I become light in American comics

Chapter 288 The target is Mike?

Eyes of the sky will.

"Look, he's coming!"

The young girl wearing the Sky Eye uniform whispered.

"The legendary Captain Williams."

"Maybe I can take a picture with him?"

"Let's forget it, he looks like he's not smiling."

Mike Williams walked among them with a blank expression as they spoke, as if he hadn't heard them at all.

It was an ordinary day for a senior agent. Take attendance at work, write materials for meetings, and get off work on time. So ordinary that there is no flaw.

Mike's bionic stand-in works perfectly, and is programmed to make him look exactly like a real person. It is more than enough to cope with the daily routine of commuting to and from get off work and facial scanning at work.

He even has his own little den. It's a small apartment in a good location. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the bustling streets and the bustling business district.

Mike got home, took out the key and opened the door. The TV was on when I entered, and the bluish fluorescent light illuminated the dim living room. It's a talk show.

"Yes, Batman took down the Mad Hatter. I didn't say he wasn't powerful. He crushed the madman in terms of strategy and ability and kicked him into Arkham."

The host with a round belly said.

"But I mean, so what? Gotham is still the city with the highest crime rate. The emergence of Batman just brought this place from an era of crime into a new era of crime.

So my point is, why does Batman have to die in this place? Why can't he spend more time on Justice League activities, I don't know, like saving the world more and improving people's livelihood? "

Mike walked to the turned on TV, his facial expression seemed to change slightly.

Of course he couldn't have forgotten to turn off the TV before going out. Then there is only one explanation, someone broke in before him.

Based on the normal logic of his current identity, Mike drew his gun and looked around warily.

A black shadow appeared behind him.

Without thinking, Mike suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger. The gun rang out, the muzzle flashed, and the bullet came out of the chamber. Tianyan's special gun can hit the target with one shot. But the spinning warhead was unable to penetrate the solid barrier, and with a burst of flying sparks, the tall body deformed and fell to the floor.

What appeared from the darkness behind him was a pale and strange face. The color is like a zombie, as if a clown's mask has been put on a shriveled skeleton. Scarlet eyes shone with a demonic light, and the broad cloak almost fell to the floor.

Tomb demon.

"Hello, Agent Williams." The Tomb Demon said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry for what happened next but I need you."

"Sir, you promised to report noteworthy information. I think this might count as one." Pal reminded.


Shen You, who was busy studying the mother box, turned around in his seat and looked at Pal.

"what's going on?"

"Our Agent Williams, the bionic double, was attacked."

Shen You: "?"

substitute? Being attacked?

After calling up the surveillance camera of the bionic double, Shen You recognized the other person at a glance and was stunned for a moment.

Tomb demon?

Shouldn't this lunacy be directed at the Justice League? What are you doing here looking for my one-day-eye agent's vest?

But it soon became clear to him.

Shen You remembered that in the original work, before he approached the Justice League, his first step was to attack the villains of each member of the alliance, and learn about the abilities and weaknesses of each member of the alliance from their mouths.

The second step was to kidnap Steve Trevor, who at that time served as the liaison between the Eye and the Justice League - the current position of Agent Williams.

He wants to know the security settings and access codes of the Watchtower, and use this as a breach to undermine the alliance's mutual trust.

As soon as Shen You thought, the person had flown out of Gotham and flashed into Agent Williams' small apartment.

He entered at high speed, shielding his mind with a telepathic shield.

In this way, the Tomb Demon cannot sense his spirit. On a physical level, at such high speeds, time almost stops for ordinary people. Even if he walks past the Tomb Demon, he cannot see it.

Shen You stopped in this room. At this time, agent "Mike" was being beaten unconscious, while the Tomb Demon was standing in the shadows with a villain-style horror pose, standing in front of him, but in Shen You's eyes, it seemed as if he had been cast down. The ground stayed in place.

Shen You first took his time and did a full body scan on him.

The source of Tomb Demon's ability was unclear in the original work. It was relatively vague until he was knocked down. All he knew was that it was some kind of mysterious power. This is also a new system that Shen You has never seen before. Although it may not be very strong, it is always right to scan and record it to expand your knowledge.

His body looks weird, and at first glance it looks like some kind of ghostly creation. But after scanning, it was discovered that it was actually a piece of clothing, or armor. Armor made of some kind of ice crystal structure covered his entire body.

Although he is a gongshin-ryu villain, this structure also gives him good defensive power. With the blessing of magical attributes, it was enough to offset Superman's heat vision, but in the end it was shattered by Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

In addition, Shen You continued to scan and found that his body was covered with some kind of strange substance, similar to some kind of spirit body. That thing is called a hungry ghost in the book. It is a kind of spiritual creature that is parasitic on people and can devour life force. It is good at transforming into the most important person that everyone has lost, making people trapped in the most painful memories.

That is the Tomb Demon's biggest weapon, and it was this thing that killed the Justice League at first sight.

However, Shen You took advantage of the time to slow down and carefully scanned this thing called a hungry ghost inside and out. Based on his knowledge and analysis of DC science and magic, he was convinced that it was not a threat.

In the comics this thing is afraid of Green Lantern's light. As a product of negative emotions, they are afraid of light, especially light on the positive energy side of the emotional spectrum.

And Shen You is the light.

But the Tomb Demon now possesses only a very small part of the hungry ghosts.

The stronghold of the Tomb Demon is the temple in the ancient mountain range that he found based on the mythical books. There are countless hungry ghosts there. The Tomb Demon is just a carrier, those are the real threats.

Originally, Shen You was thinking of leaving it to Zheng Lian to handle the situation this time. But since everyone has their experience delivered to their doorstep, it does seem a bit regretful not to sign for it.

So Shen You thought for a while, continued to maintain a high speed that the Tomb Demon could not see clearly, and took away the self-defense double lying in front of him.

Then a high-speed afterimage split and lay in exactly the same position.

He knew very well that it would not be long before the Tomb Demon would take his prisoners of war back to his base camp, the lair of the hungry ghosts.

I believe the hungry ghosts will be very excited when they see what big treasure he has brought back.

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