I become light in American comics

Chapter 550 Dimensionality reduction attack?

Marvel, Solar System.

The huge battleship moved slowly, and its shell of unknown alloy looked like a steel fortress floating in the void under the starlight. The surface of the battleship is as smooth as a mirror, shining like a pearl in the deep sea.

"We will arrive in the solar system in five minutes." A soldier on the ship said.

The superstar nodded expressionlessly and looked ahead through the porthole. The fiery stars gradually came into view as the battleship advanced, and the sun emitted blazing light like a dazzling pearl. Densely packed planets and comets passed by on both sides of them, like clusters of bright colorful beads.

Their journey could almost be described as deserted. For the developed areas of the universe, this place was simply a backwater. Superstar actually doesn't quite understand why a backward area like Earth still needs to be explored by herself. She is the top spy. Generally, only empires like Shi'ar and Kree need her to go deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence.

As for the earth? Wouldn't it be over if you just throw an army over and run it over?

Of course, she heard that this was an order given by the adult himself, so there was nothing to ask. All she needs to do is move quickly and get things done beautifully.

"That's almost it. Stay where you are and stand by."

The superstar stood up and said calmly.

"Get the shuttle ready. I'll be back as soon as I go."


But just before her space shuttle was ready to take off, someone interrupted hastily: "Sir, we seem to have been discovered! Something has been detected coming towards us from the direction of the Earth!"

"What?" Superstar was slightly surprised.

Is there really something fishy going on over there on Earth? Their warships were so far apart and were still hidden and inactive, yet they were discovered right now?

"A spaceship?" She was a little surprised, because the intelligence said there was no spaceship on the earth.

"No, the movement response captured by the interstellar sensor shows that it is a single soldier unit." The operator said.

".It seems like he is the same person."

How dare a single unit rush directly across the starry sky toward their battleship?

The superstar began to have an ominous premonition. As far as she knew, there were only a handful of individual units with such abilities in the entire universe, and even in a super civilization like the Kree, they would be considered top powerhouses.

"The distance is 13,000 miles, the target is lost. Wait!" The correspondent was shocked, "No, it's already 8,000 miles, the target is lost again! How is this speed possible?"

Superstar: "?"

Can one sentence span thousands of miles? Are you really sure that's really a person?

"Our interstellar shuttle has moved forward to intercept and is expected to contact the target within three seconds. Three, two"

At the last syllable of the countdown, the operator's words stopped abruptly, and were replaced by jaw-dropping astonishment, and his face showed deep confusion about what he saw before him.

"So what?" Superstar asked hurriedly.

"Signal lost, our shuttle is missing."

At this time, the super giant has fully realized why the master needs to personally inquire about the information. This little broken ball in the solar system is really evil.

"Ion cannon interception!" She made a prompt decision.

The operator was stunned: "But our shuttle is still..."

"The shuttle is finished, hurry up and launch directly!"

"Yes Yes!"

The ion cannon was charged in an instant, and the dazzling light shot out from the ion cannon muzzle on the bow of the ship like a sharp sword across the starry sky, cutting through the dark void like a meteor tearing through the darkness.

Streams of data flashed rapidly from the ship's console, and dull mechanical roars echoed on the battleship. The dark void seemed to be glowing red, and the domineering beam distorted the space.

"Target hit!" The operator's voice was filled with joy.

But this joy was immediately shattered by the scene that followed that shattered all three views.

Because it's useless.

The powerful interstellar heavy artillery was useless in front of the target. The opponent seemed to feel no resistance at all and rushed forward against the high-energy bombardment without any lag in speed.

The target made direct contact with the fleet group.

The first battleship that bore the brunt seemed to be grabbed by invisible hands, and the shell of the battleship was torn apart irresistibly. The heavy alloy disintegrated instantly under the action of invisible force, exposing the internal structure. Lines, pipelines, mechanical equipment, etc. were exposed to the void one after another, deformed and twisted under the gravity, and turned into steel wreckage.

The alien soldiers on the ship screamed in panic and grabbed any objects they could reach to try to resist the powerful force, but it was all in vain. Some bodies were forcibly torn into bloody pieces by invisible forces, while others were directly crushed into pulp.

"The gravitational field has changed dramatically!" the operator on the main battleship console said in horror, "It's a gravitational weapon! The opponent used gravity to tear our battleship to pieces!"

The superstar is all in bad shape.

Interstellar war-grade gravity twisting weapon!

Is this the kind of technology your little broken ball in the backcountry should have?

If you are so awesome, why don't you punch Kree and kick Shi'ar to build a solar system empire?

The surrounding battleships began to work hard to lock and aim, and the battle shuttle tried to pursue the target. But it can't be done because the opponent is too fast and too small. The tiny shadows trailed trails of light and blue lightning, silently shuttling between the fleets. They're like shooting mosquitoes with a cannon, completely impossible to lock on.

The third battleship was also reduced to ruins in a sea of ​​fire, and they hadn't even seen what the enemy looked like.

"Satellite 4 is under attack!" the operator reported.

"Concentrate fire support." Superstar said solemnly.

Satellite 4 is the most defensive of the warships on their trip. After witnessing the powerful destructive power of the opponent, all the energy of the battleship has been concentrated in the shield system. At this time, the shield force field is full. Even if it is concentrated by the interstellar main guns of multiple battleships for a while, it should not be able to do anything. It's better to be broken through easily.

But then everyone who thought this way realized their naivety.

Their strongest shield and most indestructible battleship still only lasted for a moment in front of the invisible enemy.

The huge and sturdy battleship was in full view of everyone, as if it had turned into a flat drawing in an instant. Every inch of structure, every pipe, and every screw is clearly visible on that plane, as if it has been compressed onto a huge layer of glass and turned into a flat surface.

From a battleship in a three-dimensional world to a two-dimensional steel drawing.

If anyone has watched the classic old movie "Superman 1", they will probably recognize it at a glance as the technology used by the Kryptonians to imprison the most vicious criminals. The reduced dimension was named the "Phantom Zone" by Superman's father Jor-El. .

But Thanos' army obviously hasn't seen the movie, so they are left with only questions and confusion.

What the hell is this?

What the hell. Dimensionality reduction attack! ?

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