I become light in American comics

Chapter 481 Tracking down the Atomic Girl

Although Superman trusts his best friend to hand over a powerful weapon against himself, what is a bit embarrassing is that his behavior is actually completely unnecessary.

Because there is no need for him to do this, Batman actually has a large box of kryptonite in the cave.

Red kryptonite, gold kryptonite, green kryptonite, and even pink kryptonite that can force Superman to bend.

Wonder Woman flew to Olympus to find out about Pandora's whereabouts. It is not easy to find a magical girl who has been walking around the world for many centuries without any relatives. Fortunately, now that Diana is the God King of Olympus, she can mobilize the gods to attack her. It’s much easier to find out about magic.

Superman is still immersed in the depression of accidentally killing a criminal. But when Shen You told him that this was just part of a huge conspiracy, his sense of responsibility for the world cheered him up again.

In fact, if Superman wanted to leave, this so-called "most secure prison in the world" would not be able to stop him at all.

However, at Batman's insistence, Superman followed him back to the watchtower. Batman insisted on conducting a full physical examination on him to ensure that all his physiological functions had returned to normal levels.

"I don't want to move around with a moving time bomb," Batman said.

Although Superman was eager to find out the truth, he couldn't defeat him, so he agreed.

After Shen You pulled out the kryptonite, he flew straight to the address that Parr had checked in advance.

"Based on the input constraints, 132 Rhonda Panidas have been found that meet the requirements," said Pal.

A large number of red dots were densely marked on the map on the monitor in front of Shen You.

"Very good, let's take a look one by one."

Shen Yuan accelerated and flew away at lightning speed.

If he remembered correctly - and he never remembered wrongly - the Atomic Girl of Earth 3 should have used her original name in the main world. There is no specific explanation of this in the comics. Maybe she fabricated a false identity out of thin air, or maybe she killed her peers in the main world and occupied the magpie's nest to replace them.

In short, the probability of finding this person by following this name is very high.

There are only 132 targets. Due to his speed, checking them one by one is much more efficient than any other method.

Goal 67.

Shen You walked through the wall and entered a dormitory.

The dormitory of a girl living alone is like a microcosm of her life. Small, neat and organized. The single bed is covered with fresh sheets and light blue cushions. The bedside table is piled with commonly read books and a small alarm clock.

Notebooks, stationery and papers are neatly arranged on the desk by the window. The magazine spread out is the latest top-issue paper published by Dr. Ray Palmer, "The Microworld and Us."

On the surface, there were no suspicious clues left, until Otto's eyes discovered the secret compartment hidden behind the wardrobe.

There is a small metal box sealed by a combination lock in the secret room. Looking through the inside, Shen You could see that it was a women's tight-fitting uniform, red and blue, just like the female version of the Atom uniform.

Got it.

Rhonda was careful not to leave any clues from Earth-3 in this room. And even if someone finds this hidden compartment and finds the uniform, it can only mean that she is a hidden superhero "Atomic Woman".

No one could find any clues linking her to her identity as the invading vanguard of an evil world.

But unfortunately for her, she met Shen You.

At this time, there was an oscillation from the back of the room, as well as golden lightning and crackling sounds. It was the Flash, vibrating into a blurry afterimage, coming through the wall.

"Batman told me the situation. You ran so fast. I ran through seven or eight cities before I could catch up with you."

Flash walked up behind him.

"I'm somewhat of a crime scene expert, and I'm much more agile than you. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, I think I've found it."

Shen You didn't look back and was uploading data through the mobile armor on his body.

"I'm sharing what I've found with the Watchtower and I think we've found the killer we're looking for."

"Rhonda Panida? This is the girl?"

Flash looked around.

"I don't know, this room looks pretty ordinary. Of course, but since you said so."

He changed the subject.

"So what should we do now? Wait here for her to come back and wait and see?"

"No, that's not necessary. You and I both know she won't come back, and why."

As he spoke, Shen You suddenly turned around and suddenly launched an attack. The shadow of his fist dragged the lightning towards the Flash's face.

The Flash was shocked and hurriedly ducked aside. But he was obviously still a bit slow. The electric light and transparent cyclone of the punch still hit his cheek, blowing half of his face away, causing him to hit the wall and fly out of the room. , bounced awkwardly on the street several times, and rolled several times before finally stopping.

Shen You leisurely flew out of the hole he punched through and landed.

"If it was the real Flash, he would be able to dodge that punch."

Shen You said, paused, and added.

"Of course, if it was the real Flash, he would be dead with half his face missing."

The "Flash" with only half of his face on the opposite side staggered up, and the half of his mouth that was blasted open and closed was still opening and closing horribly.

"Why?" He looked puzzled, "How did you know?"

"It's 'life'."

Shen You walked forward calmly.

"You have no life, just an empty shadow. Why do you think I can't feel it?"

"Tch, that's it. I said that Bald Man was unreliable, and I swore that this would definitely work. I told you that Ultraman might not stand idly by, but he didn't believe me."

The half-faced Flash cursed.

"Huh?" Shen You frowned slightly.

This reveals a lot of interesting information.

Bald? Which bald guy?

This stall is still plotting against the Justice League, and there is only one bald man who has sufficient abilities and skills, Lai Bald.

Does this mean that Lai Tu was sure that Shen You would not interfere in their decisive battle with the Justice League?

Normally this is really good. No matter how evil Laitu is, he is still a native of Earth. Even if the earth is destroyed, in principle, it is still an internal matter, and Ultraman is not allowed to interfere in principle.

Moreover, Lai Tu has fought with Superman and Zheng Lian for so many years, but he has never really won. Shen You has much more important things and research work, so he has no time to pay attention to him.

But how did his doomsday army get involved with the invaders from another world?

At this moment, a huge black shadow fell from the sky, covering Shen You's location.

Shen You looked up and saw an oil tanker made of green light falling from the sky. Green Lantern Hal Jordan was flying behind.

"Eat my oil tanker truck!"


Here comes another mission. I have been working overtime like crazy these past few days and I can’t code until I come back very late, so I’ll do two updates first. Annoying ==

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