I become light in American comics

Chapter 527 Glorious Space-Time Form

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

Reverse-Flash yelled in annoyance.

"This is between me and him, this is my time with him! You don't belong here, alien! Give it to me"

As he spoke, he rushed out, dragging dark red lightning towards Shen You.

".Get out!"

Very fast, ridiculously fast. Shen You couldn't even tell which one was faster, him or Black Lightning, who they had fought against not long ago.

DC speed players are so unreasonable. In almost all fantasy works, they are close to the upper limit of the concept of speed. Although Shen You is now quite powerful, it is still very difficult to catch Reverse Lightning.

In fact, Shen You had already noticed that the changes that happened to Barry were different from the power of Black Lightning. He just acts like Black Lightning, but the source of that energy is actually a different power.

The influence of the opposite of the Speed ​​Force, known as the "Negative Speed ​​Force". The Flash's ability to suddenly disappear when he was sucked into the speed field was also due to the influence of this force. Because the entire Speed ​​Force itself was being subtly infected, Barry was naturally the first to bear the brunt. Under the offset of that negative force, he temporarily suffered from poor signal reception.

Previously, he used Black Lightning as a medium to help him strengthen the connection and regain his speed, but this did not solve the root of the problem. The speed force infection is still continuing, or it should be more serious. Therefore, Barry, who is closely connected to him, will lose control and run away.

Including the fact that he corrupted and killed the targets he came into contact with, it only looked like he did it, but in fact it was all the work of Reverse Flash. It was Reverse-Flash who released the Negative Speed ​​Force energy through Barry's body as an outlet, killing Tar Pits and making it look like it was at the hands of The Flash.

Shen You guessed who was behind it, but there was no way to solve it at the first time. First of all, Reverse Flash is a speedster who can easily exceed the speed of light, and he is also a time traveler who often travels between different timelines. It was almost impossible to locate him or catch up with him.

So since I couldn't catch up, I just sat there and waited for him to show up.

Everything that happened next was indeed what Shen You expected. When Barry rushes into the Speed ​​Force in order not to affect others, he is bound to discover the existence of the negative Speed ​​Force field. As the instigator, Reverse Flash will definitely not continue to watch, and will definitely take the initiative to show up in front of Barry.

All Shen You needs to do is to wait and see.

Since you can't catch up, just wait for the other party to appear on his own. As long as he possesses Barry's body, it won't take long for Reverse Flash to take the bait on his own.

Like now.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Even if the entire Justice League comes, it won't change anything."

Reverse Flash shouted.

"I've surpassed The Flash. I'm the fastest man in the multiverse. You can't change it even if you come."

Before he finished speaking, his pupils shrank rapidly. As if there was some strong premonition of danger, Reverse Lightning stopped instinctively, and suddenly changed direction at super-light speed like an experienced driver turning a corner in a drainage ditch.

Ultraman's figure also exceeded the speed of light in an instant, and his punches came at a speed that even the reverse lightning was shocked. Reverse Flash's vigilant evasion allowed him to avoid it narrowly, but the aftermath of such an explosive punch also made his vision black, and his internal organs seemed to be shaken to pieces.

"Huh? People are still here?"

Shen You punched out and was a little surprised when he saw Reverse Lightning flying out.

Although he failed to hit directly, with the power of his punch, even a little aftermath was enough to crush the opponent into powder.

"I see, is it the reason for losing the Speed ​​Force?"

Just as the Speed ​​Field attaches to the surface of the Flash's body to provide protection, the Negative Speed ​​Field has the same effect on the Reverse-Flash. Moreover, the dark red area they are now in is almost an ocean of negative speed force, and the force field effect is countless times more powerful than in the real world. Otherwise, with Reverse Lightning's flesh and blood body, even if it is blown by the wind of the fist, it will definitely be killed on the spot.

But after this punch, Reverse Lightning no longer dared to look down upon him at all, only shock was written on his face.

"Why!?" His calm voice just now was trembling slightly, "Your speed is impossible and shouldn't be. Not even the Flash is like this."

"Of course." Shen You smiled softly, "As you just said, The Flash has too many things to deal with. His work, his life, and he always tries to put everything into perspective. The weight of the world is on your shoulders.

So maybe yes, it's always difficult for him to find time to devote himself to the study of speed like you do. "

After a pause, he turned around.

"But I'm different. Scientific research is my life and my job. You don't think you are the only one who studies speed, do you?"

