I become light in American comics

Chapter 526 Reverse Lightning

In his spare time, Barry and Bruce had compared each other's lists of super criminals. While Gotham's Arkham fanbase and Midtown's down-to-earth gang of rogues are fundamentally different, it's interesting to see how similar their rosters are to each other.

To some extent, their list of criminals with rare superpowers may be the most similar among the members of the Justice League. Because of this, they noticed the inconsistencies in some parts during the comparison.

Because compared to the criminals Batman has encountered over the years, The Flash's list feels significantly incomplete.

"It's the Joker, Barry."

Bruce told him in the Batcave.

"You haven't met your clown yet."

Just as the Joker is Batman's antithesis, the most unique of his many enemies and, in some ways, the most similar to him, so too does The Flash have such an adversary.

And today, at this moment, in this blood-stained red Speed ​​Force, Barry encountered his destined opponent for the first time.

And he will soon realize that the man in front of him means more to him and has changed his life than the Joker means to Batman.

Reverse Flash, formerly known as Albert Swann, is a speed professor from the 25th century. He was an avid fan of The Flash for the first half of his life, and devoted his life to pursuing the ultra-speed energy that made the Flash legendary. In the end, he succeeded. He relied on science and wisdom to recreate the accident that happened to Barry Allen, and became as fast as the Flash.

But after that he became the antagonist of The Flash. He embarked on a life of crime and had an unusual obsession with The Flash. Although Barry didn't realize it for the first half of his life, his entire life has actually been shrouded in the shadow of Reverse Flash.

Reverse Flash forced him in every aspect, like a rat in a maze, running endlessly. To a certain extent, it can even be said that he created the Flash today. In the process of his crazy persecution and attacks, he unintentionally became part of the legend.

But Barry obviously didn't know this. This was his first encounter with reverse lightning, and also his first encounter with someone who seemed to be faster than him.

"You shouldn't be here." Reverse Lightning's body vibrated and blurred into a ball, and his eyes seemed to be flashing with scarlet light, "At least not yet."

Barry didn't know if it was his imagination, but when this blurry shadow spoke, he seemed to be able to see through the afterimage that the grinning afterimage disappeared instantly, as if it was sucked into his mouth and nose.

Static crackled as he spoke.

"You're here early." Reverse Lightning said every word.

"Who are you?" Barry shouted.

But the next moment, the golden afterimage had disappeared. When the Flash realized it, the group of light and shadow had come behind him. Barry was startled and turned around to punch, but he only hit an afterimage.

At the same time, the golden fist fell on his cheek. This punch almost took off half of his mask, and the impact of the scarlet lightning caused severe pain on his cheek and blood splattered from his mouth.

Shockingly fast.

"You should have killed one of your friends with your own hands."

Reverse Flash showed something like a scepter and spun it around lightly in his hand. Barry could barely make out what seemed to be a lightning-shaped scepter, with a sharp blade and a golden lightning-like shape throughout.

"According to the original plan, your out-of-control energy would lead to you killing someone important. Maybe the captain of your police force? The guy who adopted you after your mother died and your father went to jail.

It could also be someone from the Justice League drag club. If you're lucky, it could be Hal Jordan. Ha, if you're bolder, you might be able to draw Iris. Then you will definitely never forget it for the rest of your life, right? "

"It's you."

There was anger in Barry's eyes.

The lightning suddenly appeared, and the Flash rushed forward at full speed, shouting angrily: "Why? Who are you? Why do you do this to me?"

But Reverse Flash easily avoided it with exquisite footwork and swung the lightning blade lightly. Blood spattered and split Barry's waist and abdomen, leaving a deep gash.

"You were supposed to wait until one of them died before you thought of returning to the Speed ​​Force and becoming part of the speed space-time. But you came too early. To be honest, even if I knew you so well, I didn't expect you to decide. So simple.

You should transform into a higher energy, a pure enlightenment. "

Barry stepped forward again, his fists turned into afterimages so fast, but they were easily avoided by the reverse lightning. Finally, Reverse Flash blocked with his palm, holding his left fist while blocking and counterattacking, hitting Barry's nose with his elbow. Barry's nose was broken, blood gushed out, and he staggered back two steps.

"You may be the Flash out there, but I'm the fastest guy here."

Reverse Lightning made a wrong step, and his figure suddenly seemed to appear in all directions at the same time, as if he was everywhere.

"You know why? Because here's my Speed ​​Force, and it swallows yours. Just as you created your Speed ​​Force, I created mine. I guess we're equal at this point.

But do you know where the big gap between us is? You rarely delve too deeply to solve the mystery of speed, working tirelessly like a scientist. You just giggled and ran over, and then ran over.

That's why you ignored it."

He ran along a zigzag and dodged Barry's fist. The lightning blade swiped across his arm and cut his arm. The wound was so deep that the bone was visible.

".There is always a negative pole on the other side of every positive pole."

The reverse lightning flew past him at great speed and stopped briefly. Barry temporarily half-knelt on the ground while holding his wound.

"This sea of ​​red lightning is the opposite of your Speed ​​Force. It is the 'Negative Speed ​​Force' I created." Reverse Flash sneered, "Every time I take a step, its scarlet rage expands. I am its engine. .

As long as I run, the negative energy will become stronger and stronger, accumulating over time. I used this power of opposites to turbidize you and your Speed ​​Force. In this way, you yourself will become a tool against your family and your friends. "

"So I didn't turn into Black Lightning at all, not the force of death" Barry gasped.

"Hahaha, of course, it was all my power, Barry. This was a brilliant plan. You should have killed your family and friends, and you should have lived the rest of your life feeling guilty.

You should not have resisted my turbidity and risked coming here. But it doesn’t matter. What’s the old saying? "

Reverse Flash smiled coldly and cruelly.

"If you want something to happen, you have to do it yourself. It seems that I will eventually have to deal with the people you care about personally. Without you, the so-called Justice League has no threat to me.

I can kill anyone you care about so easily that they won't even have a chance to react without you. "

Barry gritted his teeth and stood up: "I won't allow you."

"Oh, it's not time to get up yet, Barry. You're going to have to sit back and watch this unfold from the front row seat."

Reverse Flash waved his scepter and charged forward.

"I'm not going to kill you, Barry, I'd hate to do that. But I'm going to make sure you can't go anywhere for the time being!"

The scepter thrust out with extreme speed.

But not before the scepter struck.

In that instant, which is almost faster than the shortest instant in the absolute physical sense.

Barry's body bloomed with a dazzling light.


The scepter broke.

As if it had hit an indestructible object and withstood an impact that exceeded the upper limit of its material, the lightning scepter broke into two pieces, and a massive amount of lightning from the speed force erupted from the break.

"What are you doing?"

Reverse Flash was stunned.

When he raised his eyes to take a closer look, the Flash in front of him was gone.

No, or rather it was replaced.

The red and silver stripes are like a body covered with metal skin, and the crystal on the chest shines with azure brilliance. His all-powerful lightning blade stabbed the body like it hit a steel plate, breaking into two pieces on the spot.

That creature of light named Ultraman.

"It's you!?"

Reverse-Flash was shocked.

"But how is it possible? You can't keep up with this speed. Even you can't get here."

"No. So I hitched a ride and followed him inside the Flash. So sorry for you, Swan. But Barry and I are on a buy-one-get-one-free deal now."

Shen You said calmly.

".We are one mind now."

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