No one can transcend death.

Even death itself.

Fallen Leaf Town, Iowa.

An unpretentious and peaceful farm with earthy yellow walls. The chimney on the roof stood straight, with smoke rising from the top. The fields spread out endlessly, and the scarecrow stood among them, like a silent guardian, swaying slightly in the passing breeze, as if telling an ancient story.

Two boys were playing baseball in the open field.

"Both of you, come back quickly!"

A woman's voice came from the direction of the building. That was obviously their mother.

"It's going to rain heavily!"

But the two boys seemed to be unfinished with their unfinished game: "But mom."

"Stop talking nonsense, bastard, come back quickly!" Mother shouted.

The two boys looked at each other and glanced at the cloudy sky.

".All right."

The boy had no choice but to compromise and put away his baseball bat and gloves in frustration. The two of them ran towards the house one after the other.

"Race! The loser will take out the garbage tonight!" the child in front shouted.

The child behind shouted: "Hey, this is not fair, you ran away first!"

The child suddenly fell down. The child in front had already fled far away when he heard the sound, and ran back quickly when he realized something was wrong.

"Are you okay?"

"No surprise, what's going on here?"

Irregular bumps appeared on the ground, and the fields were scorched black. They looked in the black direction and saw a long string of charred plow marks in the field, which stretched for nearly half a mile.

The two boys hesitated for a moment, but their curiosity finally made them forget about their mother's instructions. They followed this strange black mark and arrived at the end of it after a while.

A huge pit.

It looked like something from the sky fell down at an extremely fast speed. After landing, it slid close to the ground for half a mile, and finally stopped in this pit.

The deep pit was filled with a burning smell and a smell similar to rotten flesh.

One child boldly stretched out his baseball bat and turned over the dark mass in the middle of the hole. The charred material and soil fell from the thing as it was fiddled with, revealing a section of blackened bones.


The boy screamed and sat down on the ground.

It was a skeleton.

The charred and mutilated skeleton was covered in tattered black armor, with a half-damaged lightning mark on the chest.

"You need a more comprehensive examination, Barry." Shen You said, "The preliminary scan shows that there is no abnormality in your body, but we have not yet been able to explain the reason for your loss of ability."

"Afterwards, maybe."

Barry took a deep breath.

"I'll be there tonight. But now I have to go."


Hal was holding the popcorn and drinks he had just bought.

“Opening Ceremony Available”

"I've seen it almost enough."

As Barry spoke, a Flash balloon made in his image floated over his head.

"I've been gone for two weeks and so much has happened in Midtown. God knows how much I've missed, with old criminals still on the loose and new faces showing up one after another.

Captain Cold even helped with my chores last week! "

Hal raised his eyebrows: "Well, this should be considered a good thing?"

"I have no time to waste."

"Waste?" Hal couldn't help but said, "Today you have to attend four parties and a parade. Oh, and you have a dinner party with Barry Allen's colleagues. But you are the fastest man in the world. You have Enough time."

"No, I didn't." Barry shook his head, "Although I'm back, time never stops."

"Don't worry, the Speed ​​Force won't suddenly pull you back with a big hand." Hal said with a smile, and the light ring turned into a big green hand and tapped his shoulder, "I would say it's just a psychological effect. , you are just too nervous."

"No. But one day, time will run out. Time will run out for each of us, so every second is important."

Barry said that he had already turned around and walked out of the venue.

"Tell everyone I'm sorry I won't be able to attend the party and the parade. I'm going to be too late."

"Where to go without time?" Hal wondered.

".To help everyone in this world who needs me."

As he spoke, he waved his hands and his back disappeared behind the crowd.

A moment later, the red afterimage of the golden electric light passed outside the venue and disappeared at the end of the street.

Hal looked at his retreating back, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Shen You beside him: "Is it my imagination or has he always been like this before?"

Shen You narrowed his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the direction where Barry disappeared.

The Flash raced through the streets, riding the wind and riding lightning. The whole world seemed to slow down in his eyes, and electric currents crisscrossed his body.

He rarely talks to others, including Shen You and his best friends in the Justice League. But every time he runs, Barry feels like he's back to his childhood.

The day his childhood ended, the day his family fell apart. His mother was killed and his father was accused of killing his mother. He watched helplessly as his father was put in cold shackles and escorted into a police car, followed by the cold and emotionless police lights.

Little Barry ran desperately on the streets at night, chasing the tail light of the police lights and running with all his strength.

But he was too slow and he couldn't do anything. The police car disappeared at the end of the street and disappeared from his sight.

After becoming the Flash, he became known as the fastest man in the world. But it seemed that every time he ran, the police car would appear in front of his eyes again. From that day on, it was deeply imprinted in his mind, and it roared away with the cold police lights.

No matter how fast he ran, even if time stopped, the police car was always ahead and could never catch up.


"Ha! The idiots in Midtown are busy celebrating their Heroes' Day!"

On the streets of Zhongcheng, a cash transport truck was stopped by a big man with a blackened body. The relative who looked a bit like the Clayface Man in Gotham next door was similar in size and appearance, except that the Clayface Man's body was shaped like clay, and it was like burnt black and hot asphalt.

Tar Pits, one of the villains of The Flash. Has super strength and an asphalt-like body, and can release high-temperature flames.

The bullets fired by the escorting police officers had no effect on it, as if they had been shot into water. The tar pit shouted, and with a swing of his thick arm, black and sticky asphalt with extremely high temperature was shot out towards the police officers.

But just before it was about to hit, a red whirlwind swept over in time. The two police officers seemed to disappear out of thin air, and the hot asphalt hit the road behind them, leaving red potholes and making a hissing sound.

"Flash!?" Tar Pit was shocked, "You didn't go to the opening event?"

"Then you miss the opportunity to reunite with your old friend the Tar Pits? You underestimate our relationship too much."

The Flash flashed to a dozen meters away and put down the two police officers and said jokingly.

"Why, are you tired of the food in Tieshan Prison? Come out and change your mood? Don't worry about the tar pit. I'll send you back to your VIP suite within three seconds."

But the Flash didn't notice at this time.

While he was speaking, the stranger in white was mingling with the crowd of onlookers on the sidewalk behind, narrowing his eyes and looking at him.

There was a trace of undetectable red electricity in his eyes.

"Good, Barry, good, keep it like that."

The man sneered.

"As long as you keep running, death will follow you."

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