"found it!"

Hearing his voice before seeing him, a large group of people rushed out of the forest shouting.

Wearing dark combat uniforms, all of them were carrying backpacks and old-fashioned muskets in their hands. The money jars were polished black and shiny.

"These are people from all eras who have been trapped in the Speed ​​Force."

Barry began to explain to Shen You.

Although he was chased by these people at first, now he is more relieved when he meets Shen You. Knowing that there was no more danger, he did not run away but explained the settings of this place to Shen You on the spot.

"You should also know that the Speed ​​Force is a natural huge energy field, and it will leave some legends and traces more or less in every era.

The mysterious disappearance of some aircraft and ships, the rumored forbidden areas that cannot be approached, etc. are often caused by the energy of the Speed ​​Force. "

Shen You nodded. He has known this for a long time. When the energy of the Speed ​​Force expands to a certain level, it will leak out. The leaked energy will tear a gap in time and space, and unlucky people who happen to pass by may be sucked into this force field. .

"And those people who were sucked into the force field formed camps and lived and developed here."

"I understand all this." Shen You nodded, "So why are they chasing you like this?"

At this time, the campers holding muskets had formed a circle, and the crowd was excited.

"I found you, Flash!" one of them shouted angrily, "Look what you have protected!"

Shen You: "?"

Wait a minute, why does this sentence pattern seem familiar? From which universe did you get this big brother?

"Day after day, month after month, year after year."

The people next to me also shouted.

"We watch you, day after day, playing your heroic games, but completely blind to the people who really need your help!"

"It's all you! It's all your fault!"


The talk was completely illogical, but Shen You was able to understand the reason from these people with the help of telepathy. Probably when they were trapped in the Speed ​​Force, they could see fragments of The Flash through this space from time to time.

They realize the strange connection between the Flash and the Speed ​​Field, and realize that the Flash may be the only one who has the ability to save them from here. But day after day, the Flash never came. Day by day, they watched the Flash stop trivial crimes in Midtown again and again, and the torture of being trapped gradually turned into resentment.

It was the resentment the Forsaken felt towards the heroes who failed to save them.

"I said, I never knew before." Barry raised his hands innocently and said sincerely, "But now that I know, I will not sit idly by and do nothing. I will definitely find a way to take you each back.

As long as I find my ability first"

"By the way, I just wanted to ask, what's going on with your ability?" Shen You looked at Barry strangely, "Where did your speed go?"

"I don't know. What I remember was that it was just stopping an ordinary bank robbery."

Barry frowned and tried to remember.

"But for some reason, the Speed ​​Force suddenly lost control. I drew out excess energy, and when I regained consciousness, I was already here, and I don't know where the speed went."

A big man holding a gun next to him immediately shouted: "Liar! Once you get your abilities back, you will definitely escape by yourself."

"Yeah, you never pay attention to us, you only care about your little hero game." Someone next to you said, "But the sky has eyes and gave us this opportunity.

The leader said that as long as I catch you, I can naturally discover the secret of the Speed ​​Force from you."

Um? Is there a leader?

Shen You caught the key words.

It sounds like a conspiracy.

Although these people were still beeping, Shen You was no longer listening. His attention had been drawn elsewhere.

A somewhat dangerous aura.

And his extraordinary senses immediately locked onto it. The aura came from a mountain peak not far away from everyone. At the moment when he was speaking, the top of the mountain was about to move, and something hidden underneath was about to come out.

Something huge and dark seemed to have countless horrifying eyes and tentacles, growing irregularly on its gelatinous body, and was about to burst through the giant peak.

"Although it's not strange at any time or place in the multiverse, the Speed ​​Force really sucks in some weird things."

Shen You muttered and then made a pause gesture.

"You guys stop for a moment and give me a second."

After saying this, without waiting for a response, the man jumped into the air under the stunned gazes of the people surrounding him, dragging a sacred light track wrapped in radiance and leaping towards the mountain peak.


The intense light illuminated the petrified expressions of everyone present, and in just a moment the mountain peak in front of them was blasted into pieces. Like the wrath of God, it illuminated the sky filled with lightning. The mountain was as fragile as a sandcastle under the holy light, collapsing into countless rocks and dust. The terrifying impact spread around the mountain peak, and even the trees around the foot of the mountain were uprooted and swept into the sky.

Of course, the thing waving tentacles at the bottom of the mountain also disappeared, leaving only an exaggerated pit with black smoke. That thing may not even realize what kind of existence it has provoked until it dies.

Everyone: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Only Barry looked calm, covering his eyes with one hand to block the bright light, and muttered: "Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like Mr. Shen has become stronger again out of nowhere?"

After that moment, the white light track flew back from the sky, transformed into Shen You and fell back to the ground.

"Excuse me, where were we just now?"

Shen You straightened his clothes.

"Shall we continue?"

There was a brief silence.

Those people in the camp looked down at the muskets pointed at each other, and after reflection, they seemed to feel that this was not very civilized. So I don't know who took the lead, and everyone in the camp put away their guns one after another, and each of them showed a friendly smile like a civilized person.

"Ah haha, um, I suddenly remembered that there was still soup simmering on the stove at home, so I took a step forward." A big man laughed and turned around to leave.

Someone immediately responded: "Calculating the time, it seems that my wife is almost due to give birth, so I will go back first."

"Me too! My wife is also going to give birth."

The smell of gunpowder and gunfire just now has been mostly eliminated during the conversation and laughter. Everyone was talking and laughing, turning around and leaving as if nothing happened.

"Wait a moment."

Shen You hooked his fingers, and everyone in the audience froze as if they were electrocuted, unable to take another step forward.

He then made another gesture, and everyone immediately turned around and walked back as if they were controlled by a remote control.

"You may not have much to say, but I still have some questions."

Shen You asked kindly and politely.

"I think about it, let's start with the 'leader' first."

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