I become light in American comics

Chapter 511 The Belated Sea King

The next day, HISHE Cafe.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Supergirl, the five Justice League veterans sat around the coffee table in the cafe dedicated to their meetings. And sitting across the table was the Sea King who had just calmed down the civil strife in the royal family.

The latter is also the newest member of the Justice League.


Kara clapped her little hands, while proudly puffing out her small breasts that had been growing in size recently.

"From today on, you are a member of the Justice League. We are all seniors!"

Neptune raised his eyebrows but did not respond. It's just that for some reason, when this little girl said to him "I am a senior" in a serious manner, he felt an inexplicable sense of violation that came from nowhere, as if he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

It is customary for new members of the Alliance to introduce themselves to their seniors and leaders first - although Batman usually already knows this. After all, the old bat will not allow people who do not know the details to join the alliance.

So Aquaman briefly told his teammates the story about how his mother, the Queen of Atlantis, escaped to land many years ago and gave birth to him with his father, a lighthouse keeper. It also includes the subsequent discovery of her mother by the kingdom and her forced return to Atlantis, as well as all that happened from there.

"Wow." Superman was the first to express admiration after hearing this, "So you are half human and half Atlantis. That's why you can become the bridge between humans and Atlantis. Only you can That’s all.”

"You always only see the good side."

Batman said coldly.

"It also means that there is a half chance that he will fall to the undersea people."

Neptune said displeased: "I thought I had proven myself in the war launched by Orm. I just hope that both sides can coexist peacefully."

Batman said nothing, but there was still a clear look of vigilance on his face.

At this time, Uncle Ji, who had been silent the whole time, spoke.

"That... was just a mention." Martian Manhunter couldn't help but said, "But I was just curious and wanted to confirm. You mean, after your mother and father gave birth to you, they lived in the lighthouse for a while until the undersea man found you. Come to the lighthouse?”

"Yes." Neptune nodded.

"They destroyed your house and then your mother decided to meet her ex - the same man she originally ran away from - and then decided to go back and have more children for him?"

"It's a bit strange for you to describe it like this, but it's probably true." Neptune looked strange, "The people from Atlantis have been looking for her for many years. Now that her location has been exposed, the other party will definitely come back again. There is no other choice but to go back." There is no other way.”

"Is there such a possibility? Of course I am just raising this possibility."

Uncle Jon asked curiously.

"Your mother has lived by the sea for so many years, and it took them two full years to find her. So what if you move inland, or to the mountains, or... I don't know, anywhere far away from the sea. Will they be able to find her? Can’t find it in this life?”


This question of Uncle Ji was obviously troubled by Neptune. After holding it in for a while, he said with an even weirder expression: "I haven't thought about this problem."

"That sounds weird." Superman shook his head.

"And your armor and trident." Batman said, "What kind of magical artifact did you just say that was?"

"The lost Neptune Trident, the weapon that commands the seven seas."

"Well, the armor and trident you ripped off a dead king." Batman said expressionlessly, "These should be considered stolen."

Neptune was suddenly choked.

After holding it in for a while, he said: "The thing about Neptune cannot be called stealing. I took these so I have the power to compete with Orm and stop this war."

"In fact, it was Supergirl who stopped the war." Batman interrupted ruthlessly.

When Kara heard her name being mentioned, she couldn't help but hold her head high again, raising her little head very proudly.

"It's not considered stealing anyway."

"Then did you obtain the consent of the previous master?"

".he died."

"So technically, this is grave robbing."


After pondering for two seconds, Neptune said with a cold face: "You just don't like me, do you?"

"Okay, okay, calm down. Don't take it personally." Superman patted the new member's shoulder and smoothed things over with a smile, "Batman is not targeting anyone, he doesn't like anyone."

After a pause, Superman smiled and glanced at Batman: "Besides, committing crimes, breaking into homes, and abusing lynchings. All of us combined have not broken half as many rules as he has."

"It's okay." Neptune waved his hand grandly, "I never care about others."

He said and glanced at Batman unfavorably.

"Especially with a madman dressed as a bat." Neptune laughed.

Batman said no more.

To be honest, the current Justice League is not as good as it was in its initial stage. After the expansion, the current strength of the alliance is getting stronger and stronger.

On the magic side, there are legal superheroes such as Shazan and Wonder Woman carrying the banner. On the science side, Green Lantern and Lightning are already competing. Later, they also ushered in heavyweight players with subatomic transformations such as Firestorm.

In comparison, Neptune, who has just joined the team now, is a bit mediocre compared to the higher-ups. Therefore, compared to super powers and the trident, his identity as the "new king of Atlantis" is more important to the Justice League.

That's right, Aquaman immediately seized power after Orm was beaten. Although the BOSS fighter will be snatched away by Kara's deus ex machina, the final ending is still similar to the movie.

But according to Shen Youyi, the current Aquaman's strongest point compared to Batman probably isn't talking to fish.

But she has a mother, and her name is not Martha.

Oh, by the way, even the dad who keeps the lighthouse is still there. The family of three is even reunited at the end of the movie.

In an environment like Justice League where it's hard to find a pair of parents at the entire table, this is the king of bombs. This alone has won too many games.

"Anyway, from today on, you are a member of the Justice League. Welcome. It's a pity that the other members haven't come yet. I bet everyone wants to get to know you."

Superman looked around at the empty spot next to him and muttered to himself.

"Green Lantern said that he now has a Legion to take care of, and the chances of returning to Earth may be getting less and less. But has anyone heard where Lightning has gone? Has he asked for leave?"

Shen You was also a little concerned when he heard this.

In the past, Barry would come here at least three times a week on average. In addition to the regular alliance meetings, he would often come to drink coffee and chat with Shen You, sharing the latest progress of his Speed ​​Force research with Shen You, or consulting him on some new issues and ideas.

But there seemed to be no one there for the past week.

"No, he didn't ask for leave. This is also one of the questions I want to ask today."

He said as a news footage was projected on the screen. From Midtown Media, an eye-catching title was placed in the center of the screen.

"The Flash is Missing!" ? 》

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