I become light in American comics

Chapter 545 House of Mystery

After a while, everyone arrived at the door of a huge ancient house.

The old house, built of dark, almost black stone, is almost invisible against the background of the forest, making it look like a part of nature. The outside of the house is covered with traces of time, the stones are covered with moss, and occasionally there are a few tenacious grasses growing out of the cracks in the stones.

The roof was paved with thick stone slabs and covered with thick moss. The rays of the setting sun make the moss appear to glow slightly. The delicate carvings of the former glory can still be seen on the mottled door. The heavy door is like a portal to another world. The door opened on its own as people approached, with a creaking sound, as if a distant voice was welcoming them in.

"I can't tell. This place doesn't make me feel good."

Little Diana stood on tiptoes and stretched her neck to try to see what was inside the door, but all she could see was a little red carpet at the entrance, and nothing but darkness deeper inside.

"I think so too." Little Barry lowered his voice, "Besides, this is a terrifying and mysterious place, a forbidden place that Muggles should stay away from!"

As soon as he said this, all the children looked at him strangely.

If it was Diana who said this, since when did the Flash understand this?

"I didn't even know you were secretly studying magic." Little Batman crossed his arms and frowned.

"I don't."

Xiaoli shook his head and pointed to the side: "But it's written here."

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough they saw a sign stuck next to it, with a line of large characters roughly written in crooked letters.

"A terrifying and mysterious place where Muggles accidentally entered."

Everyone: "."

Little Kara hugged Shen You's lap tighter, as if she was transforming into his little pendant.

"Is this place difficult?" The old wizard seemed to think of something.

Everyone looked at the old wizard: "What did you remember?"

"I seem to have heard of the legend of a similar house." The old wizard said, "The looming mysterious house is full of legends of horror and weirdness. Everyone who passes through that door will be rewritten by the experience here. destiny"

Hearing this, Shen You also understood a little bit what it was.

The House of Mystery is a well-known supernatural house on the magic side of DC. But in the story, its owner is usually John Constantine, DC’s well-known magic hero or liar, or anti-hero, whichever way you look at him is correct.

But Constantine did not have this room from the beginning. It may still be ownerless or controlled by someone else.

Maybe that person will have something to do with the child-ification of the Justice League?

To be bolder, maybe the Justice League happened to witness a deal between an evil wizard and a demon. But they were so focused on the deal that they didn't notice the evil mage's associates approaching from behind, and they were assassinated. When I woke up, I was surprised to find that my body had shrunk.

It seems like something strange has gotten in.

"Are we going in?" asked Barry.


The little Batman took a step forward, grabbed his little cape and covered half of his face, lowering his voice.

"Justice will not back down."

Saying that, he took the lead and passed the gate first.

The other children in the Justice League looked at each other in shock.

"Did he just say, 'Justice will not shrink'?" asked Barry.

Little Diana covered her mouth and chuckled: "Yes, he definitely said 'justice will not shrink'."

It looks like the league's top secondary candidate has been found.

Then I saw Little Hal looking at his back with eyes shining: "I never realized that bats are so handsome before."

Everyone: "."

Walking through this door feels like walking into a new time and space. The air inside the house is filled with a faint fragrance, and the light is soft and mysterious, as if it is shrouded in a light mist. Ancient scrolls hang on the walls, depicting mysterious symbols and patterns. A huge stone table was placed in the center of the room, with items such as crystal balls and herbs placed on it.

"Driffins' Crystal Ball!"

The old wizard's eyes lit up the moment he saw the crystal ball.

"I've only heard of it, but I didn't know it was real."

"Hey, there's a lot of empty rooms here!"

The minibus flashed out of several doors in succession like a gust of wind, he said excitedly.

"I suddenly thought of a great Halloween activity. Let's try to spend the night at this place. Doesn't it sound interesting?"

It sounds like a primary school student talking about going to some abandoned hospital to hold a courage test.

"It's strange, my X-sight can't be seen through." Superboy scratched his head, "Maybe it contains lead elements? But it doesn't feel like it."

"Magic, this room is a creation of magic. You have never been good at dealing with magic." Little Batman said.

"That's it." Superboy smiled with a simple and honest smile, "You are so smart."

The little Batman unconsciously placed his hands on his hips proudly, showing an expression that said, "Although the body has shrunk, the mind is still flexible."

"Hey, I just took a look. The room next to the door is nice, and it's also the quickest to escape if there's any danger."

Little Hal floated back from nowhere.

"I suggest that this room be reserved for heroines. Ladies first."

Little Diana waved her hand: "Uh, thanks, but I don't think we should."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiaobali.

"Ha, let me see, are you planning to live next door to her? If something goes wrong, you might as well run away on your own?" Xiao Barry looked like a famous detective who had seen through the truth.

"Nonsense!" Little Hal's face flushed with anger, "The word 'fear' doesn't exist in my dictionary!"

"Then do you dare to go to the deepest and most dangerous room in this house?"

"Of course I dare." Little Hal held his head high, "No matter what kind of monster it is, it must be afraid of my divine light!"

"That's great."

Tu Qiong saw this, and in a blink of an eye, Little Barry rushed to the side of little Diana: "Then I will live next door to the heroine."

Little Hal: "???"

It's hard to bully Mangzi since he was a child, right?

"You guys." Diana said weakly.

Shen You looked at the cuteness of the Lian Meng members and felt that they seemed to be becoming more and more Lego-like as time went by. In Lego Justice League, Lightning and Green Lantern also wanted to fight to the death in order to get the limelight in front of the heroine.

Oh, by the way, Kara is also pretty weird.

Shen You lowered his head helplessly and looked at the little golden retriever who was still hugging his lap and refused to let go no matter what.

I don’t know if there will be any side effects after the spell is lifted and the transformation returns.

"Guys, be quiet."

Superboy waved his hand to signal everyone to stop talking, and then frowned.

"Did you hear anything?"

"What?" Everyone looked at him blankly.

"what sound?"

"I can't tell clearly, but it feels like..." Superboy frowned, "It sounds a bit like crying?"

Everyone: "?"

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, the old wizard seemed to understand something at this time, and smiled and touched his beard: "That's right. This is a mysterious house, and some strange things are normal."

Superboy cast his gaze over: "Do you know what that is?"

"I know."

The old wizard said with a smile.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a ghost."

Everyone: "???"

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