I become light in American comics

Chapter 512 Return to the Speed ​​Force

The Flash is missing.

If it were anyone else or any other superhero, maybe this wouldn't be such a big deal. But considering that the subject of discussion was The Flash, Shen You felt it was necessary to pay attention.

After all, The Flash has a special status in DC. Not only does he have the important task of worshiping the heavens in various major world-destroying events, but his abilities and attributes that are closely connected with time and space also make many major events likely to start in his jurisdiction. There are signs within.

Moreover, as the creator of the Speed ​​Force, Barry's position in the multiverse is inherently important, and it is equally important to Shen You's research topic. The Flash doesn't disappear out of thin air for no reason, and he's not the type to give himself a few days off just because he's too tired from work. There was no doubt some trouble.

"Pal, do you have the Speed ​​Force energy map in Midtown?"

"Of course, sir."

Shen You established a monitoring response for the Speed ​​Force energy in the Midtown area, and recorded the status of the Speed ​​Force and the changes in energy properties generated by the Flash's daily movements to facilitate later research work.

If the Flash really encounters any trouble, there is a high probability that there will be a powerful energy reaction from the Speed ​​Force before disappearing. As long as you find the most prominent position of the Speed ​​Force energy curve in last week's map record, which is where the Flash once introduced huge energy to fight, you will probably find the root cause.

Sure enough it worked.

Just in the east area of ​​Midtown, in a construction area that has been abandoned and is expected to be demolished, there was an abnormally large amount of Speed ​​Force energy reaction a week ago.

Shen You personally flew to the site, surveyed and analyzed the energy data, and soon made a discovery.

"It's not just the speed force energy when the speedster moves." Shen You checked the data and thought at the same time, "Is there a trace of space tearing in the speed force wormhole?"

The speed force energy can open gaps in space and create wormholes. This is a fact that he has already verified and witnessed with his own eyes. The Chrono Bracelet also had a certain reaction to this space. It seemed that a large amount of Speed ​​Force gathered here a week ago, and a gap was briefly opened.

Maybe The Flash got sucked into a wormhole?

Although a week has passed, the space has not fully recovered. Now I can barely feel the gap.

Just go in and take a look.

Easily finding the gap, Shen You's body bloomed with white light, directly turning into photons, turning into particles and pouring into it, passing through the crack in space.

A familiar feeling, like flying along a torrent of energy. Light and shadow passed quickly in front of his eyes. Shen You followed the gorgeous colored light all the way deep. When his eyes finally opened up, what he saw was like a huge abstract painting.

Brilliant auroras and flashing electric currents fill the sky, intertwining to form brilliant light trails. Every flash of lightning was like a silver snake shooting out of the sky, and every flash was accompanied by trembling.

A huge island-shaped land mass floats out of thin air. At a glance, the island is covered with dense virgin jungle, with towering trees, lush branches and leaves, and strange plants growing in competition.

Shen You narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is familiar with this place because he recognizes the energy flow here and remembers being there.

This is inside the Speed ​​Force space.

But there are many different areas within the Speed ​​Force. Many parts are like incoherent time and space, and the scenes and painting styles will be completely different. This time I felt like I was in a different area than before.

Shen You landed on the island and looked around.

The ubiquitous Speed ​​Force energy throughout the space somewhat interfered with his vision of Ultra, making it impossible to directly locate the Flash through energy tracking. However, after briefly searching the island, the scene I found was a bit surprising.

The whirring sound of a huge object passing through the bushes and foliage, and the heavy footsteps hitting the ground like a drum.

A huge silhouette emerged from the forest. Dark brown skin, covered with hard scales, eyes like hot coals flashing fiercely, and a pair of sharp teeth revealed when he opened his mouth, announcing the majesty of the king to the world like thunder.


A Tyrannosaurus rex.

Baring his teeth and claws, he roared at the little thing in front of him like it came from ancient times.

"As expected of the Speed ​​Force space, it really has a sense of the times." Shen You looked at the giant dragon in front of him expressionlessly.

If he came in normally, he might be interested in studying the era where dinosaurs came from, their connection with the Speed ​​Force, and questions such as how to get in here. But now he just wants to find someone and has no intention of talking to him.

So he only let out a little bit of murderous intent casually.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex kept the posture of opening its mouth, but the sound suddenly stopped as if a stop button was pressed, and its whole body trembled.

At that moment, a word seemed to pop up in that little brain that was not very bright.


Although it didn't understand why, some kind of instinct told it that if it took even half a step closer to the man in front of it, it might die.

"Climb." Shen said.

Oh, okay.

Telepathy from the Tyrannosaurus rex conveyed a similar meaning. Then I saw this big guy turning around and crawling away with his head shrunk.

problem solved. Shen You turned around, but before he could activate Ultra's vision again, he heard another rustling in the bushes next to him.

This time it was a person who came out.

The red uniform, golden combat boots, and the iconic lightning-like symbol are running wildly through the jungle. Who else could it be but The Flash?


so slow.

Well, Shen You made a rough visual inspection and found that the speed was about three to four kilometers per hour.

Even if it is not by the standards of The Flash, by the standards of ordinary people, it is probably the level of the old man in the park.

And if you look closely, without the lightning effects and Speed ​​Force filter, the pose is even a bit ugly.


After running a few steps, my boots tripped on a dead branch, causing me to fall and chew on the mud. This looks even less impressive.

But it’s the Flash, Barry Allen. Although the uniform was a bit tattered and looked a little embarrassed, and the super speed had somehow lost its connection, Shen You was sure that he had not admitted his mistake.

He stepped forward and came to Barry: "Are you okay?"


Barry's first reaction was to back away alertly and turn around as if to run away. But when he looked up and took a closer look, he found that it was Shen Youshi's panicked expression that immediately turned into surprise.

"Mr. Shen Chen? Why did you think you were..."

Shen You reached out and pulled him up: "Looks like you are hiding from someone?"

"Yes, the residents of this place." Barry gasped, "There are many residents in this space, and they are not very friendly to me. Unfortunately, I lost my speed somehow, so..."

While he was talking, he heard a loud shout coming from the forest.

"over there!"

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