the development team of the Extremis virus.

In other words, the energy signal he detected also came from the Extremis Experimental Site.

Shen You thought he was looking for clues related to his own universe. Why was it involved in a desperate situation?

And judging from the traces on the site, it is obvious that an experimental accident occurred, and all organizations and researchers have already evacuated. He tried downloading the data recovered from the ruins, but didn't have much hope of finding anything.

"There's a high-energy reaction, sir," Pal reminded. "It's about twelve miles away from us."

As he spoke, the display interface inside the armor marked the coordinates, as well as an abnormal red-hot temperature response.

"Five thousand degrees?" Shen You raised his eyebrows.

To him, the temperature was naturally not very high, but normally this was definitely an abnormal phenomenon. You don't often see anything this hot on Earth.

The distance of twelve miles is basically one step away for him, even in Marvel where speed is limited. Shen You's body swayed, and he had arrived at the high temperature mark almost in a blink of an eye.

And you can see where the heat source is at a glance.

A desperate warrior.

To be more precise, he is a desperate warrior named Eric Severn, Killian's most capable assistant in the movie, and he is considered an elite monster.

He originally seemed to be transferring in a jeep until Iron Man arrived in an air attack and a pulse hand cannon blew up the jeep. The car body flipped over several times gorgeously and fell to the ground on all four wheels.

But only a moment later, the chassis of the car was burned through by red-hot light. A hand protruded from the red pit like a branding iron, and the desperate warrior who looked like he was burning quickly climbed out.

Iron Man landed in front of him, his palm cannon locked.

"Kneel down with your hands on your head. There is no reason why you shouldn't do this." Tony's voice came from behind the armor, "Unless you don't want your head anymore."

"Is it?"

Eric twisted his neck, stepped forward and sneered.

"I don't think so."

He had no intention of stopping.

Iron Man didn't hesitate and opened fire.

Pulse energy shot out from the palm of his hand and hit the opponent's chest head-on. The desperate warrior staggered back two steps, but actually ate it steadily. The clothes on his chest were burned through, and scorching red marks briefly appeared on his skin, but in a fleeting moment, it returned to its original state.

"40% of pulse energy has no effect, sir."

"I noticed." Tony shouted, "The energy is increased to 80%."

The reactor output increased, and white light flashed in Iron Man's palm. The milky white energy impact blasted out again, but only one side of Eric's upper body was seen, and he actually avoided it.

The next moment, the Extremis Warrior kicked his foot, and his figure disappeared from Tony's eyes.


With the armor lock mark behind him, Tony turned around quickly, raised his hand and fired from the palm cannon. But the opponent seemed to have pre-read his movements and suddenly grabbed his wrist the moment before he charged up and fired.

The red hot energy was embedded in his armor, and the huge grip made the wrist armor dent. Eric took advantage of the situation and turned his palm cannon, hitting Iron Man's own faceplate with one shot.

"What the hell, what's his speed?"

Before Tony could finish his sentence, he received another knee blow to his abdomen. The heavy momentum and high heat penetrated the armor and spread to the inside, and the armor was as hot as an oven.

"The armor was severely damaged and the heat destroyed the energy pathways."

"No need to notify me when the mark is on the screen!"

Tony yelled quickly, punching hard at the same time. As the punch was punched out, the thruster on his elbow suddenly ejected, and the punch trailing flames reached astonishing power and speed under the power of the thrust.

But still failed.

The other party is too fast. The unscientific movement trajectory is like some new creature that surpasses human beings.

This time, the helmet was hit hard again. The monitor in front of Tony's eyes blurred, and the golden visor was twisted under the hot power of the fist.

Iron Man punched back, but was caught firmly by the opponent's fingers. The armor's output of at least 20 tons hit that palm, but it was unable to move it at all.

Eric's lips curled up: "Why, that's all you have? Didn't you eat?"

Iron Man remained calm, the mechanism on his fist wrist opened, and the spherical projectile weapons fired densely. A large number of micro bombs came into contact with Eric like a swarm, detonating one after another, causing the latter to stagger back again.

But still useless. The powerful explosion rolled up flames and black smoke, but only caused some waves of flames on the indestructible body.

"What the hell are you?" Tony began to be a little shocked.

The next moment, the other party had already stepped forward again.

Still at that fast and invisible speed, a side kick almost broke the leg of Iron Man's armor. The latter had to kneel down on one knee. He raised his hand and tried to counterattack with a repulsive pulse, but was interrupted by a flying knee.

"Face the truth, Stark. Iron Man is obsolete and obsolete."

Eric shouted, crossing his arms in a strange posture. The flames were released through his palms, turning into scalding fireballs as they swirled.

No, it's not just fire.

The flame is simply attached to a core.

Some type of energy that was quite powerful but Tony had never seen before, some kind of searing golden light.

"Let's just become the remnants of the old times!"

Explosive golden light and flames swept over. Iron Man was blasted upside down until he was melted by high heat and annihilated by energy until he was invisible.


Eric blasted out with one blow, looking at the huge empty pit in front of him that was now empty and smoking, he felt suddenly alert.

It wasn't that he was killed.

But disappeared at the moment of being hit?

At a speed that was so fast that even he couldn't see clearly after being upgraded by the desperate situation.

But how is this possible?

Eric suddenly turned around and looked around, and was shocked to see that Iron Man had disappeared, and instead, some kind of red and silver armor suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost, looking at him coldly.

"Whether it's a desperate situation or a terrorist activity, it has nothing to do with me."

Shen You took a step forward and said calmly.

"But that energy just now was not from the earth, it shouldn't be a product of this universe, right?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"So I'm sorry, could you please explain to me where you got this kind of thing?"

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