I become light in American comics

Chapter 548 The farce is over

At this moment, the Justice League is cute.

"Although it doesn't count, I'm pretty sure I killed more than you." Little Flash stood on the piles of beaten monsters with his hands on his hips and said proudly.

"Oh, really?" Green Lantern was unconvinced, "Then I'm pretty sure that the quality of my kills is higher than yours."

"You said there are no points left. How did you know?"

"I'm counting secretly in my heart!"

"Then it still counts. I win if it doesn't count!"


Diana looked at them both and shook her head.

"Little brat I'm working with a bunch of brats."

It was hopeless.

Of course, when she complained like this, Wonder Girl completely ignored the fact that she was also a little kid now.

Sure enough, Batman and Superman are more reassuring in comparison. It seems that some people are born this way and it has nothing to do with age. Even if the body becomes a child's side, it still looks more mature and reliable.

At this moment, a group of werewolves cornered Little Batman.

"There's nowhere to escape, kid." The leading werewolf actually uttered human words.

But Batman Jr. was expressionless.

"Yes," he said quietly, "but for you."

Werewolf: "?"

I was stunned for a moment, and when I looked up, I saw red and blue shadows falling from the sky. Superboy swept in with a whirlwind, and rushed through the werewolves with a sonic boom behind him, only to make the werewolves flip over. .

"The perfect lure."

Superboy landed, reached out to give Batman a high-five, and said happily: "As always."

It seems that the shrinkage has not affected their tacit understanding. To some extent, maybe the tacit understanding has increased.

Superman might cherish these brief moments. Because when Batman grows up again, he will never play the high-five game with him.

"I'm glad to see that your cooperation is still skillful." Diana smiled.

"Of course, Batman and I are the best partners in the world."

Superboy put his arm around Batman's shoulders. Normally at this time, Batman would glare at him with disgust and then hide away silently. But little Batman didn't seem to resist.

"I like teamwork." Superboy smiled, "Of course, I also like Batman."

Wonder Girl and Batman both looked at Superman with wide eyes, as if he had just said something outrageous.


The Wonder Girl raised her eyebrows with a strange expression.

She suddenly began to reflect on whether she was the only one among the three known as the Zhenglian Big Three.

Green light probe: "Big Blue, what did you just say?"

"Oh, I said I like Batman, just like I like everyone." Superman smiled, "The Justice League is great, everyone is very good at talking, and they are all talented people. I really like being here. "

"Oh, that's what you mean."

The Wonder Girl let out a sigh of relief.

Okay okay, I'm not the only one who's redundant.

But the little Batman frowned slightly, still a little dissatisfied with the big blue boy scout's misleading statement.

Why do you have to be alone in front of everyone?

"By the way, why don't these monsters stop showing up?"

Little Lightning looked at the devastated house and tilted his head in confusion.

It seems that no new monsters have appeared since I don't know when.

"Maybe we have killed them all," Diana said.

"Maybe they are all afraid of my brilliance and are scared away." Hal was more optimistic.

Shen You's voice came at this moment: "Because the farce is over."

Everyone looked at it. I saw Shen You sneaking back out of nowhere in the house, with the little Kara still hanging on his leg, and this time he was holding a pale-skinned boy in his hand.

"Meet the witch boy Coralion, the black magician from another world, the culprit of this incident."

Lianmeng and the other children stared at him for a moment, thinking carefully, and then suddenly woke up.

"I remembered!"

"Me too"

"It's him, it's all him!"

It seems that the Justice League discovered that a museum that collected ancient art had been invaded, and encountered a witch boy trying to steal the artifacts there. A firefight broke out between the two sides. The latter relied on the powerful magic contained in ancient cultural relics to increase its power, and cursed everyone with the black magic of another world, turning the Justice League back into dull ten-year-old children and losing their adult memories.

"I still don't understand."

The wizard boy was held in his hand, looking like Yazi who had been trained and gave up resistance, but still struggled to raise his head to look at Shen You and asked.

".How did you know?"

"I mean, the spatial magic of the House of Mystery is unique. Even I took a long time to figure it out."

"You have only been in for a few minutes, why are you more familiar with its operation than me???"

Shen You smiled.

Just like the high-level magic that the other party used before borrowed the law of death, no matter how mysterious the magic is, it is also developed based on the law of the world. Unfortunately, Shen You's other recent key research topic is space.

Coupled with his ability to think and analyze at super high speed, it doesn't even take a few minutes. Not long after Shen You entered the door, he had already analyzed and mastered the rules here, and his familiarity was even deeper than that of the witch boy.

The wizard boy thought that playing at home was his advantage, but in fact he was the one who locked himself in this huge coffin. No matter where he wants to go, no matter which corner he wants to hide in, Shen You can always be one step ahead of him.

Of course, there was no need to explain this to him. Moreover, a black magician would probably not be able to understand the technology side of things.

So Shen You just smiled mysteriously: "I guess it's probably because I am Ultraman."

The little Batman on the side was hesitant to speak, but he was hesitant to speak.

She seemed a little unhappy that someone had stolen her lines, but in the end she didn't say anything.

The witch boy held in Shen You's hand obviously had no bargaining position in the end, so he could only succumb to the alien's power and honestly lifted the spell.

After a smoke screen of dark magic, the entire Justice League returned to its original state.


She has regained her tall figure and long legs, and her small steel plate has turned back into magnificent waves. Wonder Woman clenched her fists, feeling the strength returning to her body as she grew older, and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's true."

"I've almost had enough of being trapped in a ten-year-old body." Batman said coldly.

"Don't say that, it's fun to be a kid once in a while." Superman chuckled and smiled at Batman, "And that's not what you said when you were eating chocolate."

Batman: "."

"And you also said, 'Justice will not back down.'"

The Flash flashed forward, put his arm on Batman's shoulder, and smiled.

Batman silently stepped aside and shook him off, "I didn't say that."

"You definitely said that." Hal also confirmed with a smile.

"I heard it too!" Kara also nodded repeatedly.

Shen You looked at Kara silently.

"First of all, I'm glad that you are able to speak again after getting rid of social anxiety. Secondly," Shen You paused, ". Are you almost ready to get off my lap?"

Kara was stunned, looked up, and then realized that she had returned to normal size and was still hugging Shen You's legs out of habit.

Because the movements were so natural and comfortable, I forgot about it.


Kara jumped away hastily and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Follow Shen You and look at Coralien in his hand.

"Now. What should I do with you?"

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