I become light in American comics

Chapter 510 Surprise Attack in the Deep Sea

Shen You thinks it's a pretty good idea to leave an emergency communication channel so that if Apokolips has any plans to return to the galaxy, it can be discovered in time. Not only is Almerik's strategic location sensitive, but it is also a powerful civilization. If the enemy has any trouble in the nearby star field, it can be discovered in time.

Shen You did not plan to and was unlikely to stay in Almeric for long-term observation, so fortunately he handed over the task of this galactic outpost to his allies.

Tactical director, Captain Marvel from the M shed next door.

Back in the MCU, Captain Marvel once left a pager to the young Nick Fury, saying it was not to be used except in emergencies. As we all know, the MCU has experienced annihilation crises again and again in the past ten years, including alien invasions and omnic crises. However, Luodan held it in until it turned into ashes before finally willing to escape his family heirloom communicator - literally. The kind on.

Now I think it was probably to take care of the face of his teammates. Just imagine the Chitauri emerging densely from the wormhole, and the Avengers gathering for the first time in New York for a last-ditch battle. The first-generation elders were all posing in a circle in a concave shape. Suddenly, a glowing aunt flew out of nowhere in the sky and tore apart the battleship with her hands, killed her through the fleet, and flew to the moon, killing the purple sweet potato who didn't have any gems that year. Refined

The MCU came to an end seven years in advance, and all that was left to the Avengers was "Then Who Are We.JPG".

After an interstellar jump, Shen You flew straight back to the solar system, and the figure in the lightning flashed quickly towards the earth.

"Get ready to leave the laboratory, Pal. We are busy again." He said, "Prepare the spectroscopy instruments in advance and load the corresponding modules. We have new members of the spectrum to welcome today."

The Book of Darkness is closely connected to the power of the black lamp, which represents death. It can be seen that there is only a part of the spectrum that Shen You has not yet mastered. According to Fu Rong, only by mastering the two powers of life and death, light and darkness, can a higher level of balance be achieved.

Therefore, the focus of the next research topic will shift to the death spectrum.

If everything goes well, we may be able to find a way to counter the Darkest Night, and it may be possible to take measures in advance and make arrangements.

But when he flew back to Gotham, he was a little surprised to find that it was actually a little lively.

The derogatory kind.

The earth-shattering roar could be heard from far away, and huge waves tens of meters high jumped from the sea level, sweeping towards the city coast like angry beasts.

The tsunami was like a huge wall of water, advancing unstoppably. Oriental dances, trees, and roads along the coast were all swallowed up in turn. The city is beyond recognition, with streets turning into rivers and high-rise buildings turning into islands in the water, like a catastrophe in a disaster movie.


Shen You paused briefly in the sky and looked sideways for a moment.

Then it soon became apparent that it was not as simple as a tsunami.

There was an army hidden in the monstrous flood.

Some kind of high-tech warship that is completely different from humans seems to be driven by water and rides the waves to rush up from the water. Along with them were countless soldiers, wearing high-tech armor, rushing out from the depths of the sea.

It's Atlantean.

And their leader is the BOSS in the movie "Aquaman", Ocean Lord Orm, Aquaman's half-brother.

At this time, Sea King Arthur, wearing a golden armor and holding a trident, was facing Orm, blocking the front of the Atlantis army.

It seems to be a repeat of the plot of the Aquaman movie, where Orm leads the Atlantean army to launch war on the surface. Unlike the movie, the Atlantis army has already reached Gotham.

"What are you doing, my brother?" Orm frowned and looked at him, "Have you breathed the dirty air on the land for too long and become delirious? Or have you abandoned our world and completely devoted yourself to it? the other party?

A race that has accomplished nothing but plunder and poison my people for centuries? "

"Stand back, Orm." Neptune shouted, "War can't solve any problems. I just want to protect the two worlds!"

"No, war won't solve the problem, but winning the war will."

Orm's trident spun around in his hand and looked at his former brother coldly.

"You have disobeyed me again and again, disobeyed the kingdom to which you belong, and betrayed your bloodline. But I can tolerate all this because we are brothers.

The premise is that this time you must make the right choice, brother. It's us? Or this dirty and dirty world? "

"I'm preventing you from making a big mistake." Neptune refused to take a step back.

"Okay." Orm narrowed his eyes, "It seems that we can't talk about it. I've had enough of living in the shadows on the surface, always worrying that I will be poisoned to death one day.

Today, Atlantis will fight with its last resort! "

As he spoke, he raised his trident and shouted at the top of his lungs. Thousands of underwater soldiers behind him responded in unison, shouting in unison.

"A last-ditch fight!"

"A last-ditch fight!"

The shouts shook the sky, and the sea water rolled up. The tsunami was like a roaring beast, as if echoing their shouts.

Neptune put on a posture and prepared to fight to the death. Orm also held his breath and concentrated, and opened his trident to prepare for a decisive battle with his brothers.

A scene like a world-famous painting, if placed in a movie, it would be the climax of the decisive battle. The war is about to break out, and it seems that the fate of both races will depend on this battle.

Shen You saw this scene from a distance, and the thought of taking action briefly flashed through his mind.

Atlantis is also a native of the earth. The war between the undersea people and the land people is essentially the internal affairs of the earth. It is the same as the undersea people Nongmalte attacking the land in Severn TV and the counterattack of the underground city Delos in the ending of Max. nature. Both Severn and Max have clearly stated that according to the laws of the Kingdom of Light, they are not allowed to interfere.

Of course that's what he said, but Master Qi still stood on the side of mankind in the end. After humans and the Undersea People reached reconciliation, Max also took action to defeat the Megabasaku, the Underground People's final weapon.

So in principle, you can't interfere, but as long as you don't go too far, the control in this area is not that strict.

But Shen You only hesitated for half a second before giving up the idea.

Because there is no need.

Just as the two sides below were at war with each other and were about to take action.

The red and blue afterimage fell from the sky without any warning and rushed straight into the center of the enemy camp at at least twenty times the speed of sound. The people on the seabed had no time to react.

The figure flashed next to Orm as if teleporting. At this time, Orm was concentrating on the confrontation with Neptune, and he was in the middle of his own army. How could he have thought that someone would show his face at this moment?

Without any preparation, an uppercut of unknown tonnage hit Orm's chin. Orm's head suddenly shook violently, like a cannon rising from the ground, flying into the air and turning into a star in the sky.

Kara-Zor-El landed at Orm's original location and calmly clapped her hands twice: "It's not that difficult to deal with."

At this time, Neptune still maintained the posture of holding up the trident and preparing to attack. However, looking at the opponent who disappeared in a second, he couldn't help but blink his eyes and fell into a daze for a moment.

The soldiers behind were also confused by this turn of events. They looked at the blond girl in surprise and uncertainty, feeling as if there were thousands of mud horses galloping past.

Oh my god, are all mainlanders so scary?

Kara caught a glimpse of Neptune's strange gaze and couldn't help but tilt her head blankly: "What? I hit the wrong person? Isn't that the bad guy?"


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