I become light in American comics

Chapter 547 Who are you hiding from?

The witch boy Coralion comes from a world of black magic that exists in another dimension. Where he comes from, everyone knows more or less about black magic.

Coraline is a prodigy with extraordinary talents in the dark arts. He used black magic to open a portal to this universe, and he fought against the Justice League and the heroes on the magic side more than once in the original work.

But what shocked Corlarion at this time was that he thought the man in front of him should not know this.

The other person shouldn't know his name.

"Who are you?"

Corlarion's eyes turned red briefly, as if some kind of magical fluctuations were rolling through his eyes. Shen You knew that he used some kind of scanning and analysis magic, and he instinctively regarded Shen You as a magic boss, maybe even from other magic dimensions. He was trying to identify who was in front of him.

"New here, right?" Shen You shrugged, "There aren't many people in this world who don't recognize me."

"Isn't he a strong man in the magician dimension? It doesn't matter." Coralien said coldly, "You can actually find me in this mysterious house, I will confirm this.

But it doesn't matter. "

He narrowed his eyes and smiled sinisterly.

"The moment you step into this room, the flames of death have already been activated!"

It was a trap, insurance he had set up just in case. The moment the other party stepped into the room, the other party had already been marked.

Sure enough, the dark flames seemed to rise out of thin air, starting from the soles of his feet and spreading in the direction of Shen You. In an instant, both he and Kara were enveloped in the horrifying black flames.

"This is the flame of death, containing the power of death." Corlarion sneered, "Once marked, not even I can escape smoothly. It was your mistake to rush into this room so hastily, but you guys You've already stepped into my trap.

WTF! ? "

Corlarion lost his composure as he spoke, his eyes widening with disbelief on his face.

Because he saw that person in black flames.

He waved his hand gently.

The dark flame immediately went out.

Coraline: "?"

What kind of unheard-of magic is this?

The Flame of Death, as the name suggests, borrows the power of Death. Just like many magics, mages use various means and media to borrow some power from various gods. What this trick borrows is the power of the God of Death, which is absolutely pure.

So what kind of magic can wipe out the law of death with just a wave of your hand?

Are you the god of death?

"I see, I just said that there is a slightly familiar aura in this flame. It turns out to be 'death'." Shen You nodded, "Then it's really unlucky that you actually used this trick on me."

A few days ago, he specialized in the study of death, and now he has quite a lot of experience. Although Shen You doesn't understand magic, magic is just another way of applying rules. The rules of death from the underlying law level are common.

For him who has the light of life, death is nothing to fear.

Although Corlarion didn't know how he did it, he had realized that something was wrong with the enemy this time. He immediately raised his hand as if intending to cast the spell again, but before he could raise his hand, Shen You flashed forward and interrupted his forward movement.

Powerful fingers grasped his arm like pliers, and the intense pain made his face distort. Corlarion looked at Shen You in shock, who suddenly appeared in front of him, and met his eyes.

So fast!


He caught a glimpse of the girl's little pendant still hugging the other person's lap.

You can carry weight on your legs so quickly! ?

"Don't even think about it." Shen You said, "If I were you now, I would give up resistance and break the spell."

Shen Youyou stopped here, frowned slightly, and realized something.

Then he thrust out his right palm, and with a move of Black Tiger, it penetrated directly from the witch boy's chest. But when his arms came out from his back, there was no trace of flesh and blood.

The witch boy's entire pierced body suddenly turned into mud and turned into a big puddle.

"The black magic clone is indeed very troublesome in the new system of magic."

However, Shen You looked around and his eyes quickly locked in another direction in the house of mystery.

Elsewhere in the Mystery House, a cat with red eyes and tattoos is running wildly.

After running for a long time, it stopped at a wall and took a breath. Under a ray of humanoid light, the cat's shadow slowly rose up, transforming into the image of Coraline.

"It's so dangerous. If it weren't for your help this time, it would have been over, Tikel."

The wizard boy wiped his sweat.

"In addition to magicians, there are such powerful creatures in this world. It's really careless."


The cat named Tickle meowed,

"But we still escaped, of course. We are always better." Coraline smiled and picked up the cat.

But at this moment, the lights suddenly went out.

Darkness enveloped the witch boy, and he couldn't help but be stunned. For no apparent reason, he felt an inexplicable chill coming from behind him.

The extinguished lights began to flicker and flicker, and each flicker seemed to bring a gust of cold wind. Corlarion suppressed his uneasiness and slowly turned his head.

The moment the lights came on, he saw the strange man just appeared, as if he had appeared out of thin air.

At that moment, Corlarion's heartbeat almost stopped.

But immediately after the lights went out, the outline was swallowed up in darkness. The next time the lights came on, there was no one there.

Coraline: "!?"

Although it only lasted for a moment, almost just one frame, he was sure that he had seen it correctly.

That guy is chasing me!

And even the little girl on his lap is still there!

The blond girl was still holding his legs, but she was looking straight at him with clear eyes. He didn't know if it was the lighting effect, but he felt that the eyes were dark and fierce, giving people a strong sense of uneasiness.

In other words, the alien mage doesn't know much about Earth's movies and culture, otherwise he would probably think of the twin girls in "The Shining".

"He's following us!"

Corlarion hurriedly hid in the cat's shadow again. Tikel was also covered in hair, turned around and ran away.

They shuttled between long and narrow corridors and complicated rooms. After running for a while, they hid in a corner of a certain room again.

Many things in the House of Mystery cannot be understood according to common sense, even the location and architectural design of the rooms. Any normal person would definitely get lost within a few steps of entering, because almost all rooms, stairs and corridors change at all times according to specific rules.

Only mages who understand the laws of its space can come and go freely in it.

This is also one of the reasons why Coralion chose this place as his home court.

When Tickle stopped to catch his breath, Coralion emerged from the shadows again.

"It's definitely impossible for him to keep up this time." He said solemnly.

This is one of the most secluded rooms he has found in the House of Mystery. It is used as a safe house for temporary retreat and reorganization in case he loses in the battle. It is almost impossible to get here by normal means. Even an experienced wizard who does not have a certain amount of time to study and explore can easily find such a deep place.

However, when Corlarion turned his head unconsciously, he was once again almost frightened and screamed.

Because he saw that weird man, still with the little girl, standing next to him again.

Such a close distance, such indifferent eyes.

As if asking.

Bad brother, who are you hiding from?

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