Volex looked into the distance, looking at the billowing black smoke, his eyes reflecting the firelight that illuminated the entire sky, and he was speechless for a moment.

He realized immediately that it was his battleship.

That warship was relatively well-known in the interstellar world. It had accompanied him in his battles across the heavens, sailed through world after world, and made great achievements in battle. Even though it is not top-notch among the Apocalypse Army, it already has a very powerful weapon configuration, and it is not a problem to defeat most civilizations in the universe single-handedly.

But it was such a battleship that suddenly died.

Right in front of him, including the time it took him to go back and forth, the whole process only lasted about ten seconds.

The weapon system that he was proud of, including the energy shield, obstruction force field, repulsion protection, etc. that he claimed to be indestructible, were all ineffective, and they were gone before he even had time to release a P. After all, the Apocalypse battleship that has conquered dozens of worlds is set off like a firework.


At this moment, Maxima slapped her forehead, as if she suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly reminded her.

"Books, have we forgotten about books?"

Shen You hooked his fingers calmly. I saw white light surrounding him, and the dark book was wrapped in the white light, floating quietly. The breath of darkness and death is bound within it, and nothing can escape.

He is not the kind of brain that Maxima has. In the beginning, his goal was only the Book of Darkness, so he will naturally not forget it. Long before he came forward, he had used Ultra's vision to carefully examine the battleship floating in the orbit of the planet, and found the sealed book of darkness in the captain's room.

When they had just killed the battleship, they had already grabbed the Book of Darkness. This mission was already completed.

"Oh, as expected of you, you really don't need to remind me at all." Maxima's face was full of admiration again.

The word reminder is superfluous and you are not needed at all.

Shen You had no expression on his face and turned to Volex calmly: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

After about two seconds of silence, the New God quickly calculated in his mind various tactics, various countermeasures, and all possible means to face this rapidly deteriorating situation.

and make decisions quickly.

A French military salute was performed.

Now he completely believed that the original rumors of Darkseid's collapse were not false at all. He was even more embarrassed and amused by his threat that "if a war breaks out, innocent people will be affected."

First of all, there must be a concept of fighting in order to affect innocent people. But he is like crushing an ant to death in seconds. Will there be collateral damage if a normal person crushes an ant?

Shen You then looked at "Darkseid" next to him. Belial didn't dare to express his anger. He tried hard to reduce his presence throughout the whole process, and naturally he didn't dare to activate his skills to return to his original state.

Shen You came to him: "How many times has it been? Why are you there every time?"

"I want to know too," Belial cried.

Is this him? This is obviously a question I want to ask, okay?

After a pause, Belial asked cautiously: "So... I guess you must be in front of my real body now, right?"

Shen You narrowed his eyes.

Congratulations, you got the answer right. Unfortunately, there is no prize for correct answers.

His guess was good. At this time, a high-speed afterimage split by Shen You had arrived in the devil's dimension and stood in front of Belial.

"So you will know when you open your eyes?" Shen You said.

Belial cried: "I dare not"

When Shen You killed the other two brothers of San Gong before, he chased him to where he was, and Belial suffered as a result. So he probably also guessed that the life-saving trick of clones is no longer useful for people who have been upgraded through many consecutive breakthroughs and breakthroughs.

Belial couldn't help but feel sad again when he thought of this. It was already so bad, why did it upgrade so quickly?

Could it be that it's really because I gave away too much experience?

Knowing that he was doomed, Belial sighed: "I have done a lot of evil in my life, and I know that it is irreversible. But I only have one last wish before I die, and I hope you can fulfill it."

"Sorry, no."

Shen You's hands had formed a cross shape.

Belial was shocked, and his body suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Shen You in front of him: "Wait a minute!"

Why the hell don't you play by the rules? Didn't you tell them your last wish? Are you still a warrior of light? ?

But it's too late.

The dazzling light, the pulsating electric current, and the beam of light shot out from Shen You's hand, instantly flooding the demon's body, and even the screaming voice seemed to be submerged in it, until the last sinful cell was annihilated and invisible.

Seeing that Belial, who was completely reduced to ashes, had contributed the last kill to himself, Shen You lowered his arms and said calmly: "I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry today."

Shen You circled the infected planet in the Almeric star field several times, and was convinced that the last trace of the black light's power had been completely eliminated. During this period, he easily solved dozens of black light supernatural incidents that caused commotion in the local area, killed six black light corpse monsters, and completely purified the last traces of black light residue.

After completion, he said goodbye and returned to Earth.

But before leaving, he left a special communicator for Maxima.

Her Majesty the Queen almost fainted with excitement over the fact that he took the initiative to leave his contact information for the first time, and pounced on him with a supersonic flash. However, Shen You had already predicted it and avoided it with a skillful sideways movement. Her Majesty the Queen banged her daily flash into the wall.

Of course, the subordinates who were watching had already become accustomed to the strange scene, so they just looked at the scenery and pretended not to see it.

"Don't get me wrong, this is a channel that can only be used in the most emergency situation." Shen You explained, "This incident proves that Apokolips has not given up its intention to capture Almeric.

No, or it should be said that this is inevitable. Apokolips will definitely come again, and they have realized that the earth cannot be taken so casually. So next time they come, they will definitely be fully prepared for an interstellar war.

Almerik is a key strategic node in the entire galaxy, and there is a high probability that Apokolips will have other ideas.

So only use this channel to call when Apocalypse reappears and the situation is truly unavoidable. Do you understand? "

Maxima held the small communicator in her arms and nodded repeatedly with a smile: "I understand! Don't worry, I am the most reliable."

Do you really understand?

Shen Youxu looked doubtful.

To be honest, it wouldn't be surprising even if he received an emergency call from Maxima as soon as he left the atmosphere. No, or should I say that if it was Maxima, there was a high probability that he would be okay and just play with it.

Suddenly I couldn't help but start to reflect that maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave this to her.

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