In fact, to this day, no one fully understands what happened.

The reason is that Superman is chasing a criminal.

A new face, one of those super-powered criminals in fancy clothes. It was a guy wearing a white cloak, with the ability to manipulate light paths and release light attacks.

But there's nothing new about it. After all, it has been a long time since DC's earth's aura was revived, and now super criminals and superheroes are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Especially in a place like Metropolis, superpowers are everywhere, and one or two new 18th-line heroes or new criminals appear every week.

This should have been an inconsequential daily routine. A newly awakened criminal trying to get some money out of a bank bumps into Superman, and things suddenly spiral out of control.

Even Superman can't explain why. But suddenly, the moment he caught the criminal, an inexplicable impulse surged over him. A searing energy rushed straight into his brain, as if burning his nerves.

Before he knew it, the heat vision had activated.

The pouring red-hot beam instantly enveloped the criminal in front of him. The unlucky guy just wanted to rob a bank, but he was enveloped in red light without a chance to react. His skin and flesh were vaporized before he could even scream.

By the time Superman panicked and seized control of his heat vision, the unfortunate creature had turned to ash. Under the intensity of Superman's out-of-control heat vision, nothing on Earth can withstand that temperature. In just an instant, the criminal disappeared, leaving only a pile of black smoke and ashes.

So things became what they are now.

Superman flew to Bellerive, the world's top super prison.

He wanted to turn himself in. He believed he was guilty.


"It's that simple, Batman. Ahem." Superman said weakly, "My powers went out of control, I killed him, it's that simple.

Maybe I wasn’t in control of myself as well as I thought I was, or maybe I was just too tired. It's even possible. Ahem, maybe I really agree with Diana's statement deep down in my heart, but I haven't even realized it yet."

"Everything could be a conspiracy." Batman said calmly, "You are just too gullible to trust others. Sometimes you have to give yourself the same confidence you give others."

Superman was silent for a moment.

"Who is he?" He asked again after a moment, "Who is the man I killed?"

"Arthur Wright, codenamed Dr. Light. He was once a scientist in a cutting-edge scientific research laboratory. An accident gave him the superpower to control light. Maybe this can explain what happened.

I've checked Wright's files and he doesn't have complete control over his abilities. Any time he enters a room, he involuntarily absorbs light.

Your physiology is powered by solar energy. Maybe he accidentally triggered a release of energy, or maybe he was trying to de-energize you. Maybe his attempt accidentally triggered your body's own defense mechanism.

I have surveyed the site, and others in the alliance are now doing survey and technical restoration on site. We should be able to find enough evidence to prove it's not your fault."

But Superman doesn't care about that.

"Does he have a family?" Superman asked.

Batman was silent.

This silence already gave Superman a vague idea of ​​the answer. He clenched his fists and asked again: "Does he have a family?"

"A wife," Batman said quietly, "Three daughters."

Superman said no more.

The heavy metal door of the laboratory opened. Diana appeared behind the door and said coldly: "Why did you tell him this?"

"He asked." Batman said calmly.

Diana stepped between the two.

"This has nothing to do with Dr. Light. It's Pandora. Superman and I met Pandora when we came to Bellerive to escort the elementals last time. She brought her box."

Batman frowned: "Pandora, the one in the myth?"

"Pandora's Box is the most dangerous artifact in the world." Diana said, "Now Pandora has reappeared with it. She thrust the box into Superman's hands, and that thing somehow infected Superman.

We took the box out of his hands. He seemed back to normal at the time, but apparently we were wrong. "

Batman said: "You want to say that the evil in the human world is all because of that box?"

"This is not a story, it is a fact." Diana said firmly.

"I believe that Pandora is as real as you Amazons and Greek gods. But I'm sorry, I can't believe what you say about the box." Batman said coldly, "I have studied human sins all my life, and no one knows it better than me.

Human beings are evil because they choose to be so. There wasn't some evil spirit whispering in their ears, and it wasn't a magical magic box.

What Superman needs now is the help of the scientific method. We need to clear his name and give him peace of conscience. The rhetoric of a magic box won't help. "

"It's not a question of the truth, it's the box that eroded him." Diana insisted, "And can't you see that he's still weak now? It's what the box has been doing to him, that's for sure.

We must find Pandora."

The two giants were arguing with each other when a voice came from deep in the room.

"No, not the box, Diana."

The two of them turned around and saw that Shen You had appeared in the room at some point.

Diana raised her eyebrows: "They also say this is the safest place in the world."

Now this "indestructible" room can hold a table of mahjong.

Batman narrowed his eyes: "Great, it looks like our problems are getting more complicated."

Diana looked at the Dark Knight in confusion: "How do you say that?"

"Ultraman doesn't like to interfere in the internal affairs of the earth." Batman explained calmly, "He never participates in the alliance's actions. Now that he has appeared, it means that what happened to Superman is not as simple as an accident."

Shen You glanced at him: "It's nice to see you thinking quickly as always, Batman."

"Mr. Shen? Ahem. Sorry, I can't hear clearly. I don't know if it's because the helmet is too tight or..." Superman said weakly.

Diana watched Shen You approach: "You know what's going on, right? You said it's not the box?"

"Yeah, Superman's problem is not because of Pandora's box. Of course, that box is also very important. We need to find it as soon as possible. That thing is my main purpose.

As for Superman"

Shen said that he had already invaded the system and released the restraints on Superman. The shackles on the metal seat were unlocked, and the helmet covering his eyes slowly rose.

Superman's face looked sickly, and he looked up weakly.

"This would be very dangerous."

"It's nothing dangerous, don't worry."

Shen You said, white light was released. When Superman was enveloped by that light, he felt refreshed, and his tense nerves relaxed involuntarily under the invisible comfort.

The white light penetrated his skin and entered his brain like an illusion, and followed his nerves like a solid entity.

Then something was caught.

Only a few seconds later, white light penetrated and formed a tiny bubble in mid-air, floating around everyone.

"The operation was successful."

White light bubbles floated on Shen You's fingertips.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you the culprit of this accident - a microscopic Kryptonite fragment inserted into Superman's nervous system."

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