I become light in American comics

Chapter 520 The Flash Museum

"The Flash Returns!" 》

"The red whirlwind returns to the streets!" 》


Similar headlines dominated the media headlines in Midtown in the new week. The Flash's absence was only about ten days, and Midtown's accident and crime rates began to rebound at an alarming rate. The enthusiasm of Midtown's criminals is truly a model in the industry.

But what’s interesting is that in all the crime activity in the past week, including super criminals, the number of deaths of civilians and police officers has been zero, and there are not even many injuries.

It can only be said that the criminals in Midtown are not only active and enthusiastic about criminal work, but also very disciplined. All criminals adhere to the principle that as long as money does not hurt anyone, they have tried to avoid affecting civilians in all their actions so far.

In fact, during a bank robbery carried out by the Rogue Gang last week, the robbers accidentally encountered a traffic accident on their way to evacuate after finishing the robbery. A careless truck driver made a mistake and nearly caused a disaster when his truck went wild.

Fortunately, Captain Leng, who had just robbed the bank, made a quick decision and came to help regardless of the pursuers behind him, thus averting a traffic disaster. Afterwards, even the Midtown Police Department had to admit that if the robbers had not acted bravely, there might have been a large number of casualties.

Of course, even with this unexpected delay, the gang of scoundrels still ran away, and the pursuing police officers failed to catch up with them.

This is also a matter of course. Midtown without The Flash is basically on easy mode for the Rogue Gang members, and there is no way they can turn over.

A carnival-level event that will be held in Midtown this week is the opening ceremony of the Flash Museum, which will be recorded in history.

"The traffic jam has been going on since dawn."

The morning news reporter stood in front of the jammed traffic and spoke into the camera.

“People from Keystone are starting in the early hours of the morning, traveling through the Midwest, heading to Midtown, so naturally there’s a lot of congestion.”

"The Flash Museum will open today, and even though it's the weekend, there's still traffic rush."

The whole city has entered a carnival rhythm. The Flash’s surrounding ornaments include red balloons printed with golden lightning symbols, and LOGOs that can be seen everywhere in the streets.

Midtown is perhaps the city that has the best relationship with its own superheroes. Compared to Gotham, where the police department often plays cat and mouse with Batman, or Beach City, where its own superheroes roam the universe all day long, The Flash is obviously more popular in the simple and honest Midtown.

The Flash Museum is proof of that.

Barry Allen stood outside the museum's ticket office, where a line had formed since early in the morning. He put his hands in his pockets, listening to the noise of the crowd around him, and looking at the lifelike Flash sculpture standing in the square outside the venue, with a complicated expression.

"What? Are you fascinated by your own appearance?"

Barry came to his senses and turned around to see Shen You approaching with a smile behind him.

"Mr. Shen. I thought you couldn't. I mean I didn't expect you could today."

"Do you think I will miss this historic moment because I am doing research in the laboratory?" Shen You smiled. "Of course not possible."

Besides, he actually didn't waste his research time at the moment. He was talking to Barry here at the same time, while still in his lab in Gotham. It is not a difficult task to do two things in two places at the same time.

Barry scratched his head in embarrassment: "No, it's actually not that big of a deal."

"Don't be modest, I'm not kidding." Shen You smiled, "This is indeed a historic moment worth remembering, for the future, no, for the entire universe."

The Flash Museum that was established in this era in the original work was preserved until at least the twenty-fifth century. Even the future Reverse-Flash was influenced by the Flash legend and embarked on the path of pursuing extreme speed. Before turning into a villain, Reverse-Flash briefly worked at the Flash Museum.

"I know, but I'm serious too."

Barry sighed softly and turned to look at his sculpture again, which had the "Flash" logo and lightning marks written everywhere.

"But I just... don't know, I feel like I don't deserve this. I'm just trying to do the best I can, and I never get there in time."

He shook his head.

"What's worse, there are more people that I haven't even noticed yet. So many people who need my help, it's like they've been trapped in the Speed ​​Field."


Shen You patted his shoulder.

"You are just fast, not omniscient and omnipotent. You have taken too many responsibilities for yourself, but no one can bear so much, and no one can save everyone. Superman can't do it, and neither can I.

We are not the all-knowing and all-powerful God, we are just ordinary people trying to help. As long as you have a clear conscience. "

Barry blinked.

"Although this is a bit unconvincing from you. Okay, but I think you are right."

"Of course I'm right." Shen You shrugged and paused, "But I guess you're worried about more than that, right?"

Barry nodded slightly.

"I still don't understand why I suddenly lost speed. And the appearance of Black Lightning made me a little uneasy. And in the past few days since I came back, I have always felt that something is not right."

"Hey, Barry!"

As he was talking, someone suddenly jumped up from behind and hugged his neck.

"Hal?" Barry turned to look at his good friend, "Aren't you in the universe and have an entire legion to take care of?"

"Yes, but even so, how could I miss my best friend's museum opening ceremony?" Hal smiled, "How about it, did you miss me?"

"A little bit." Barry instinctively took two steps back, "But honestly Hal, how long has it been since you washed this coat?"

Hal paused, looked down at the old flight jacket on his body, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Ah, you know about this, I am always in the universe and never take off the ring. When I wear the light ring, I always wear the Green Lantern uniform. Naturally, I don't have the chance to change the clothes under the uniform. I think about the last time I took it off It must have been a month ago that I took off the lantern ring.”

Barry: "."

When he thought about Hal just jumping on him, he suddenly had the urge to go home at light speed and take a shower and change clothes.

"Don't talk about this." Hal took out a model packaging box from nowhere, "This is a gift for you, Barry! I have been choosing for a long time, but I really don't know what to give. So I finally chose this, Quinn The aircraft assembly model produced by the factory is said to be of very good workmanship and has received good reviews. You will definitely like it!"

Barry took it with a smile: "Oh, you are so considerate Hal, I am very happy, really! I am as happy as when I gave this model to you on your birthday last year."

Hal: "."

It was awkward for about a second.

"Aha. Ahahaha, it turned out to be a gift from you, so I said it looked familiar." Hal laughed dryly, "But you also know that I have hardly been at home on Earth for the past year. Yes, so."

"It's okay, I understand Hal, really." Barry shrugged, "Everyone is busy."

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere was quickly washed away by a rock song praising The Flash on the radio, and Hal took advantage of the situation to drop the topic.

"How are you doing lately, Barry? I just returned to Earth, and I heard that you disappeared for a while. Did you go on some new adventure?"

"So, but to be honest, things haven't been going well lately. This is what I was just about to say to Mr. Shen before you came here."

Bari's expression became a little more serious. He glanced at his right hand, and there seemed to be a faint trace of golden lightning dancing on his fingertips.

And Shen You also noticed that there was an undetectable energy radiating from his body.

Even when he was stationary and not using extreme speed, there seemed to be a trace amount of electrical energy coming out of his body.

Barry raised his head and looked at Shen You with a somewhat strange expression.

"It's just that I've been having a strange delusion lately, as if I feel like the Speed ​​Force is pulling me back."

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