I become light in American comics

Chapter 533 Special gesture of atonement

"Good morning huh?"

When Kara pushed the door open and entered the private room that was used as the Zhenglian conference room at the back of HISHE Cafe, she was stunned.

Now around the table were the newcomers Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman, and on both sides of the table were the two heavyweight giants of the Alliance, Superman and Bat, who seemed to be quarreling.

No, saying it was a quarrel seems a bit inaccurate.

It should mainly look like Batman is questioning, while Superman is looking away, almost with the words "guilty" written on his face.

"No, no," Superman muttered, "I said no, Bruce."

Batman narrowed his eyes. "You've never been good at lying, Clark. I can recognize what you look like when you lie."

Superman: "."

Although she didn’t know what happened, Kara stepped forward: “Don’t bully Karl!”

All eyes turned to her.

It took half a second for them to remember this setting that everyone had forgotten after not mentioning it for a long time. Kara seemed to be Superman's cousin, and if necessary, she could even be considered his parent.

"That's not the case, Kara." Superman was a little embarrassed, "I just had a little misunderstanding with Batman."

Kara blinked twice, the hair on her head standing up.


After some explanation, she understood what was happening.

Last night, Batman went out to work, but left Robin at home. The reason was that he was not allowed to go out and climb walls until he finished his homework.

But as we all know, the first generation of Robin was not a light-hearted person. As soon as Batman left, he slipped out to find excitement. As a result, he was not careful in his studies and was caught by a group of enthusiastic members of the Gotham gang, who kidnapped him on the spot.

But luckily for him, this group of people's business is in collusion with the gangsters in Metropolis. Superman followed up on his clues and came to Gotham. He originally wanted to discuss it with Batman, but on the way he heard the sound of Robin being arrested, so he parachuted down to help the young man.

So Superman and Robin rarely left Batman behind for a thrilling two-person adventure. In the end, Superman even thoughtfully sent the young man back home before Batman did.

Later, when Batman came back and wanted to check his homework, the young man was shocked and realized that he had been having so much fun tonight that he had completely forgotten about his homework. As a result, when he slowly took out his homework and took a look, even he was dumbfounded. So much homework was actually done by Gonggong neatly.

Needless to say, it was naturally the big blue boy scout who accompanied him on the adventure tonight who helped.

However, this little trick can't fool the world's number one detective.

So the next day Batman aggressively came to accuse Superman.

"Okay, okay, I did it. I met that kid at Pier 3, and I helped him take down the Grass Snake Gang." Superman raised his hands in surrender.

Shen You, who was listening silently, moved his eyelids imperceptibly.

It seems that he is the only one who realizes that the name of this gang is a bit outrageous.

"But he is very talented and has done good things." Superman laughed dryly, "It was just a homework assignment."

"The crucial homework is likely to directly affect his next test score and his future. It is not for his own good to help him with his homework and deceive his parents."

Batman said bluntly.

"Not everyone has a super brain, I hope you remember that."

"Okay I know, I was wrong."

Superman lowered his head, as if admitting his mistake, but still puzzled.

"But how did you find out that it was written by me? It took me half a second to read the child's previous homework, and I completely imitated his handwriting."

But before he finished asking the question, he felt something was wrong and waved his hand hastily.

"Stop, wait a minute, I don't want to know anymore"

But it was too late, he had already asked the question.

So of course, Batman's voice deepened.

"Because I'm Batman."

Superman: "."

After pondering for two seconds, he said: "It's exactly what you want, isn't it?"

The stupid hair on Kara's head drooped down again, and her little head felt a little weird about the scene in front of her.

What's up with this weird scene where my cousin and Batman look like they have a disagreement about their children's education?

If you look at it this way, doesn’t it make you a loving mother who dotes on her children and a strict father who teaches you harshly? Isn't this too strange? ?

"Sorry for disturbing you."

There was a knock on the door, followed by the door being pushed open from the outside. An eye-catching little maid came in, wearing a black and white maid uniform, with the collar and cuffs decorated with delicate lace. Her hair was combed into a cute double ponytail style like an old driver's steering wheel, with a cute pink butterfly hairpin in her hair, which complemented the maid outfit perfectly.

She held a dinner plate in her hand and brought steaming coffee.

"The coffee you ordered is ready."

She said putting the coffee on the table.

Diana asked strangely: "Huh? Are you a new employee of the coffee shop?"

She felt something strange. This private room in the cafe is exclusively for the Justice League. It is locked during use and has a magic barrier arranged. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter, and only a few people trusted by the alliance can enter and exit the cafe. Even if Shen You, an ordinary employee, is hired, it is impossible to let them in.

After all, the fact that the Justice League is a regular member of a coffee shop is a secret.

But the maid smiled at her.

"You don't remember me, Princess Diana." She bowed lightly in a professional manner, "We have seen each other and almost had a fight."

"Have it?"

Diana was confused and narrowed her eyes to look at her carefully for a moment.

Then he couldn't help but be shocked for a moment.

"I'll go." Diana looked surprised, "You Pandora??"

This double ponytail hairstyle, this standard maid outfit, and that innocent and cute appearance and makeup are completely different from before.

But it's true, this is Pandora, the girl who opened the magic box many centuries ago.

Now it has been proven that the magic box is not a magical creation at all, but a portal from Earth 3.

"I've always been wrong." Pandora said softly. "For so many years, I always thought that opening the box again would put things right and undo the sins I had committed. But I didn't want to almost make a new big mistake."

To say so is actually a bit of an understatement. In the original comics, what she did was not just "making a big mistake". Just because she always wanted to open the box, the Crime Syndicate came to the main world. As a result, the Justice League was destroyed, and the whole world was invaded by invaders from another world. dominate.

Fortunately none of this happened here.

"The wise and powerful man of light prevented all of this from happening, but the fact that I tried to commit crimes has not disappeared. So I still need to continue wandering in this world and continue my journey of atonement." Pandora said.

"Oh, that."

Diana hesitated to speak.

But what I was thinking was.

So your atonement... is to be a maid in a coffee shop?

Then this method is quite special.

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