Now Shen You has completed his assimilation with Barry, which is equivalent to gaining Barry's body, and naturally also gaining his link to the Speed ​​Force. Unlike Barry, Shen You's theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills are not on the same level.

So the opponent Reverse Flash now faces has more than just speed, it's a massive upgrade in every other aspect.

But Shen You knew that this was not the best state.

They can do better.


Barry slowly opened his eyes, a little blinded by the warm and dazzling divine light in front of him.

"Flash, open your eyes, I'm Superman."


Barry came to and recognized the voice immediately.

"Mr. Shen Chen?"

"Ahem. Okay, it's me."

Only then did Barry realize that he was floating in a special space. The surrounding environment is like endless void, and the star-like light spots are like stars in the universe.

The light particles condensed in front of him, transforming into the image of a giant bathed in light.

"This is me" Barry looked around.

"You are in my body or I am in your body, whatever you want to understand."

Barry was surprised at first when he heard this, but quickly thought of something.

"Wait, I remembered what Superman said. You did it once with Superman when you defeated Darkseid, right? One of your abilities is that you can assimilate with humans."

"Yes, this way we can share our strength and face your biggest enemy in life."

This is undoubtedly the classic dark room transformed from the Olympic shed. Because they are one mind, communication is through thoughts and ideas. With the blessing of the Speed ​​Force, their thoughts communicated at a speed that was almost equivalent to time standing still.

"My biggest enemy is, by the way, that golden guy!" Barry suddenly remembered and became nervous, "I have never seen such a person. He is faster than me, not just faster. His skills are better than mine Stronger, stronger than me, and better than me in understanding and knowledge of speed.

It’s like my opposite, but an all-around high-end version.”

Barry was a little frustrated.

"I remember I was very angry. I had never tried as hard as I did today but to no avail. I was no match for him."

"That's not the truth, Barry."

Shen You said patiently.

"You are not an ordinary speedster, Barry. It's about time you noticed that you are actually the same as Reverse-Flash, the speedster just now.

The concept of speed, the source of time, everything starts with you. "

"by me?"

Such a huge concept startled Barry.

"Reverse Flash said that he created the 'Negative Speed ​​Force'. Every step he takes is equivalent to running an engine of negative energy expansion, which makes him invincible. He deceives you like this just to make you believe that you can never beat him. He's fast.

But the truth is, he's just a poor imitator. He spent his entire life trying to replicate what you had done hundreds of years ago.

When you were struck by lightning, Barry, you didn't connect to the Speed ​​Force, you created it.

Whenever you run, you establish a link between the present and the time barrier. It is an electrical energy that exists in every space, every universe, and every era.

That is the Speed ​​Force, the all-encompassing truth about lightning. "

"I created the Speed ​​Force and connected the time of the entire universe?" Such an abstract concept made Barry increasingly confused.

He is a scientist and a researcher. But that’s what makes this theory, which is astonishing and completely unexplainable by science, even more difficult to understand.

But he didn't doubt it either.

Because this is what Shen You said, and Shen You has never made any mistakes. Moreover, the Speed ​​Force is full of unscientific and unreasonable things, or at least it is difficult to explain by existing science.

"Yes, so when the reverse lightning attacks you, he is not only threatening you or the people around you, he is corroding the time of the entire universe. He is infecting your force field with his negative speed force. Once successful, he will The foundation of time in the universe is shaken catastrophically.

And the only one who can stop him is you. You need to move, Barry. Just as the Reverse-Flash creates a negative Speed ​​Force by running, you can create more Speed ​​Force by running. You can save everyone.

No, or to be more precise, the current situation is."

The giant's image shrunk and emerged from the light. Shen You faced Barry and stretched out his hand to him.

".Yes we can."

There was barely any hesitation.

Barry took the offered hand.

At the same time, light and electricity erupted in the negative speed force field at the same time, as if they were about to stir up a speed storm. The reverse lightning was so frightened that he backed away again, like a frightened rabbit, warily watching the changes in the light source.

"What is he going to do this time?" Reverse Flash muttered impatiently.

When Ultraman's figure reappeared in the light, his physical appearance had changed again. Stripes of golden lightning were engraved on his body like streamlines, and the shape of the lines was like a layer of lightning armor.

Golden current flowed in the direction of the lines, and lightning radiated from the soles of his feet.

Brilliant space-time form!

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