I become light in American comics

Chapter 534 A message from home?

"Dirty humans!"

A huge orc rode on the back of a ferocious mount, waving a mace in his hand and letting out an inarticulate roar.

"I'm going to catch you all!!!"

Thick dark clouds obscured the sky, and occasional lightning illuminated the battlefield. On one side of the two sides are human troops, wearing various metal armors, holding swords and shields, in an orderly formation.

On the other side were the orcs. The team was savage and fanatical, roaring and rushing towards the human position, wearing protective gear made of rough leather and bone.

The clash of swords and axes, the shouts and screams of soldiers intermingled. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the land was soaked in blood.

Kara-Zor-El wore golden armor with a striking S on her chest. She held a long sword and was followed by a large number of warriors, fearlessly charging towards the orc army.

"Okay, friends, now follow my orders and charge!"

The shouts of the soldiers around her shook the sky.

"It would not be a pity to go through fire and water for Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Your Highness the Princess is the best in the world!"


Kara looked triumphant, as if she was immersed in the pleasure of being surrounded by stars and enjoying herself very much. But the happy time is always short-lived. Just when she rushed forward with her sword and prepared to fight the orc army to the death, a gap suddenly opened in the sky.

The entire battlefield froze in an instant, and everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked into the air in astonishment. Both humans and orcs had dull eyes and dull expressions, as if they were shocked by the miracle and could not move.

Protruding from the huge hole opened in the sky was a giant silver hand.

The big luminous hand, like the hand of God, grabbed towards the battlefield and accurately locked the position of the princess in the human camp.

"Oh no, so fast?"

Kara's face was aching, and she looked helplessly at her companions beside her.

"Sorry guys, looks like I'm going to have to."

"What?" The companion next to him was shocked, "But Your Highness, the decisive battle between us and the orcs has just reached the most critical point!"

"We still have to break into Blackstone Valley to support Arnold!"

"Sorry." Kara scratched her head sheepishly, "But it's time for me to do my homework."

"What should you do?" Everyone was confused.

At this time, the big glowing hand had grabbed Kara and pulled her whole body into the hole in the air.

"At least leave the Frost Blade to us!" Someone remembered something and shouted, "That's the best sword in the village! Without that we're doomed."

"Ah, sorry," Kara apologized, "but that's my sword, so...hey, on the bright side, when I come back from my homework, the sword will come back with me."

"Fuck, the human race is definitely dead."

When these words were cursed, Kara had already followed the giant hand away. The two huge armies, the entire battlefield, and the entire continent were all reduced to numbers 0 and 1, until they disappeared in the flying light particles.

A second later, she sat back in the chair in the laboratory and looked at Shen You obediently.

"You're out of time."

Shen You pointed at the time next to him.

"We agreed to only play for an hour, but it's already been over twenty minutes."

"Because it just happened to be a critical moment."

Kara muttered, then smiled hurriedly.

"But it doesn't matter, it will be the same next time!"

He said, swooping up and giving him a bear hug.

"Thank you for the gift. I know I've said it before but I want to say it again. This game is amazing. I love it so much."

"As long as you like it."

Shen You pushed the Kryptonian girl away from him and pointed to the empty seat next to him.

Kara pouted, let go of him and sat over.

Mr. Shen is simply a ruthless scientific research machine.

It doesn't matter whether you act coquettish, tough, or pretend to be pitiful to him. He will always tell you emotionally that it's time to learn.

"All right."

Kara sat over, but did not sit on the chair. Instead, she sat on the table with her hands on her hands, and her two long legs that became longer and more shapely were dangling in the air.

"What is it this time?"

"The Speed ​​Force."

Shen You dragged an already opened floating screen interface over and placed it in front of her.

"I recently entered the Speed ​​Force, and this time is different from the past. This time I went very deep, maybe touching a level close to the origin of time and space.

I have a lot of insights and have recorded a very large amount of data, so there will be a lot of content to analyze and process. So, I'm going to lend you your brain. "

Although Kara is not very smart, her little brain is incomparable to all the super computers that Shen You currently has. Even if she is only used as an AI supercomputer to process data, she is still a very good scientific research assistant.

"No problem." Kara patted her chest confidently, "Mr. Shen is too polite and has a good mind. If you want to borrow anything, just ask!"

"Although your statement is strange, thank you."

Kara quickly switched to work mode. After Shen You's long-term training and training, Kara is now able to adapt well to scientific research work. She has good experience in literature reading and data processing. With the help of super speed and powerful brain computing power, she can take over the progress of any project in the shortest time.

So after her eyes started to spin like a ghost, she quickly caught up with the progress and looked up in shock.

"You ran to the end of time?"

"It seems like this." Shen said.

"Is there really an end to time?"

"Looks like it."

"Ah this."

Kara was a little confused. She discovered that no matter how much she studied or how much she learned, the new content Shen You brought back always shocked him. No, or maybe it was because the more she learned and the more she understood, the more she felt. Shock.

Just like an illiterate person will certainly not be able to understand the shock this concept has to the existing system.

End of time! This has changed almost everything and has subversive significance for the scientific understanding of almost all civilizations today.

"Don't be so excited." Shen You said calmly, "It's just a relative concept, not necessarily absolute."

Kara nodded in understanding, a little confused but didn't ask any more questions.

The reason why Shen You said this was because he realized something while running to the end of time with The Flash.

These times are without him.

This has been the case from the beginning, from the 21st century they live in, to the further future, until the end of all things, there is no trace of the existence of "Ultraman" left.

It would be easier to say if it was further into the future. Because Shen You is confident that he will return to his own universe sooner or later according to the current progress, and return to the Kingdom of Light and those who care about him. Then it would be normal for him not to exist in the future universe.

But he noticed that in the time he saw, he didn't seem to see himself even in the future not far from the present.

what does that mean?

Maybe it was because he would soon find his way back, so he disappeared from the timeline of this universe?


Maybe what you see in the Speed ​​Force is just the original timeline and the original future of the DC universe.

As an outsider outside the entire multi-dimensional system, everything he experiences at this moment is creating a new timeline independent of the DC system.

Of course, these are all speculations, and they are also things that need to be confirmed and proven in subsequent research. Because of this, he has a lot of work to do next.

"Sir." Parr interrupted, "I know the work you are doing now is very important, but I think this matter should also be important."

"Get straight to the point, Pal." Shen You said, "What's the matter?"

"That's right, we just intercepted another signal."

"Let me guess, the signal from Apocalypse? Or from a black light?" Shen You asked, "Or from our deep space surveillance radar? If it's an alien rated below Beta, just hand it over to the watchtower, and the Justice League will handle it. of."

He has specially listed a series of threat ratings for extraterrestrial invaders, making it easier to take action based on the enemy's rating.

He will personally confirm only intruders with a beta rating or above. Below that, he usually won't waste time looking at them, and will transfer them directly to the Justice League for processing by default.

In fact, 99% of DC's alien invaders, the Justice League, can handle it on their own, without the need for cheating or foreign aid.

"No, sir. I don't think it's a threat this time. It's your time-travel bracelet that received the signal this time, sir."

"My bracelet?" Shen You was stunned.

Since his various facilities and monitoring systems were completed, the bracelet has rarely received any signals.

"Yes, sir. And I compared it based on the database we already have. I believe that it should be the frequency of M78."

Shen You's breath was stagnant.

"You mean."

"Yes, sir."

Parr spoke gently and clearly.

"I believe it may be your family members in the Kingdom of Light who sent this signal."

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