I become light in American comics

Chapter 508 Reunion after a long absence

To be honest, it was quite unexpected to reunite with old friends in this place.

The devil's disguise might be able to deceive others, but it certainly couldn't deceive Shen You. Not to mention that Shen You also had some research on the ability to see through the changes in magic after a period of dedicated research. Based on his "friendship" with Belial, it is impossible to mistake his old friend just by smelling that smell.

This matter currently involves Almeric and Apokolips. It would not be strange for Green Lantern or other lantern groups to find out the whereabouts of the Book of Darkness after hearing the news.

But Belial? To be honest, I didn't expect this.

What more can be said? Sure enough, it can only be said to be fate.

Belial was also crying now.

No, brother, aren't you from that part of the world? Why does this also expand the scope of business?

The co-authorship really means that wherever I go, you will kill me?

So it wasn't until now that Belial finally seemed to be convinced of one thing. He estimated that he might really be the class, the kind who was specially trained for others.

Of course, although the two parties had already tacitly understood each other after just one meeting, Belial was still standing in Darkseid's face after all. Everyone around saw the legendary Lord of Apocalypse kneeling on the spot as soon as Shen You appeared on the stage, and they couldn't help but be confused.

Ah this

Almerik has certainly heard the rumor that Darkseid was paraded through the streets by a certain Earth, but it is too exaggerated to say that he would kneel down after meeting him, right?

At this age, suspicious eyes couldn't help but cast towards Shen You.

Most of them only heard about it and had not witnessed the legendary "parading" feat with their own eyes. Some people even have doubts about whether the rumors are true or not.

But now looking at the rumors, not only are they highly likely to be true, but it's also hard to imagine what Darkseid went through during that battle to become so fearful of this man.

Maxima giggled: "Don't be afraid, Xiaoda, because it's useless to be afraid. You will always die."


Volex shouted angrily.

Although I can no longer show off my face, I can’t help but pretend. At this time, the new god had tried his best to break away from Belial's paw holding him, and at the same time glared at this completely unreliable actor with great dissatisfaction.

This is too amateurish. Is this the heir of the famous multi-dimensional demon lord Sangu?

Volex's heart was deeply disturbed, and he felt that today's agreement might not be so easy to sign. But he still wanted to struggle, so he secretly poked Belial behind him.

I mean, why don't you just stand up and say a few words?

Then they saw "Darkseid" trembling, but he still didn't get up, but soon his face became firm as if he had decided something, and he looked straight in Shen You's direction.

After receiving his head, he bowed.

Morality? Sorry, demons are not born with such things.

Especially for an immortal king like Belial, who walks around in a clone all the year round, nothing is more important than clinging to a small life.

"If the public never gives up."

"Stop, stop, that's enough."

Shen You stretched out a hand to interrupt the chanting in time.

So as not to get involved in any strange cause and effect.

Everyone: "."

How do you describe this expansion?

Li Ke, should you open the door for him? Li Ke is home.

In the past, even in their dreams, no one could have imagined that one day they would be able to see such a wonderful scene as Darkseid. It is simply a classic interstellar painting handed down from generation to generation.

Only then did Volex completely give up on the possibility of getting things done today. With a dark face, he looked at Shen You and then at the idiot teammate he had found.

"Do you know each other?"

Belial still didn't dare to get up, and only said vaguely: "I have been guided by light many times when I faced difficulties in life. This gentleman has taken the trouble to point out the maze for me many times and pointed out the direction for me. A rare mentor in life”

"So you are the actor hired by the other party? You play me, right??" Volex was furious.

Only then did he realize that he had been fooled, and he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen You.

"You, I don't know who you are, but you are very courageous. Do you know what kind of muddy water you are mixed in today?"

Volex's expression was cold, his eyes were as sharp as knives, and his tone was full of threats.

"You are in trouble with Apocalypse. Do you know what this means? You have been targeted by Apocalypse. No matter where you go, in any corner of the universe, Apocalypse will never let you go."

Belial reminded weakly: "I think he shouldn't care, because I have already been on your blacklist. This universe calls him 'Ultraman'. I think you may have heard of him."

Volex sneered: "I don't care what he does, the enemy of Apocalypse will only...only"

As he spoke, his smile suddenly disappeared, as if he realized something.

Then he turned his head and looked at Belial calmly: "You said his name is Ultraman?"


"The one in the solar system?"

"Or is there anything else?"

Volex: "."

Although he had not personally experienced the Battle of Earth, it was impossible for him not to have heard of that battle, especially about the defeat of the invincible Darkseid. He is obsessed with taking over Almeric as a stronghold in the galaxy, but isn't his ultimate goal still to fight his way back to Earth?

Then you told me that the final BOSS ran out of his own copy and came here to squat on me?

No, didn't the rumor say that this guy started out fifty meters tall and was a starry giant with a glow all over his body?

A boss of your level still wears a human vest to bluff people? Is that too much?

After pondering for two seconds, Volex softened his tone and his face softened: "I may have spoken a little too loudly just now, please forgive me for being in a bad mood.

But I don’t think there’s anything we can’t sit down and talk about. After all, interstellar relations are still based on peaceful development and seeking common ground while reserving differences, hahaha.”

"Eh?" Maxima pouted, "But I still think it's convenient for everyone to just fight and whoever wins has the final say."

Typical reckless thinking. After hearing this, Volex couldn't help but glared at her, and said in a slightly harsh tone: "Almeric has powerful allies, this is indeed a miscalculation on my part.

But don't forget, my Apocalypse battleship is waiting in orbit, not to mention that I have an invincible Apocalypse army under my command, and now I have an army of the dead at my disposal.

I know you are strong, maybe you can keep us all here. But once a war breaks out, there will inevitably be casualties, and this is Almeric's territory, and irrelevant people will eventually be involved in the war.

So I think that’s what none of us want to see.”

"Wait a minute," Shen You gestured, "Give me ten seconds."

As he said this, he saw a sudden bright light blooming in the field, and the dazzling white light blinded people for a while. Volex instinctively raised his arm to block it in front of him. When the light dissipated and he looked again, Shen You in front of him had disappeared.

Where are people?

Volex blinked, momentarily confused.

The next moment, there was a roar from behind.

The huge metal creation cut through the silence of the sky like an out-of-control meteor. The heat generated by the friction when the outer shell passes through the atmosphere at high speed causes the surface of the battleship to glow red, like a red-hot iron.

The impact of the huge mass in the atmosphere caused a deafening sonic boom, like a continuous thunder. The air is heated by the high-speed moving metal, forming a scorching airflow that picks up dust and debris on the ground, forming a hurricane of dust and flames.

A heavy fall.

At the moment of impact, the ground seemed to be hit by a huge meteorite. Dust and debris were thrown high into the air, forming clouds that blotted out the sun. Everything near the impact point was destroyed in the instant high temperature and impact, causing a chain reaction in the uninhabited area. The mountains collapsed, the landscape deformed violently, and fire shot into the sky. The pillar of fire could be seen from more than ten kilometers away.

The next moment, the afterimage swayed back, dragging the lightning, and flashed back to its original position.

Shen You clapped his hands: "Sorry for the delay. But let me confirm, that ship just now should be the Apocalypse battleship you used to threaten us, right?"

Facing the distant flames and the ruins of the battleship, Volex opened his mouth wide and was unable to make a sound for a long time.

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