I become light in American comics

Chapter 551 Deathrattle

Superstar: "."

It has to be said that she must have never dreamed of what she was about to experience in the solar system.

The powerful gravity attack just now made her feel outrageous enough, but now?

What is the value of being directly hit by dimensionality reduction?

Which idiot said that the earth can be a simple copy with hands? Is this really something people can understand?

"The whole army obeys the order."

The superstar had a dark face and ordered in a deep voice.

"Retreat, retreat at full speed!"

And go deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence? She inquired about information about Hammer.

The new goal is to win if you get back alive.

"Antimatter energy reaction!"

Operators screamed from other battleships.

"We're locked down! Help, help. Uhhhh!!!"

The screams were swallowed up along with the signal. Everyone turned to look and saw that the moment the ship was in contact, a violent explosion occurred. Light splashed out and energy surged, like huge stars burning in the void. The ship quickly disintegrated under the annihilation of anti-matter weapons, and even the wreckage turned into smoke and dissipated.

At the same time, looking to the other side of the porthole, I saw a huge mouth of nothingness opening up in the void. It was a black hole that opened unknown when, and even the galaxies and starlight were pulled and deformed under the influence of gravity, forming a surreal picture.

The battleship on that side began to twist under the huge gravity of the black hole. The hull, rudder, turret and other parts were pulled into long and thin lines, as if performing a cosmic-scale twisting art. Under that terrifying gravitational force, the ship's structure instantly exceeded its upper limit and disintegrated into countless tiny fragments.

The superstar's eyes almost widened.

No, as for that?

I'm just here to explore the way.

"The entire army was wiped out!" the operator on the main battleship trembled.

horrible. This was the most terrifying encounter for everyone on the ship since they stepped into the star sea.

Compared to the most powerful and invincible stellar-class battleships and invincible fleets in the universe, the invisible enemy they encountered at this time was even more terrifying.

The invisible enemy is everywhere in the battle like a ghost, but it seems to control the laws of the starry sky. Basic force, space, antimatter. It's like everything that exists in this starry sky is his weapon.

A ghostly opponent.

And they are just a group of people driving a spaceship, how can they fight against this kind of thing?

Only the last main battleship remains. The endless gorgeous offensive seemed to have stopped temporarily. The antimatter energy disappeared, the black hole gradually swirled, and the overbearing and distorted gravitational field slowly returned to normal.

The superstar immediately ruled out the possibility that the other party was actually planning to let them go.

The only thing left is the main battleship, the ship where the commander is located. The reason why the other party didn't wave his hand and destroy the ship like before was just because he had questions to ask.

In other words, the other party’s next move. No, it’s possible that he’s already on the ship now!

The moment he figured this out, the superstar immediately unleashed all his abilities!

Her specialty is mental power, and she is among the best among those with mental abilities in the universe. Her mental power covered the entire ship, and she immediately captured the intruder.

The intruder sneaked into the battleship by unknown means and was moving at incredible speeds, completely undetectable by conventional means.

But it's not impossible for the superstar's powerful psychic abilities.

Without hesitation, the superstar blasted into the opponent's consciousness with full firepower.

At first she felt strong resistance. But when she summoned all her strength and charged as if she was determined to die, she felt that the resistance suddenly disappeared. She exerted too much force and almost fell into the ocean of consciousness.

Just... came in so easily?

The superstar even felt a little incredible.

She looked around and was shocked to realize that she seemed to be in some kind of void. In the dark blue space, light flows slowly like water, and it seems as if there is no limit when looking around.

The superstar was shocked.

How can one have such a vast consciousness in his heart? Is this really the capacity that an individual can have?

Certain rumors she had heard flashed through her mind for a moment.

It is said that the oldest race in the universe, the starry sky giants known as the "Cosmic God Group", each possess great power that ordinary civilization cannot understand, and the boundaries of their minds are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

No, that's not possible.

The superstar shook off this unrealistic thought.

The era of gods has long passed, and gods rarely appear in the universe today. Especially in a place like the solar system, which can be called a wilderness, the probability of encountering a god is infinitely close to zero.

However, the next moment, she saw a giant in this realm of nothingness.

The body that stood upright against the sky was as huge as the infinite void. The dazzling golden light shrouded the sacred body, making it impossible to see him clearly, but just looking at the pressure of the outline made people go crazy.


The superstar tried his best to get out of that dangerous spirit. When he returned to reality, he found that his knees had already weakened, and he fell to his knees on the ground paralyzed, sweating like rain.

Only then did she realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere on the bridge.

Looking around, she was shocked to see that all the people on the bridge had fallen to the ground, and she was the only one left.

Standing in front of him was a suit of red and silver armor. The blue core shimmered like a gem, and the pair of eyepieces on the steel helmet shone with pale golden light.

That figure instantly overlapped with the terrifying giant she had just seen, causing her to be shaken.

"You are you. You are."


Centered on the bridge, the burst of fire quickly engulfed the battleship. The ship's hull was torn apart, with fragments flying everywhere, like meteors piercing the dark void, and the fire seemed to ignite the surrounding nebulae.

Having learned their power and purpose from the super star's head, Shen Youxuan lost interest in them.

"It turned out to be just Thanos's miscellaneous soldiers."

Shen You felt bored for a moment and turned around and flew back to the earth.

"You sound disappointed," Pal said. "Perhaps you thought someone was coming to find you?"

"That's not the case, but people have to have illusions." Shen You said casually, "It seems that we should continue to search for signals honestly."


At the same time, far away on the other side of the universe, the ebony throats of the five Obsidian generals trembled like an electric shock, and their movements froze.

The subordinate next to him immediately noticed the abnormality: "Is there something wrong, sir?"

Ebony Throat was stunned for a few seconds, and then he said dullly: "The super star is dead."

"Ah!?" The subordinate was also surprised, "But... how could it be...?"

"I don't know, but I sensed her last telepathy, her cry before she died." Ebony Throat said in a deep voice, "And her last message may be a warning."

"Warning? Is he the one who killed her?"

"Not sure."

Ebony Throat frowned and pondered for a moment.

"But her last message was, the Earth God, and the Iron Suit."

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