I become light in American comics

Chapter 536 Ordinary people run up

Midtown, airport.

This is a peaceful day in Midtown, but not so ordinary.

The transport plane was gliding on the runway, its tires had lifted off the ground, and the plane was slowly taking off. A hot woman was standing outside the cabin, laughing crazily and firing wildly with a Gatling gun.

The pursuing police officers were so overwhelmed by the intense firepower that they could barely lift their heads, and bullets were flying everywhere. The ground was filled with craters, and the windows of police cars were shattered and glass was flying everywhere.

That woman's name is Fire Girl.

The villain from Gotham is not a local, a crazy thief who doesn't follow local rules very much.

But now that we’re in Midtown, it’s naturally impossible to avoid Midtown’s local specialty superheroes.

When Fire Girl launched her personal rocket launcher from the plane, the red-gold afterimage flew over from the other side of the city.

The Flash, who regained his abilities with Shen You's help, was faster than before, but due to the reconnection with the Speed ​​Force, he was still re-adapting to his body gradually returning to high gear in the past two days.

The upper limit is higher, but the proficiency in extreme speed operation is reduced. This forced him to be more cautious than before when using his speed to rescue, and to control his speed field more carefully to prevent his excessive speed from hurting the people he intended to rescue.

Therefore, he had to slow down and brake within a thousandth of a second, control the speed within Mach 10, and move all the police officers within the scope of his visual explosion to a safe position.

After rescuing everyone, the Flash stopped briefly and turned his head to look in the direction of the enemy. At this time, the plane had already lifted off the ground, but it was still almost stationary when viewed from the perspective of the speed force stopping. At this height, if you jump with all your strength, you might still be able to get it.

But when he rushed forward and took off, he realized his oversight.

He had just suppressed his speed in order to save people, and his movements were much slower than before. When he started, two grenades that were thrown from the cabin of the transport plane and were floating in the air had already detonated.

He could easily avoid it, but the police officers on both sides were not so sure.

So he had to slow down again and remove every officer who might be in the danger zone. Then he turned around again and sprinted towards the transport plane.

The transport plane rose a little higher, but it might still be too late to rush over in a straight line. The Flash sprinted against the shrapnel flying all over the sky without dodging. The atoms in his body vibrated directly, using the speed force resonance to achieve an effect similar to a phase change. His body was like a blurry red shadow, and the bullet rain penetrated directly through his body.

Then he jumped up.


Barry's eyes lit up, and he felt that the distance seemed to be about the same, and he should be able to barely jump on the plane. He reached for the door panel of the cabin that was about to close.

His hand did reach the hatch.

But he didn't catch it, but penetrated directly, and his fingers went straight through.

Then he fell to the ground with a somersault.

"Ah, right"

The disgraced Flash covered his head and shook his head.

"Before you catch the plane, you must first remove the resonance."

It’s also a question of proficiency. After regaining the link to the Speed ​​Force, Barry could feel that the energy was stronger, but it was also more difficult for his body to adapt. Therefore, for many times in the past two days, he used the Speed ​​Force like a novice, and he transformed like a bronze rookie at every turn.

"Hahahaha. A very interesting performance, Flash!" Fire Girl's voice faded away on the plane, "But I still have a flight to catch. Let's have a good date next time if we have a chance~"

After saying that, she blew him a kiss. Until the cabin closed, hiding her face from the back.

"Are you okay, Flash?" A police officer stepped forward to help him up.

"It's okay, I just fell down a little."

"Well, I guess to a normal person a fall at supersonic speed might not be considered a 'little'."

"I have a field protection on my body. Compared to this." The Flash looked at the plane disappearing in the sky, "What did she and her small group steal?"

"It's a very bad thing." A police officer said worriedly, "I don't know the details, but I heard that it is a prototype of a biological and chemical weapon. If it is leaked, there will be big problems.

We can try to contact the air force for support, but I'm afraid there's only so much we can do. We cannot risk an air war."

At this time, another voice suddenly sounded: "Busy? It seems that I came at the wrong time?"

The Flash turned around and immediately saw the red and silver mobile suit.

All the police officers who followed the sound looked shocked. Except for a few large-scale crises, Shen You rarely appeared in front of ordinary people, but there were still very few people who didn't know him.

"You are. That O. Ultra"

"The Fire Girl has stolen the biological weapon!" a police officer said hurriedly, "We have to take it back quickly!"

Although not many people know Ultraman, everyone knows that he can fly and is at least as fast as Superman. Just the person they need at this time.

Shen You chuckled.

"I think the Flash can handle the matter in Midtown himself."


The police officers looked strange.

"Excuse me, but in the sky, what's the use of running fast?"

Shen You smiled and looked at Flash: "I have an idea."

At this moment, in the air, inside the transport aircraft.

"You got it, boss!"

A younger brother looked at the Fire Girl with admiration.

"MD, I just took a look at the goods, black death bacteria and clown serum. You are so awesome, boss! We are going to make a fortune!"

The boy next to him was full of admiration: "Even the Flash didn't catch up with us! The boss is so good at predicting things!"

"Don't act like a country bumpkin." Fire Girl said proudly, "The Flash is nothing more than that. When he's in the sky, he's like a tiger pulling its teeth. That's why I say Midtown is a good place. You never have to worry here."

"Boss, there's something weird behind the scenes!"

A younger brother pointed out the porthole.

"Is there something chasing us from behind? Why are there track clouds?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? There's nothing on the radar. Let me go!?"

The boys followed the sound and looked out the window, and were surprised to find that what this man said was actually true. A long string of track clouds followed behind the plane. The reason why it was so eye-catching was that it looked weird red and yellow, like white clothes that were dyed after being thrown into the washing machine, with lightning faintly dancing.

"Wait a minute, does this color belong to you? Are you kidding me?"

Fire Girl's expression suddenly changed.

"No joke."

The sound suddenly sounded in the cabin. Everyone was like frightened birds, and they all drew their guns, but they saw that the Flash had folded his arms and leaned against the wall at some point, looking at them with a smile.

Obviously, pulling out the gun at this time has no meaning except to give yourself psychological comfort.

Weapons like guns are almost non-existent in front of The Flash.

"The altitude here is twelve thousand meters!" Fire Girl said in shock, "How did you get up here?"

"How did you come up here? You just ran up here."

Flash said with a smile.

"Lightning Classroom, Altostratus clouds are made of ice crystals. In other words, as long as I vibrate my boots at high speed at the correct frequency, create a strong local lift, and attract enough ice crystals for me to settle, then I can also be in the sky. run.

Of course, it's a technical job, and the timing of every kick is fleeting, but what else can I say? Because I'm the Flash. "

His smile grew wider.

"Why, didn't you learn this in school?"

Fire Girl: "."

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