New York, Stark Tower.

This is one of the most iconic buildings in New York City and is Tony Stark's iconic property. Its appearance shows a futuristic design style. The streamlined frame is combined with high-tech materials. The main color is mainly dark gray, which gradually narrows upward from the bottom to form a tapered structure, making it look more towering. Enter the clouds.

The original Stark's name on the building was destroyed in the Battle of New York, and there happened to be only an "A" symbol left. However, after so many days, it seems that they have no intention of restoring the LOGO.

To this day the base of the building is still packed with excited people.

This was the case every day in New York after World War I. There would always be fans wearing Iron Man masks and holding signs expressing their love for themselves such as "Make a monkey". Just like occasionally catching their idol coming and going, or even just passing by in a suit of armor, it is worth their excitement all day long.

In fact, fans may have been more enthusiastic. After all, Iron Man had fans all over the world before the Avengers were established. This enthusiasm reached a new peak after the New York World War in the original work.

But now the Avengers' role has been largely taken away by an unknown giant who appears as a deus ex machina at the last moment, so the attention has also been reduced.

These days, the topics of various institutions and public opinions around the world are focused on that giant. People were talking about it. Some said it was a secret weapon developed by the military to press on the bottom of the box. Some said it was an alien. Some even said it was a manifestation of God.

Some people also believe that it is a new god that is different from any previous mythology system, and was named "The God of Light" by this group of people. The sect of the God of Light soon developed, and in the time since the war, it has even begun to develop a sizable number of believers all over the world.

Tony Stark stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building, looking at the city being rebuilt outside.

The same question as everyone else came to mind——

——Is that giant still there?

Or was he just passing by?

So will he come again?

If such a being did not help at that time, or decided to take action against the earth in the future,

He couldn't think any more.

"Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark?"

He came back to his senses, glanced behind him, and said casually: "Oh, are you still here?"

Behind him was the host of a show, wearing what he thought was a bit tacky shirt and jeans. On both sides were cameramen with cameras.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark." The host smiled, "But we have an arranged interview time, remember? My name is John Pillinger. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule."

"Piringer Piringer. Well, the one who makes documentaries."

Tony sat down with his legs crossed.

"It's a boring show. No offense, but it's really boring. But I personally like it. Can we start?"

Pillinger smiled awkwardly, sat across from him, and motioned to the photographer: "Gary, how are you preparing over there?"

The photographer gave him an "OK" gesture.

"You two can start as soon as you sit down."

Tony thought for a moment: "By the way, what's the title of your movie? Remind me?"

"'Ghosts of the New Age'." Pillinger smiled, "a boring documentary."


Tony made a sign of approval.


Pillinger took a deep breath, as if to relieve his tension, and took out a document from the prepared bag.

"I am now with the CEO of Stark Group, who is now better known to the public as Iron Man. You call yourselves the Avengers, right?"

"It's not my name. I think it could have sounded better." Tony shrugged, "But it doesn't matter."

"Okay Tony. So before the Avengers, let me think about it. Some people say that you are an arms dealer. Is that fair?"

"It used to be." Tony nodded, "But I don't deny it."

"In fact, we all know that the Stark Group made its fortune in arms. Yes, you no longer sell arms, but you can't ignore why such a large group is here today."

"That's the truth."

"I heard that your first contract after taking over the group was with the Air Force?"

"may be."

"What kind of contract is it?"

“I happened to be interested in electronic miniaturization at that time, and the Air Force found some products that could be used in the military.”

"Like 'Lotus Bomb'?"

"A bit like."

"The lotus bombs were first used in the Gulf War, when I guess you were little," Pillinger said. "Correct me if I'm wrong. One lotus bomb can deliver hundreds of 'smart' mini-bombs, right?" ?”

"Yes, used to blow up airports and convoys."

"So the bombs went off as expected?" Pillinger looked through the documents.

"You have to ask the military about that." Tony shrugged. "We haven't received reports of every bomb. There are thousands of them."

"Then we have some photos and information that you may be interested in."

He handed a set of photos to Tony.

"Each small bomb has the power of three explosives, and 80% of them have broken timers and are thrown everywhere on the battlefield. Even children may pick them up and take them home."

Tony took the photo, expressionless.

"So I'm going to get straight to the point. How many weapons inspired you to design the 'Iron Man' armor?"

"Honestly? Everything." Tony said calmly.

"So Iron Man is also a military weapon."

"I don't think so." Tony said.

"But in order to coordinate with your other inventions, it is also equipped with weapons."

"It's all military grade, and all the tools are lethal."

"I understand." Pillinger tapped the table with the tip of his pen. "So, the Iron Man armor must have large-scale destructive capabilities, right? For example, you have publicly mentioned the revolutionary 'repulsion' of the Iron Man armor. Technology, is there a good side to it?”

"For example, cheap and chemical-free space launches." Tony said, "I can list many more if you wish."

"So are you currently developing these directions?"

"Not yet."

"So Iron Man is still just an industrial product for war." Pillinger said.

“All technologies are like that, but the money we make allows us to make world-renowned advances in microelectronics and improve the level of science and technology in society.

Have we ever made weapons? Yes. Do we make our fortune from arms? Indeed. But that was in the past, and I decided we weren't going to do this forever.

If you've read about it, Stark Group is now doing biological implants, cardiotonic replacement drugs, and internal pain pumps. "

Pillinger leaned back in his chair, with the same expression.

"So do you think that in those areas that were bombed, do they have your pain pumps? Or a child in a war zone whose hand was blown off, can he be influenced and inspired by Iron Man?"

The question made Tony think for a moment.

"I never said I pursued perfection." After a moment, he continued, "I'm trying to do the right thing, at least to make the world a better place in the future."

"Making the world a better place. Thank you for your time."


Shen You turned on the TV casually while researching, and happened to put it on the interview channel. He glanced at it, but didn't pay much attention at first.

Starting out as an arms maker is Stark's character. It's a commonplace topic in Marvel, and there's nothing new about it.

But he immediately thought that this time was a bit strange.

The end of the Battle of New York coincided with the peak of Iron Man's popularity, so it's strange that there is still a show that goes against it like this. What's even weirder is that Tony Stark would actually accept this kind of interview.

The feeling was slightly different from his impression.

At this time, Stark Tower.

The interview ended and the cameras were turned off. Pillinger stood up and shook Tony's hand.

The moment he stopped filming, the host seemed to let out a long sigh of relief, as if he was relieved. He couldn't help but look puzzled as he shook hands with Tony.

"Thank you very much again for your cooperation, Mr. Stark. But I still find it strange. You are Iron Man and you fight for the world in New York, Mr. Stark. We are all grateful for that.

Even though the floors of the building are now filled with slogans from your supporters, your reputation is now at its peak. All media and all programs want to interview you, and everyone will praise you."

After a pause, he said strangely.

"But why us, sir? You know what our program team does, and you also know what we film. We can be said to be going against the times. Why do you want me to accept our interview?"

Tony did not answer the question and only said: "Let me ask first. Why do you say I am the 'ghost of the new century'?"

"Because the weapons you invented in the past still frighten the hearts of those who have been attacked."

"Okay." Tony stood up, "I agreed, just because I wanted to see you. You have been shooting this kind of subject for a long time, so have you ever really changed anything?

You work hard and most have no idea what you do. You are sensible, critical, and radical, but people ignore you, Mr. Pillinger. "

After a pause, he asked again.

"So, what did you change?"

This time it was the host who was stunned.

After a while, he said, "I don't know."

"Me too." Tony held out his hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Me too."

The host hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold it.

"It's also an honor to meet you."

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