Next door, the Marvel Universe.

The dark starry sky, the endless universe, and the asteroid belt filled with rubble. The huge throne stands among the suspended gravels, and the long circular staircase winds under the throne, and every stone step shines with a cold light.

And that lonely and tall figure sitting on the throne is suddenly the notorious interstellar overlord in the universe, the man who has made countless civilizations jealous. It is said that he has been sitting on a chair for ten years. Xia, no, it’s Thanos.

The suspended asteroid is extremely silent under the majesty of the Overlord, as if even time has frozen at this moment. The cosmic man wearing a robe and pale skin stood on a suspended platform built from an interstellar rock block, and slowly floated in front of Thanos like a soaring cloud and mist.

This man's name is Ebony Maw, one of the five most powerful Obsidian generals under Thanos, and a confidant who has accompanied him in battles for many years.

"The Chitauri failed," Ebony Maw said. "The Infinity Stones were lost on Earth."


Thanos didn't show too much surprise, he just said calmly.

"You said that the earth is a backward and primitive planet." His voice was ancient and smooth. "You said that there is nothing that people on earth can do but wait to die."

Although the tone of the statement was calm, it clearly contained the meaning of reproach and questioning. Ebony Throat leaned down and said, "We made a miscalculation. But we don't know exactly what happened.

The space gem indeed opened the wormhole, and the Chitauri army should have successfully invaded the earth's space. The battle started smoothly, but what happened after that was unclear. "

"Not sure?" Thanos' tone became unhappy.

"Yes, our contact with the Chitauri was suddenly cut off for unknown reasons. The technicians tried different methods and used every interstellar long-distance communication method we knew about but to no avail.

It was as if some kind of technology completely unknown to us interfered with the signal, turning the solar system into a communication restricted area in just a few minutes. "

"Just a few minutes?" Thanos frowned, "You don't mean to say that the battle situation took a major turn in those few minutes, right?"

"Not a major reversal, my lord."

Ebony Throat said strangely.

"But within those few minutes they were all wiped out."

Thanos pondered.

The Chitauri are not very powerful in the galaxy and are interstellar mercenaries without formal organization. It's not impossible to defeat them, but they will all be wiped out in a few minutes.

"Perhaps the Earth people have found their weakness." Ebony Maw said, "The Chitauri are all linked to their mothership. Once the mothership is destroyed, all the troops under it will also be destroyed."

Thanos nodded slightly.

This is also the most reasonable speculation.

This is also why the Chitauri mercenaries cannot come to the fore. Even Thanos only regards them as expendable cannon fodder. But after all, they are also interstellar mercenaries. According to the previous assessment, the earth is just a low-level civilization that cannot even leave its own planet. No matter how bad the Chitauri are, they should still have no problem conquering this place.

Now there is clearly something wrong.

"Perhaps we can send a super star to Earth to get some information." Ebony Throat suggested.

"Yeah." Thanos nodded.

Superstar is the only one of the five Obsidian generals who has not appeared in the MCU movies, and he is also the best scout under Thanos. She has the ability of mind control and telepathy, and is a top psychic ability user. Coupled with extensive training in reconnaissance and espionage, it has always played a decisive role in Thanos' intelligence warfare in his many years of interstellar campaigns.

"Where is the superstar now?" Thanos asked.

"We are carrying out a mission in Xi'a, but it's nothing urgent." Ebony Throat said, "We can put the things over there first. After all, we always give priority to the mission of the infinite gems."

Collecting gems has always been a top priority for Thanos' camp. Especially when they were deceived by Loki and gave him a Mind Stone to go to Earth. As a result, not only did they fail to bring the Space Stone back, but the only gem in their hands was also broken on the Earth.

It profoundly explains what it means to lose a wife and lose an army, and also fully demonstrates the importance of using the right general. Now Thanos has even begun to suspect that Loki may not have acted out a trick. He colluded with his not-so-smart brother to stage this act in order to defraud them of the Mind Stone.

"Okay, but tell her to be careful." Thanos said.

"Don't worry, Master. The Supergiant is the best spy in the universe and has never failed so far. It must be luck for humans to defeat the Chitauri."

Ebony Throat smiled gracefully, and while chatting and laughing, he put a big FLAG on the head of his teammate who had not yet shown up.

"It's just the earth, what danger can there be?"

"This is the room we were trapped in before?"

Kara sat on a large and comfortable sofa, and the texture of the sofa made her extremely relaxed.

Music flows slowly in the huge room, and melodious melodies fill the air. An old record is playing music, and the textures and scratches on the record give off a sense of age.

"Yes." Shen You nodded, "You can ask it to do anything you want. For example, change the record."


Kara was doubtful.

"How about some rock and roll?"

The sound stopped suddenly. The old records suddenly changed automatically as if they were masters, and the melody speed was obviously accelerated, as if they were catching up with the rhythm of the times. Even the lights in the house began to change, flickering in and out in response to the rhythm of the music.

"So amazing!"

Kara was pleasantly surprised, suddenly thought of something, and said again.

"I also want to eat something."

Then there was a ping-pong-pong sound in the kitchen, and a moment later a long line of dinner plates flew out and landed in front of her. The top item is a grilled chicken wing. The golden brown skin is grilled to perfection, and you can even clearly see the tiny bubbles of oil on the chicken skin, which is the source of the fragrance.

Then there are the golden French fries that shine under the light, the crispy but not burnt chicken steak, and the fried chicken nuggets.

"It turns out this place isn't that scary." Kara happily ate, drank, and listened to music, sinking into the sofa. "I'm starting to like it here. How did you make this house so obedient?"

Shen You gently shook a bunch of golden keys in his hand.

"It's simple, I took the key from Coraline."

"Oh, that's it." Carla understood. "Then it seems that our laboratories have increased again. Can it be counted? This is a magic laboratory?"

"Roughly the same."

But it stands to reason that this house should have fallen into the hands of a British con man magician by chance.

Shen You looked at the key in his hand and pondered for a moment.

Forget it, it’s not important.

He was sure the crook would find a good new home.

At this moment, a handsome blond guy with stubble in the UK suddenly sneezed.

"It's weird, I always feel like I've lost something."

John Constantine rubbed his nose and checked the things on his body repeatedly, but it seemed that he found nothing missing.


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