I become light in American comics

Chapter 537 New Universe


Flash was chewing on a straw, slurping the drink from it while holding an extra-large pizza in front of him.

This is to quickly replenish the energy consumed by his rapid running.

"You mean, we are going to explore a new universe again?"

"Almost." Shen You nodded.

"Okay, it's a small thing." The Flash agreed and said with a smile, "It's not the first time anyway. What did they say? What happens once is familiar, and this time it will definitely be much easier than last time.

Having said that, the move you just made was really good. I mean using oscillations to attract ice crystals in altostratus clouds as pedals? Why hadn't I thought of this idea before?

Maybe I'm a little restricted by traditional thinking, and 'you can't run in the air' is not an absolute concept."

In fact it is true. Generally speaking, the Flash cannot fly, but if the plot requires it, it is not completely impossible.

The trick Shen You just inspired is relatively simple. As far as Shen You knows, the Flash in the later American TV series gradually developed the ability to shoot the Speed ​​Force lightning with his bare hands. Later, after further development, he could even use the Speed ​​Force lightning to solidify it into mass energy.

Based on this principle, The Flash once developed a new skill. While continuously shooting a lightning energy platform forward as a pedal, he stepped on the pedal to run to high places, achieving an "air running" ability that is infinitely close to flying.

So it's true that "you can't run in the air" is the mindset, and it's not absolute for The Flash. Youdao is that the speed of the force is strong x all the laws of physics, and there are ways to conquer just gravity.

"If you are interested, I can teach you a few more tricks next time. Ability is just a tool, knowledge and imagination can bring a broader world. Of course, this is not what I want to talk about today."

Shen You paused and said solemnly.

"The universe we are going to this time may be different from before."


As if feeling the seriousness from his expression, the Flash also temporarily put down the pizza and drinks: "What?"

"What I'm looking for this time is where I came from, a farther universe. Maybe even outside our existing 'multiverse' system."

Flash was startled.

"The multiverse. Are there other universes out there?"

"Of course. I already have clues, but I can't confirm whether it's the place I'm looking for unless I go there and take a look." Shen Youyou.


Flash nodded, quickly ate another slice of pizza, and clapped his hands.

"When do we leave?"

Shen You glanced at him with a smile.

"Seriously? I haven't even said what kind of universe it is, what kind of trouble we will encounter, or even how long we need to leave." He said, "You decided to go without asking any of these questions? "

Barry smiled.

"Honestly, if it weren't for you, I might still be in the Speed ​​Force right now. No, maybe the ashes have been blown away by others." Barry said matter-of-factly, "Either me or the Justice League, everyone has been there more than once. I have received your help.

This is the first time you have approached me for your own affairs. I have no reason to refuse anyway, right? "

Although he had known that Barry was such a person, Shen You still felt a little relieved.

Unconsciously, he already has so many trustworthy friends in this world who are willing to do everything for him.

A friend who is willing to go to another universe with him just by his words, regardless of where he is going, or the road ahead or the dangers.

"That's not necessary." He leaned into the chair and said, "I just need the drive of the Speed ​​Force, a very huge Speed ​​Force energy. Among the people I know, no, you should be the only one in this universe. Maybe it can be done.

As for later, I'll just go explore it myself. Because to be honest, I don’t know what is on the other side. The tunnel that passes through may be a demon’s lair, or an environment where humans cannot survive at all.

When I find out more, I will naturally come to you again if I need your help. "

".All right."

The Flash quickly finished his lunch, and a minute later they arrived at Shen You's Speed ​​Laboratory.

This was originally the quantum tunnel laboratory built by Karen and the others when they returned to Earth 2, but it was abandoned after they left. Shen You renovated this place as a base for his future cross-dimensional experiments.

Like now.

A dazzling light illuminated the entire laboratory. The strong light dissipated, and Shen You once again transformed into the glorious space-time form of the Speed ​​Force-limited skin. Golden electric light wrapped around Ultraman, and lightning roared faintly.

The new generation of space treadmill has also been completed. This is Shenyou’s latest model after many upgrades based on previous versions. Its multi-travel performance has been fully upgraded compared to the past.

There is absolutely no problem in wandering around in any time and space within the DC multiverse. As for going to farther places, it's up to chance. He, the designer, can't say how high the success rate will be.

But it doesn’t matter, just try it and you will know.

Barry also once again came to the small dark room of the limited edition of the human body, and briefly became one with Shen You.

"Pal, how's the tracking going?" Shen You asked.

"The signal is very weak, and we can only identify the general direction." Pal said, "But it should be able to point the direction to Mr. outside of time and space."

"That's enough." Shen You said.

Barry took a deep breath in the small dark room: "Okay I know I was pretty chipper just now, so in case you couldn't tell I'm a little nervous.

I mean, after all, the last time we were like this we ran away to the end of time.”

"Don't worry Barry, remember our spell"

Shen You stepped onto the treadmill and pressed the switch. The track began to rotate, and he began to accelerate according to the rhythm of the treadmill.

".everything will get better."

Thunder and lightning overflowed, and golden lightning and dazzling light filled the entire room. The two of them continued to accelerate on the treadmill, faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye the scene in the laboratory disappeared from their eyes.

Even the solid ground below disappears, and the treadmill rides the wind and waves like a ship in the void of colorful aurora.

"I feel resistance"

Barry began to feel a little dizzy, and he was even more surprised to find that his body was feeling tired.

"The world is fighting back and resisting our past." Barry was a little surprised. "This has never happened before. It's like the world is pushing us back."

The treadmill began to sizzle, electric light radiated out, and the roar of the engine seemed to be reaching its limit.

"It seems that we can only go here and move forward," Barry said with difficulty.

"That's enough, thanks Barry."

As he spoke, a strong light flashed across the figure on the treadmill amid the turbulence of time and space. After the light, only the Flash was left in the galloping figure. Shen You turned into a ball of photons and separated from his body. Taking advantage of the speed force released by Barry, he smashed through the barrier with an explosive acceleration and rushed to the other side.

Sure enough, just as he expected.

Obstacles are temporary.

It may feel very narrow at first, and it's difficult to get every inch deeper, but once you get over that threshold, everything will be smooth sailing.

In the silent starry sky, the vortex of light swirled. The strong light flew out from it with lightning behind it, transforming into the shape of a red and silver giant and hanging in the air.

Shen You looked around quickly.

The solar system is just a new solar system, it should be another universe.

To determine which universe it is

He immediately turned his attention to the earth.

Metropolis. Well, no.

Gotham is good and not.

It seems likely that he has left the DC multiverse.

His eyes continued to scan, and then he saw New York


In the New York City of his local Earth, Shen You could see it at a glance. The most eye-catching building was like a city landmark, but it was definitely not there in the New York City of his previous Earth.

The logo of "Stark Tower" is clearly written on the building.

Shen You: "."

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