I become light in American comics

Chapter 519 Thunder and Lightning

"Yeah, you're back!"

Before Shen You could enter the door, Kara floated out of the room.

Apparently super hearing heard it.

"Have you found the Flash?"

"Found him, he's fine. There might have been something wrong before, but he's fine now."

"So what happened?"

Kara held a bag of potato chips in her hand at some point, looking like a crowd of impatient people.

As Shen You walked toward the house, he casually told her what he saw in the Speed ​​Force space.

"Eh~ There is such a thing. And wow, does that mean you had a fight with the God of Death?"

"Maybe." Shen You said casually, "But there is more than one God of Death, there are also three, six or nine. We may be able to catch one alive in the future."

"So awesome!" Kara looked forward to it.

If someone else said this, it would definitely seem nonsense. But since it was Shen Youyi who asked her, she seemed to accept it as a matter of course.

After all, Mr. Shen is omnipotent, so it should be normal for the God of Death to catch one or two to study them, right?

Although it was just mentioned casually, Shen You really didn't have this idea. After all, the focus of his current research is on black lights. If he had the chance, he would not have thought of catching a Black Death Emperor to study.

If you really succeed, wouldn't you just catch a reaper?

"So The Flash is back?" Kara asked.

"Oh, his crisis has been resolved and his abilities have been restored, but he hasn't come back yet. He said that he found many victims trapped in the Speed ​​Force, and he wants to send those people back to their respective eras one by one before coming back."

Kara tilted her little head and thought for a moment, then was surprised: "He can still do this? I mean, this sounds like a humanoid time machine, right?"

Shen You looked at Kara strangely.

"What are you talking about?" he said matter-of-factly, "Can a time machine compare to The Flash?"

Kara: "."

Only then did Kara realize that she still lacked a certain understanding of the true level of her teammates around her, and Shen You could actually say such outrageous things so calmly.

"Theoretically speaking, The Flash can always go to any point in time or any other universe. But it is often accompanied by risks - here I don't mean risks to himself, but to reality and time.

So for the sake of others, he would normally not use this kind of power. "

Shen You paused and pondered: "But there are still some questions in this incident. Why did Barry suddenly lose his speed? What does the appearance of Black Lightning mean? Normally, it only determines that a speedster should die. will appear."

Kara didn't know why: "But didn't you say that it has been eliminated?"

"This time? Yes. But if we don't find the crux, no one knows when it will happen again." Shen You shook his head.

Until those answers are found, it looks like the Speed ​​Force will have to take a back seat to Death Spectrum's priorities for the time being.


The heavy rain is like a heavy rain painting. Dark clouds were coming over the sky, as if night had fallen early. Howling winds and heavy rain swept across every corner of the city. High-rise buildings stand in the rain, and the rainwater flows along the glass curtain walls of the buildings, leaving blurred traces. The rainwater pooled on the road under the street lights and splashed everywhere. The trees beside the road swayed in the wind and rain, and the leaves rustled with the rain.

The stranger in white clothes walked in the heavy rain, letting the rain wet his clothes. The shadow of the hood covered most of his face, and rain fell along the brim of the hat.

There was a pair of eyes that seemed to be shining red in the shadow.

To strangers, it all started with The Flash.

A few years ago, a runner in red was passing through the streets of Midtown. A flash of lightning flashed in the sky, followed by a series of thunderous footsteps. As he jumped like lightning, a new era in Midtown began.

This era belongs to people of speed, faster than sound, faster than light, even time.

And others, they followed in his footsteps, following ancient justice. He believed that the line between good and evil was so clear, just like the bright red and gold on his body.

For Barry Allen, it's always been that simple.

The headquarters of the Midtown Police Department lit up in the rainy night, like a beacon on the sea in the storm. The stranger in white walked through the pouring rain and walked into the police station. The hall was bustling with activity, police officers were busy, and researchers in white coats were walking quickly with stacks of documents. No one noticed the strange visitor at all.

He was like an invisible person, no one paid attention to him or asked questions. He went upstairs along the handrail and seemed to be very familiar with the building. He arrived at the department with the sign "Criminal Identification Department" with ease.

"This is not right"

A researcher working overtime in the laboratory frowned and said.

"What's wrong?" asked another researcher.

"I checked it four times. This person doesn't look like a murderer." The researcher opened the case file and said.

The researcher next to him shook his head: "Have you seen this man's criminal record? Public nudity, pimping, and he lives next door to the victim girl."

"But this really isn't his DNA. He didn't touch that girl."

"Anyway, he is not an innocent person." The researcher next to him said, "Look, the victim is just a twenty-year-old female student. She came to the so-called 'big city' from Blue Valley with a beautiful dream, but she waited. Her only fate is this nightmare.

Do you see the media hype? "

"I see it, I understand it too."

"If you understand, just match them."


"That's how things are done in Midtown, either you do it or someone else does it. Do you understand? Great, let's get to work."

The stranger paused outside the door to listen for a moment, then chuckled softly and opened the door.

This is why Barry Allen will always be out of tune with his colleagues in the forensic department. If he were here now, he would never approve of such a hasty conclusion.

What Barry loves to do most is to dig out the files on cases that his colleagues have already closed and check them over and over again. Everyone in the same department dislikes him, and almost everyone here has been faulted by him to one degree or another.

The Stranger knows this because he knows Barry Allen all too well.

He also knew that it was all because of his mother's murder. The most unacceptable thing for Barry is that innocent people are imprisoned because of the sloppiness of the judicial system.

"Who the hell are you?" A researcher in the room noticed the stranger, "How did you get in...Ah!!!"

Before he could react, his throat had been slit with a sharp blade.

A golden blade shaped like lightning. The researcher's eyes were wide-eyed, with a look of disbelief on his face, and he fell into a pool of blood.

The man next to him stood up in shock: "Come quickly! Help!"

But before he could take the first step, he too was impaled.

Both fell in a pool of blood.

The stranger's white clothes were stained with blood, but he didn't care. He ignored the two corpses and walked straight to the cabinet displaying medicines in the laboratory.

"Let me see, ninhydrin. Ha, here it is. And you, you need it too."

He slowly took down a series of chemicals from the shelf.

Strangers have clear goals and know exactly what they need. Each bottle of potion was placed in the exact position next to him, like a ritual circle listed in a specific order.

Then he opened the window and raised the golden lightning-shaped weapon in his hand.

During the heavy rain, a bolt of lightning fell from the night. Blue lightning cut through the night sky, fell directly in the direction of the Zhongcheng Police Station, and hit the room of the Criminal Identification Department.

The golden lightning in the stranger's hand struck his body. All the chemical bottles were shattered at the same time, and the dangerous solvent that could kill an ordinary person on the spot was all poured onto his body, along with the lightning that passed through his body.

But the stranger opened his arms, bathed in the potion, faced the lightning, and laughed.

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