New York.

The traces of the war are gradually fading, and the reconstruction of the city is accelerating. The ruins and rubble are gradually cleared from the streets, and people wearing protective clothing, masks and gloves are busy in the streets and alleys.

Temporary shelters for construction workers can be seen everywhere, simple huts built with wooden boards and plastic. The streets are coming to life again as the sun shines through the flying dust.

And on a certain street in the middle of Manhattan's war zone, an inconspicuous new store has quietly appeared riding on this trend of reconstruction.

The word "HISHE" is clearly hung on the store door.

".Looks like we'll be open for business next week, sir."

Parr said from behind while Shen You was busy.


Shen You said casually without raising his head while carefully looking at a set of test data obtained from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Then it looks like the only thing we're missing here is a Superman and a Batman."

"Are you saying we have to bring Mr. Kent and Mr. Wayne to this universe as a to-do?"

"No, just kidding. Have a sense of humor, Pal."

Shen You straightened up and clapped his hands.

"Good, I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"The Cosmic Cube, sir?"

"Yes. Record the data and make sure all sensors are turned on." Shen You rubbed his hands, "Space Gem Test 001, try to see if my theory is correct.

The experiment is about to begin, in three, two, one seconds, right now. "

He snapped his fingers crisply.

Following the square blue Rubik's Cube that he placed in a special container and filled with cables, it began to react.

The faint blue light rippled in it like water waves, and an astonishing amount of energy radiated from it. Normally, such a huge energy explosion in the center of New York would never be able to escape the eyes and ears of all parties, such as SHIELD, Stark or Hydra. But Shen You had already taken safety precautions.

The newly built laboratory under the coffee shop is completely enclosed by a blue light force field, and all energy or electromagnetic signals are completely shielded. Moreover, Shen You is quite confident in the strength of his barrier. Even if a nuclear bomb is detonated in this room, the neighbor next door will definitely be able to sleep like a baby without hearing any movement.

The blue energy condensed in the experimental clearing, and the space was twisted and torn. The energy of the original stone surged, opening a swirling vortex that seemed to lead to chaos, with lightning tumbling all around.

Shen You released blue light energy and visualized a palm reaching the other side of the portal. The figurative palm casually grabbed it, as if it had caught something, and soon pulled out an object that looked like a hammer.

Shen You glanced quickly: "Unknown elements, alien technology. Write down the results, Pal. The first experiment was successful. It seems that we have found a way to open the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers again, and the space vortex immediately shrank and disappeared.

"Congratulations, sir."

Pal paused and then said doubtfully.

"But whose hammer did you take?"

Shen You glanced at the hammer in his hand: "Oh, I didn't pay attention. It's just a casual test, it shouldn't be anything important, right?"

At this time, on the other side of the universe, is the Kree Empire, one of Marvel's most famous interstellar empires.

"Kill all the remaining Skrulls and restore the glory of the Kree!"

Standing on the stage and shouting loudly was Ronan the Accuser, the boss of the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" and a well-known general of the Kree radicals.

In his hand, he holds high the hammer that symbolizes the identity of the accuser. It is the supreme crystallization of Kree technology and is called the "universal weapon." It is also used by him as a medium to control the infinite stones in the movie.

"Restore the glory of Kree! Restore the glory of Kree!"

The Kree army below followed him and shouted in unison. The shouts were loud and terrifying.

Ronan raised the all-powerful weapon in his hand higher: "Let those scoundrels relive their fears and know who is..."

When he said this, he was about to take advantage of the situation and swing the sledgehammer, but failed.

There seemed to be some extremely huge resistance acting on the hammer, and even if he tried his best, he couldn't shake it at all.

But he is Ronan the Accuser, one of the most powerful men in the Kree Empire. What kind of person can resist his power?

Ronan turned his head in shock, and suddenly saw a chaotic vortex opening up in the air next to him. A transparent hand made of blue light stretched out from it and grasped his hammer. That hand of light seemed to have endless power. No matter how much force Ronan exerted, it was like a stone in the sea, without any reaction.

Then the hand of light twitched violently.

He actually pulled the hammer out of his hand forcefully and disappeared into the whirlpool.

Then the vortex closed, as if it had never existed.

Ronan: "???"

What situation B?

All the Kree warriors in the audience also maintained an angry posture of pumping their fists in unison, but for a while, everyone was frozen as if the screen was still. The whole place was silent for a moment.

The Magnum Weapon is Ronan's iconic equipment and the most valuable individual weapon of the Kree.

As a result, he was snatched away from the hands of the accuser Ronan in public, in front of the most elite Kree army of the radicals.

With such an abstract and outrageous development, it may be difficult for anyone to believe it even if it is told.

"Who? Who is so bold!?"

Ronan came to his senses and was so angry that he went crazy.

He actually took his hammer away from him in front of him.

What's this? This is called the Lord’s current crime!

Who can bear this?

Immediately, a subordinate came forward sweating profusely: "Your accuser, we have repeatedly confirmed the security of the venue, and there should be nothing abnormal. The transmission shielding has also been turned on. We just checked again to see if the shielding device is working now. abnormal.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible.”

Ronan waved his hands, his face ashen.

"This is a provocation." Ronan said coldly, "That is not an ordinary alpha transmission technology, it is some kind of emerging technology that we have never seen before. No matter who is behind it, it must be a top force with first-class research and development capabilities.

They must have been planning for this moment for a long time and spent a lot of time planning carefully just to humiliate me. "

The subordinate became more and more frightened as he listened, and said in a trembling voice: "The accuser, us?"

"Find them." Ronan said solemnly, "No matter who it is, I will let them know that if they dare to provoke me, they must be prepared to pay the price."

At this moment, Shen You looked at the hammer in his hand.

"I seem to have seen this hammer somewhere"

Pal asked: "Do you need search matching technology?"

"No, I have already analyzed it. It looks like some kind of individual combat weapon. It has no novel technology and is worthless."

He tossed it aside.

"Dispose of it as waste and record the raw materials. It seems that the universe we come from does not have this element."

"Okay, sir."

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