I become light in American comics

Chapter 480 What is your relationship?


Wonder Woman and Batman both looked at the small transparent bubble on Shen You's fingertips.

At this time, the kryptonite was extracted from the body and isolated, and the superhuman abilities and physical weakness also stopped. He frowned and carefully looked at the white bubble with his slightly recovered microscopic vision.

Sure enough, a kryptonite. Microscopic fragments so small that they are almost unnoticeable.

Normally, such tiny kryptonite fragments would not have any effect even if they were close to Superman, not to mention that the suit Superman now wears in action is a special equipment given to him by Kara. Although it still looks the same as before, in fact the suit has the ability to isolate red solar radiation and kryptonite when activated, and can increase solar energy absorption.

But someone had driven this tiny shard of kryptonite right into his nerves.

Batman was the first to react and speculated: "Someone performed a microscopic kryptonite implant on Superman, and the kryptonite embedded in the nerve fibers affected him."

"But who can do it?" Diana asked strangely, "on such a small scale."

"Dr. Ray Palmer's laboratory has recently developed the ability to shrink people to the atomic level." Batman said solemnly, "Although the research has not been made public, my private investigation has found evidence that Ray ·Palmer is the newly emerging superpower known as 'The Atom'."

"Do you think he should be responsible for this?" Diana frowned.

"I'm just saying that he has the ability and equipment to do it." Batman said, "There are not many people on earth who can do this kind of thing."

But Shen You shook his head and interrupted him: "If my prediction is correct, Dr. Palmer should not be the person you are looking for. But your idea is right. There are not many people who can do this."

Batman glanced at him.

"How do you know this? Including that Superman's behavior is controlled by kryptonite? Can you detect the influence of kryptonite at this level?"

"Because I've been looking for it from the beginning." Shen You waved his hand, "It's too complicated to explain the details, and it's meaningless to say more. But if my prediction is good, the person who did it is probably called Rhonda Panida, but It is also possible that a pseudonym was used.

There is a high probability that her daily identity is a female college student, with the same shrinking ability as Ray Palmer. Maybe it can be reduced to the atomic level, and the ability to move at the speed of light through telephone lines and Internet cables is not even ruled out.

Of course it's just for reference, and I'm just proposing a suspect. If you want to ask for evidence, there is none for now. But if you still trust me, just go and search based on what I just said. "

Batman and Wonder Woman looked at each other.

Although there was still doubt on his face (mainly Batman, of course), Shen You knew they would do it.

After all, Shen You and the Justice League have known each other for more than a day or two, and their friendship is built through hard work. And the entire alliance is also very clear that if there is anyone on earth who can never fight against the entire alliance, then it may be him.

This invisibly makes the information he said naturally more credible.

Of course, Batman will not ignore another possibility. Shrinking down to the microscopic level and implanting kryptonite into Superman was something Shen You who was standing in front of them could also do.

But even excluding the trust that Shen You had built up in many battles, it was not logically necessary.

First of all, this kryptonite was dug out by Shen You. If it was him, there was no need to destroy his own field.

Secondly, he really wanted to scheme against the alliance and there was no need to go to such trouble. He has the power to defeat the entire Justice League single-handedly, and has a deeper understanding of the abilities of all members of the Justice League than they themselves, and he also holds the identity information of everyone in the League.

From rational logic, Shen You cannot be completely excluded as a suspect, but his suspicion is basically infinitely close to zero. He had no motive and no need to bother like this.

Shen You couldn't explain to them how he knew so much. The information he knew naturally came from the original comics. Superman mistakenly kills Dr. Light, and Pandora returns with her box. All this points to the beginning of a major event in the original work.

The Three-Body War, and the subsequent major events, evil is eternal.

Rhonda Panida, whom Shen You just mentioned, is the Atomic Girl from Earth 3 and has the same abilities as the Atom in the main world. She is the pioneer of the Earth-3 invaders.

In the comics, she disguised herself as a superhero and joined the Justice League, secretly inserting kryptonite into Superman's head so that he accidentally killed Dr. Light. Her ultimate goal is to capture the mythical Pandora's Box.

The ancient magicians all believed that Pandora's Box was a magical creation, and insisted that all evil in the world came from it. But they were wrong. Pandora's Box in the DC worldview is an out-and-out technological creation.

It was a transmission box that accidentally wandered from Earth 3 in the parallel universe to the main world many centuries ago, just like the Mother Box. It's just that for years no one knew the correct way to use it.

The real function of Pandora's Box is to open a portal from Earth 3 to the main world.

Earth 3 is a world where good and evil are reversed from the main world. The corresponding members of the Justice League in that world are all criminals. They call themselves the "Criminal Syndicate" and rule the entire world in which they live. And they also want to come to the main world and do the same thing to this earth.

Among this group of people, the one who made Shen You most unhappy was their leader, the evil superman, codenamed "Superman".

Speedmaster is just a translation. Its original English text is "Ultraman", the ultimate man, and the direct transliteration is Ultraman.

That's right, the name coincides with that of the people from the Kingdom of Light.

A dark superman who is selfish, cruel, and evil to the core, carrying the name of Ultraman and doing evil all over the multiverse. Who can tolerate this?

Shen You had long thought that if there was a chance, he would definitely catch the Speedmaster and fix it. Now it looks like the opportunity is coming.

"Okay." Diana rubbed the bridge of her nose, "Then let's split up. I'm going to find Pandora and her box. I met her once, and she said that opening the box back then was connected to the Olympus gods.

I will summon the gods to get some information. You can go find that Rhonda Panida. But I still have a question. As far as I know, kryptonite is a controlled resource on Earth.

How could a female college student have kryptonite in her hands? "

"I think Batman can answer this question." Shen You turned his head and glanced at Batman.

Diana also cast a questioning look.

Batman was silent for a moment and said: "Not long ago, the Batcave was invaded. The other party did not hurt anyone, steal data, or touch anything else. Except for a kryptonite ring."

Diana was startled.

"What are you doing hiding kryptonite in the Batcave?" she asked sharply, "What are you planning?"

"It's okay, Diana."

Superman had calmed down and stood up.

"I gave it to him."

Diana: "?"

The Amazon Princess was stunned for a moment, looking at Batman and then at Superman.

"Let me clear it up. Are you going to give Batman a kryptonite ring?"

Superman nodded seriously.

Diana pondered for a few seconds.

".So what is the relationship between you two?"

Batman: "."

Superman: "."

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