I become light in American comics

Chapter 514 Camp Leader

Speed ​​Force space, somewhere.

The huge ancient temple is almost integrated with the mountains and forests in this abnormal time and space. It is surrounded by natural trees, like a natural barrier. The walls are engraved with mysterious symbols and patterns, as well as lifelike markings with a large number of lightning bolts.

A tall and heavy palace, with huge stone plaques engraved with words that have long been blurred. An unshaven and hairy man sat on a palace chair, flanked by subordinates who reported to him.

"A report came from the camp that the Flash's traces have been discovered." The subordinate reported.

"Very good." The bearded man crossed his legs and sneered, "Although I don't know why he lost his speed, it's just God helping me.

I originally devised several strategies to deal with his tricky abilities, but now I don't need them at all. "

"Yes, I think even the gods are on the leader's side." The subordinate said, "Now it seems that it is only a matter of time before the Flash is captured."

The bearded man snorted coldly.

"Even so, it's too cheap for him. This damn time and space has no concept of time. God knows how long we have been stranded here. And he could have ended it all, he could have rescued us all."

He said and narrowed his eyes.

"I have been waiting for this moment for too long. And The Flash? That arrogant, slow superhero, in the end, never imagined who he was facing."


Although it was not intended to undermine the villain's confident and thoughtful statement.

But what was very embarrassing for him was that the Flash was actually standing outside his door at this moment. Together with Shen You.

It turns out there's no one in the world who can't really be convinced by physics, and everyone can be polite when they see a big enough fist, and the campers here are no exception.

And they obviously didn't care that much about the leader. Shen You only asked casually, and the camp people told him the leader's name and address in detail.

Selkirk, from an unknown era, was spontaneously voted leader by the campers because of his superior knowledge and leadership abilities.

No one in the camp knew the personal information or more specific information. Selkirk was not very happy to mention it, so no one asked more questions. But the problem is not big, just ask the person in person next time.

At this time, Selkirk was still talking: "Soon, The Flash will be my bag!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the palace door was broken open with a roar. The two heavy door panels shattered into pieces, and two humanoid silhouettes appeared behind the swirling dust.

"Well, Mr. Shen, wouldn't it be a little bad if we just demolished the door?" Barry was still a little uneasy, "Maybe the leader is actually a reasonable person unexpectedly."

Of course, Barry didn't hear what was said in the palace just now. After all, he doesn't have super hearing.


Selkirk was startled and stood up abruptly from his seat.

Looking at this situation, the Flash should obviously have escaped the pursuit of his subordinates. But how is that possible? According to the intelligence, he should have lost his speed, so his physical fitness is just that of an ordinary person, maybe still at a relatively low level among ordinary people.

Under such circumstances and being unarmed, it was impossible to defeat the team that came to capture him.

Then there is only one answer. Although he didn't know him, the problem must be with the person next to him.

Selkirk's wary eyes quickly looked at the man next to Flash

Where is the person waiting?

The first second he entered, there were clearly two people standing side by side at the door, but when he looked again, only the Flash was left at the door.

The alarm bells in Selkirk's heart rang loudly, and electric currents immediately radiated from his body. The speed force energy was activated, and the dust in the hall seemed to be frozen in mid-air. Selkirk, who accelerated to the extreme, looked around anxiously trying to find the enemy.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the afterimage passing by from the side.

"Oh? I actually have a little bit of the Speed ​​Force. Can you see me?"

Shen You's body was wrapped with electric light, and he swayed lightly to the man's side.

"But for a Speed ​​Force user, it's a bit stretched. It seems like the limit of what you can see is the limit, right?"

As he spoke, he walked around half a circle lightly and moved diagonally to the other side of Selkirk. I saw Selkirk turning around with difficulty under the thick filter of blue lightning, clenching his teeth and having blue veins popping out on his face, raising his heavy fists as if desperately trying, as if his arms were filled with a thousand kilograms of cement. He punched Shen You in the direction of Shen You with difficulty.

I can move, but not very much.

Although Shen You is very fast, in terms of pure speed, it is naturally not as good as the original speedsters like The Flash. Although Selkirk can also use the Speed ​​Force, it seems that he only borrowed it through some technical means and is not a speedster recognized by the Speed ​​Force.

Shen You unhurriedly bypassed the fist he handed him, and first used a knife to stun the subordinate next to him with his mouth open and a shocked expression. Then he returned to Selkirk, clenched his fist with his right hand, and slowly handed it to him. to the other person's forehead.

Selkirk's eyes rolled up desperately, and he saw his movements, with a look of horror on his face. He tried desperately to dodge, but his heavy body couldn't keep up.

Being able to see, but not being able to act in time, is like watching yourself being executed in slow motion. This experience is not something that everyone can enjoy.

Shen You popped out his middle finger.

With a muffled sound, Selkirk raised his head and flew out in an exaggerated high-speed spiral.

Of course, ordinary people would definitely die like this. But the speed force solves all unreasonable problems. Even if it is borrowed, after all, the speed force field is wrapped around the body, so it is not so easy to burp.

Shen You hooked his fingers, and the green light formed chains that wrapped around the limbs of the unconscious Selkirk, lifting him off the ground. Following the blue light, a bucket of water poured down from his head. The cool touch like real cold water made Selkirk wake up immediately.

At this time, the activation of the Speed ​​Force by both sides ended, and the flow of time returned to normal.

Barry at the door was shocked to realize that the two people in front of him had disappeared out of thin air. He looked around blankly and realized that the two people had flashed to the other end of the hall within 0.01 seconds.

"So it turns out that other people have always felt like this." Barry said to himself.

Selkirk was hung in the air, gnashing his teeth as he glared at Shen You.

Chains, binding, hanging, humiliation.

Damn it, why have I never noticed that there is another such a powerful speedster next to The Flash before?

"Okay, now let's talk about you. What do you want to do to catch the Flash?"

Shen You asked.

"There's no rush, we have plenty of time, let's take our time one by one. First of all, who are you, and from which era did you fall into the Speed ​​Force?"

"Falled? Don't confuse me with those other mediocre people."

Selkirk spat and snorted.

"I've studied the Speed ​​Force for most of my life. Unlike everyone else here, the Speed ​​Force didn't choose me by chance but I was looking for it."

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