I become light in American comics

Chapter 528 The War of Time

Everything in front of me is flowing rapidly, as if blending into a river at the speed of light. The figure in yellow was running wildly in this turbulent current, stepping on scarlet lightning, breaking through the shackles of time, like a runaway horse in time.

The colors blend together under high-speed movement, forming a gorgeous rainbow tunnel. It was as if he had rushed into an infinite spectrum, each color representing a different dimension and parallel universe. The endless roar echoes in the ears, and every note is a fragment of time, colliding with each other in high-speed motion, creating beautiful resonance.

His name is Albert Swann, codenamed Reverse Flash, and he is the fastest man in the world from the twenty-fifth century - at least that's what he thinks.

But his firm confidence is now being shattered.

Reverse Flash had tried his best and reached the highest speed in his life. He has never been in better shape than he is today since gaining speed. He feels that he has easily surpassed his previous limit, and is confident that such speed should be enough to leave his old enemy the Flash far behind.

But the fact is that he is now faced with a crisis that he cannot escape even at this speed.

A great terror that looked like a god, with thunder and lightning, and dazzling special effects, was chasing after him from behind.

"This is too fast."

Even Barry was stunned.

Of course, he was in this extremely fast first-person perspective. After all, no matter what, even Shen You wouldn't be able to reach such high speed without him.

It should be said that it is an Ultra race that has strong compatibility with any attribute energy. The assimilation of the Flash into the human body allowed Shen You to directly touch the link with the Speed ​​Force. If before, he only used his own light to simulate the energy of the Speed ​​Force and borrowed some laws of space and time to operate, then now he has directly touched the vast ocean of the Speed ​​Force.

And Barry is not an ordinary speedster. The Speed ​​Force is basically his back garden, with basically unlimited supply. With enough energy, all Shen You has to do is step on the accelerator and sprint at full speed.

As a result, this new form was derived, the glorious space-time form.

I don't know if it is because he is also related to the time system, but Shen You feels that the light effect on his body in this state is somewhat similar to the glorious form of the famous time system game rabbit in the Kingdom of Light. But excluding the special effects, the basics of his body are still his own template, with the pattern and stripes branded with the Speed ​​Force's representative golden lightning stripes.

"Don't be surprised. This is your original ability. I'm just borrowing it." Shen You said in Barry's ear, "You just haven't had time to slow down and feel the speed force. In fact, if you can go deeper If you understand it and understand its rules, you can achieve this quickly even on your own."

"Is this so?" Barry still felt incredible.

But anyway, it looks doable to keep it up at this pace!

Unaware that something was wrong, Reverse Lightning had already turned around and started running away. Naturally, Shen You and Barry had no reason to let go, and were pursuing at full speed.

At this time, it is impossible to estimate how fast the two sides are going, but what is certain is that the speed of light has long been far exceeded. What Reverse Flash is actually doing at this time is not just escaping. Although Reverse Flash has realized that there is no chance of winning in close combat against this unreasonable figure who is directly fused with The Flash, he has not given up resistance.

Running is a way of fighting for speedsters.

"It's the Negative Speed ​​Force!"

Feeling the majestic power, as if the surrounding space itself was constantly transforming huge energy into the body to try to hinder their progress, Barry suddenly understood.

"The Reverse-Flash is creating the Negative Speed ​​Force, and he's still trying to use it to turbidize and weaken us."

They are in the negative speed force space, which means this is the home court of the reverse lightning.

"Yes, Reverse Flash is the engine of the Negative Speed ​​Force. He does not need to fight us directly, he only needs to generate enough Negative Speed ​​Force to slow us down.

As long as we do this, we will be trapped in this time and space forever. We will soon lose our memory and consciousness, have our identity and existence erased, and become part of the high-dimensional energy in this distorted law of time and space. "

Shen You said, paused, and then said.

"But, on the other hand, it's the same here. Like I said, Barry, you are the engine of the Speed ​​Force. As long as we continue to accelerate, we will continue to create more positive Speed ​​Force."

"Then just suppress his negative speed force. I understand." Barry said with high spirits, "It's no problem at all. In other words, it happens to be the part I'm best at."

At this moment, their spirits were so synchronized that they seemed to overlap, and the link between the Speed ​​Force reached its peak. Endless lightning is released from Ultraman's glorious body, and the barriers of time and space are broken through layer by layer, similar to the explosion when breaking the sound barrier. Every time it seems that the universe is experiencing rebirth.

At such extreme speed, it was as if the entire world had never been so clear and bright, and every world was shining with light. As he flew by, it was as if his own existence was integrated with the universe, and everything from the origin to the end of time was within reach.

This is no longer just a competition of speed, but a duel between laws.

In forward time and reverse time, the winner of either side will determine the master of the laws of time and space in the multiverse.

"I can't go any faster."

Reverse Lightning felt like it was about to disintegrate, its bones seemed to be screaming, and all the cells in its body seemed to be screaming.

"Can't persist. Must leave."


Scarlet lightning penetrated the space.

He broke out of this time and space.

Rushing out of the ocean of negative speed force, the reverse lightning seemed to be tumbling and tumbling in an endless space-time tunnel. When he landed covered in lightning, he somersaulted for at least dozens of miles.

However, his speed had slowed down to zero, and the force field once again protected him from turning into ashes during the extremely fast roll.

He shook his head and stood up. When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned.

This is exactly where The Flash left off.

Everyone in the Justice League, as well as Iris, were looking at the man in yellow who suddenly appeared out of thin air in surprise.

"This is. The Flash?"

Kara tilted her head, and the hair on her head jumped.

"It doesn't look like it. It's not the Flash's uniform." Firestorm said.

"Keep your distance, stay away from him." It was Green Lantern who spoke, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Reverse Lightning's gaze slowly swept over them, and then quickly landed on Iris behind them.

Then the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a ferocious smile.

In an instant, scarlet lightning flashed in his eyes. The raindrops falling from the sky hovered in mid-air, and all the members of the Justice League who were on alert instantly froze in place. He became the only living thing in this still time and space.

Reverse Flash clasped his hands behind his back and walked towards Iris leisurely.

"Heh, it seems like even fate is on my side."

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