I become light in American comics

Chapter 535 Positioning

HISHE Cafe, underground.

"Are you sure, Pal?" Shen You asked in a deep voice.

"About 89% certain," Pal said. "The frequency of the intercepted signal is 89% similar to the recorded frequency of the Kingdom of Light. There may be a calculation error."

Shen You himself had already read the comparison report and data analysis, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

After pondering for two seconds, he continued to ask: "How is the content analysis going?"

"There is still no progress." Pal's report was not optimistic. "It is speculated that it may be because it has penetrated countless layers of cosmic barriers, including the entire barrier of the multiverse.

Theoretically speaking, it is almost impossible to transmit messages between different multiverse systems, and no matter can penetrate the void within them. "

This is a given. In most fantasy works, "multiverse" is already the upper limit of the worldview system. Even the most advanced technology is often inseparable from the multiverse system in which the work is located.

But even so, Shen You still paid attention to information from outside Duanyu. Because he knew that the person who was searching for him was not an ordinary person, not a genius scientist from any fantasy work.

That person is the famous director of the Science and Technology Bureau of their Kingdom of Light, the legendary superman Aguang, a plug-in boss with the ID "I'm just a scientist".

Because of this, Shen Youcai wouldn't be too surprised if he would receive news from his hometown one day.

“Can damaged data be repaired?”

"We are trying, but I suggest you not to have high hopes, sir. At present, it seems that this is an unrecoverable type of damage, and the possibility of restoring the original message is very low." Pal continued.

Shen You remained silent, lost in thought.

If this was really a message from Director Hikali, then he speculated that it was more than just this one. The other side will also continue to adjust parameters, and the data may be more complete next time.

"However, although the information carried has been damaged, judging from the residual information, maybe we can try to trace back its transmission route."

Shen You's eyes lit up.

"You mean"

"Yes." Pal said firmly, "Maybe we can deduce the location where this signal was sent."

Although there was no way of knowing what the specific content of the message was, the news still lifted Shen You's spirits.

The source of the signal is most likely the universe from which Shen You came. Even if it's not the Kingdom of Light, as long as he can follow the path back to the multiverse system of Ultra's world view, the possibility of him finding the return direction will be greatly increased.

And now Shen You is completely different from the first one. He has absorbed a lot of high-level energy and learned a lot of knowledge in DC. Now he is confident that he should belong to the upper level when he returns to the Aopeng universe. At that level of combat power, you have the capital to go out and explore alone.

He is no longer the young graduate who "needs to pay attention to safety when going out". Now that he is wandering around the multiverse, the only one who should pay attention to safety is the other side.

Kara came up curiously: "Shen You, what were you talking about just now? Is that the Kingdom of Light you were talking about..."

"Yes." Shen You nodded, "That's where I came from."

"Ah! You finally found it?"

Kara immediately showed an excited look. She came to the store relatively early and often participated in Shen You's projects, knowing that he had never given up on finding his way home. Now that I heard that I finally had a clue, I couldn't help but feel happy for him.

But as soon as her little head turned, she immediately thought of something, and her little face that was full of happiness a second ago quickly fell down again.

"Hey, then you found it, doesn't that mean..."

She looked at Shen You carefully.

".Are you going back?"

"Of course I want to go back."

Shen You said, seeing that the little girl was visibly frustrated, he couldn't help but smile and reached out to touch her golden forehead.

"What are you afraid of? It's not like you can't come back again after you go back." He smiled, "What do you think our research and efforts so far have been about?

If I really find a way to go back, can't I create a path and come back? "

Kara's eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes!"

Only then did she think that her peer from Earth 2 and her good sister had also gone home, but they still came here as guests from time to time. I heard that Helena even took her grandfather to visit the Batcave for three days and two, which made Batman's face grow long.

Since they can come often, why can't Shen You?

Isn't it just a slightly distant universe? Mr. Shen is so powerful that he will definitely not be able to defeat him.


Kara was instantly full of energy, as if she had the motivation to work.

"Then I. I will definitely try my best to help!"

Shen You nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned to Pal: "How is it? Can you locate it?"


Pal projected a searching interface like a radar and said at the same time.

"Although it has not been successful yet, I think you would like to know that based on the current backtracking, it is a quite distant universe.

What I’m talking about here is not only the distance, but also some special obstacles from our place. "

"Are you trying to say that the past will not be easy?" Shen You said.

"Yeah, it won't be easy like the places we've been to so far."

It's not like Shen You has no experience traveling in the multiverse now. After continuous research and exploration of various technologies such as the Speed ​​Force and quantum tunnels, he already has a rich foundation in this regard.

But Earth 2 is, after all, a world in the DC multi-system. It would be far more difficult than it is now to go outside the entire large pluralistic system.

Fortunately, his understanding of the Speed ​​Force has deepened a lot in the past storm.

And more importantly than this, since returning from the battle with Reverse Lightning, Shen You seems to be able to vaguely feel the speed force.

This doesn't just mean applying the rules of the Speed ​​Force as before. In the past, Shen You did not directly link to the Speed ​​Force, but always learned the knowledge of the Speed ​​Force and followed the laws of this world to achieve a speeding effect similar to that of a speedster.

But now, after returning from the end of time, he feels that he seems to be connected to the Speed ​​Force.

Of course, he is far from being a master of the speed force like Barry, and he is not like him who can have an unlimited supply of speed power according to his own needs, but he may have caught up with the link level of ordinary speedsters.

In other words, he can now be regarded as the number one speedster in DC.

"Of course, I know." Shen You stood up, "Continue the reverse positioning and notify me of any progress."

Kara raised her head: "Shen You, do you want to go out?"

"Well, let's go to Midtown for a little while."

Shen You said calmly.

"My intuition tells me that Barry's help will definitely be used again this time."

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