
That was the sound of the door closing.

Everyone turned around reflexively and saw at a glance that the door panel behind them had been closed at some point.

"Who closed the door?" Little Hal immediately looked at Barry suspiciously, "Did you close the door?"

No one noticed anyone closing the door. At this time, the speedster was the most suspicious.

"It's not me." Xiao Bai shook his head like a rattle.

"That's how I go!"

The quiet space became increasingly strange, and pairs of malicious eyes seemed to begin to project from the shadows.

The first to appear were the werewolves, exactly as described in the myth. A strong body, gray fur, and a fierce light in his eyes. They growled, their sharp claws leaving deep scratches on the ground. Following closely behind was a creature that looked like a vampire, with a pale face, a cruel smile on its lips, and its fangs seemed to be stained with wet blood.

Then there was something like a ghost, with a transparent body, empty eyes, and a sound that sounded like crying while floating in the air. Following them was a group of zombies, moving slowly, exuding a rotten smell, with disgusting green skin, but abnormally sharp teeth, and inarticulate moans coming from their throats.

"It looks like we broke into the evil lair on the mysterious side." Little Batman took out the batarang.

"It's like a horror movie hodgepodge!" Superboy said.

But before he finished speaking, he heard a war cry next to him. The green light turned into a huge slap and swept away all the monsters with one slap.

"Ha, what did I say? Even if the body becomes smaller, the will is still as strong."

The little green light flew in the air, and he raised his hand to summon a toy plane.

"Just now I managed three at once, now it's three to zero!"

He glanced at Little Lightning, laughed, and then flew towards the strange group.

"Hey, you didn't say you were going to keep score, that's not fair!"

Not to be outdone, Little Lightning hurriedly rushed into the group of monsters.

Little Batman raised his hand and fired a blasting batarang to clear the way, then stood up and flew into the air, combined his legs to perform a "virtuous woman kick", and kicked a zombie away with one shot.

Superboy froze a large area in one breath. The magical girl waved a lasso in one hand and a sword in the other, killing people randomly in the crowd of monsters.

"I already have twenty points." Little Flash said with his hands on his hips.

"Oh, innocent, I'm already fifty points." Little Green Lantern said proudly.

Little Lightning was shocked: "Impossible! You definitely didn't kill that many!"

Little Green Lantern: "I kill a few big ones, and each one counts as ten points!"

"Is this still possible?" Little Lightning was dissatisfied, "Then based on this calculation, I should already be at 100%."

"Then I'll give it a hundred and ten."

"I am one hundred and twenty."

The magical girl couldn't stand it any longer. She stabbed two zombies with her sword and turned to them at the same time: "That's it. Think about why we wanted to become heroes in the first place... uh... I mean, when we were still adults. .

It's definitely not about competing for who has more points, right?

A true hero doesn't care about rewards or who has more points. "

The two babies, one red and one green, looked at each other after being scolded, as if they were a little ashamed.

"Okay. I guess she's right, we won't keep score." Little Hal said coquettishly.

"Yeah, it's more important that the mission can be completed smoothly." Little Lightning also nodded.

The magical girl smiled happily like a big sister. But within two seconds of smiling, the smile solidified on his face.

Because she followed closely and heard the little green light say: "It's just a mention, I won't count the points first."

Little Lightning: "What? No, no, no, I've long felt that points are stupid. Even if I don't count points, I'm still better than you!"

Diana "."

She turned around silently, ignored him, and continued to kill the enemy with her sword.

Forget it, just bury them, these two are hopeless.

"These things seem endless." Little Batman said in a deep voice, looking at the old wizard, the only expert accompanying him, "Is this situation normal in this 'House of Mystery'?"

"I don't know, after all, it's my first time coming in." The old wizard stroked his beard, "But I think it's probably abnormal.

Perhaps there is someone behind this room, someone deliberately summoning and releasing these monsters to attack us. "

"In other words, if we continue to fight like this without finding the source, it may never be fruitful." Little Batman said.

"Speaking of which"

Diana flew up and kicked away the werewolf who tried to step forward for a warm bear hug, looking around.

"Has anyone seen where Mr. Shen went?"

"I didn't notice." Superboy also felt a little strange, "Kara seems to be missing too."

At this moment, deep in the house of mystery.

"The so-called Justice League doesn't look very powerful."

The figure watched the actions of the Zhenglian people through a mirror in the dark, giggling.

"Especially when they turn into clumsy eight or nine-year-olds."

Under the flickering candlelight, I could barely make out the figure of what seemed to be a young man. His pale skin seemed to have never seen the sun, and his black suit was well-tailored, straight and smooth, exuding a mysterious and cold aura. His hair is black and shiny, but the hairstyle is weird. The evil smile of a mischievous child added a sense of cynicism to that face.

"What a bunch of nosy troublesome guys, the group that this world calls the 'Justice League'." The young man muttered, "This is none of their business, but they must come to interfere with my business.

That being the case, let us entertain you. Just take advantage of this Halloween, huh? "

The young man seemed to suddenly notice something and turned his head sharply.

"Who is there!"

After half a second of silence, Shen You slowly walked out of the shadows.

"It's quite sharp."

Shen You smiled.

"I also hope that you can explain things clearly while you are talking to yourself, so as to save me from having to ask questions again after I beat you down. But it seems that one can't expect too much, right?"

"Who are you.?"

The young man looked at him with some surprise and uncertainty, and then looked at the pendant on his leg.

Well, that's right, the little lolita version of Carla is still holding his leg tightly and refuses to let go no matter what.

It has almost integrated with his body and completely turned into a pendant.


What kind of number is this?

What is the latest secret method of merging?

"Oh, please don't pay attention to her." Shen You said expressionlessly, "Just pretend she doesn't exist."


No, it's obviously impossible to just pretend that she doesn't exist, right?

"Then I remember, your name is Coraline, the witch boy, right?"

Shen You narrowed his eyes.

"A young wizard from the world of dark magic?"


He raised his head in surprise and looked at Shen You carefully.

"Who are you?"

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