Tomb Devil, whose real name is David Graves. During the invasion of Apokolips in the original work, his family was rescued by the Justice League, and David has since become a fan of Justice League. He wrote a best-selling book titled "Justice League: Gods Among Men", which had a huge influence around the world.

But later his entire family died of illness, and David himself was dying. He resented the Justice League for not helping his family anymore, and thus turned from a fan to a fan (but the League actually had no idea).

Medical science could do nothing to cure his illness, so he turned to the mysterious side of power. He met the legendary god Asura in the Pamir Mountains, and the god guided him to find a temple and gain powerful spiritual abilities. Since then, he has called himself "Tomb Stalker" and plans to take revenge on the Justice League.

Of course, technically no one in the world knows all this yet. Shen You only found the relevant content after searching quickly in his mind when he heard the name "Tomb Demon".

It's not an outstanding setting, it can only be said to be a very beautiful comic villain. He was just a small person at first, but his hatred for the protagonist group came out of nowhere, and his strength came out of nowhere, but suddenly he gained the ability to kill Zhenglian alone.

Of course, this typically belongs to the type of people with weird abilities who are killed at first sight, and it is also one of the main reasons why it is very common for Zhenglian to overturn in the early days.

However, even if there is a slight defeat, Zhenglian should be able to handle this kind of problem, and Shen You is not going to bother to follow up. Anyway, even if Zheng Lian suffers a little loss, it really won't be a big deal for such a small character.

However, Shen You still reminded everyone to pay attention to strengthening the security of the watchtower, especially Batman. In the N52 Positive Contact series, Tomb Devil was the first villain to kill the watchtower and drown them in the spring. This also started the daily torment of the Justice League's watchtower and their fellow RBQ from the Kingdom of Light.

In fact, Shen You wanted to remind them from the beginning that having their base floating in the sky might not be a good thing. He once thought about giving everyone in Zhenglian some knowledge, saying that there was a defense team called MAC over there, and that the base was also floating in the sky, just like your watchtower. Now the grass on people's graves is almost five feet high.

Oh, by the way, there is also another base that looks a bit like your watchtower. They are both spinning tops. It’s hard for space people to resist the urge to go up and whip them twice when they pass by.

Maybe this story can give them some inspiration.

But in the end, he thought about it. Although the crash rate of the observation tower was not low, it didn't seem to have much impact. If MAC's base falls, the team will be wiped out immediately. Zhenglian's watchtower can't wait to fall once a month. However, the immortals per capita in the alliance generally have nothing to do, and Batman can take care of property issues and spend it as he pleases. Within a month the new watchtower was floating back to its old spot.

The problem of the Tomb Demon is left to Zheng Lian to deal with. Shen You then fulfilled Agent Mike Williams' duties as the liaison of the Zhenglian Alliance and registered the material needs of everyone in the Alliance for this month.

For example, some cutting-edge equipment, boxes and boxes of snacks and fruits, projectors, projectors, Hal also asked for a pool table, and Kara asked for three enthusiast-level game consoles from different manufacturers.

"Is this really good?" The honest man Barry was watching him register, and actually felt it was a bit inappropriate. "I mean buying so many leisure and entertainment things, no one will be unhappy, right?"

Shen is having fun.

"What are you afraid of? Someone is paying the bill anyway, and where is this? Waller's money for greening is much more than this.

And it would be better to say that the alliance is happy to let them pay, and they should just have fun under the covers. "

"Really?" Barry was confused.

"Okay, that's probably all for now."

Shen You took inventory of the list, which was so long that it took several pages to turn over.

"Check carefully to see if there is anything else you want. Think about it carefully and buy it first regardless of whether it is of any use."

Barry flipped through the list at super speed and couldn't help but be surprised: "Do we really need to drink such expensive wine?"

Obviously this is a bit too much of an impact on his salary.

"I think wine tastes terrible," Kara said.

"Actually, I think so too." Shen You nodded seriously, "But I still included it. The main reason is that it's expensive."

Barry: "."

After registering, Kara left the watchtower and returned to the coffee shop with Shen You. She still has homework to do, and Shen You also has his own things to be busy with.

"I assume Agent Williams is going to the office again, sir?" Parr asked.

"No. How is the bionic double?" Shen You asked.

"Debugging completed and fully operational."

"Let me try to activate it."

"No problem, sir."

A metal cabin filled with lines rose from the ground and stopped in front of Shen You. The hatch opened, revealing a completely white bionic body.

Shen You debugged on the panel for a while and entered parameters. After a moment, facial features began to appear on the blank face of the bionic body. As a burst of digital disguise data rolled by, it quickly transformed into the appearance of Mike Williams.

Brainiac's bionic body technology has an artificial appearance, but no consciousness. It can be remotely operated through artificial intelligence and can be disguised as anyone's image.

Just like a fictional Sky Eye agent.

"Very good, it seems to be working well."

Shen You looked at "Agent Mike" who stood upright under Parr's operation and nodded with satisfaction.

"Now Agent Mike can devote himself to the work of Sky Eye around the clock. I believe it will be good for his career. We will let him go to work in Sky Eye later today. Remember to remind me if there is any important news."

"No problem, sir." Parr agreed.

Dark night, ancient manor.

Deep darkness enveloped everything, and the occasional flash of lightning briefly illuminated the sky, like a crack in the sky. The shadow of the manor twisted horribly on the night, and thunder rumbled in the air. It was the roar of the sky and the noise of nature. The heavy rain was like tears from the sky, pouring down with great sadness, hitting the old manor with a dull drum sound.

The man sat in the eerie darkness, only the faint light from a few windows penetrated the darkness. The deep silence felt as if all life had been swallowed by darkness. The endless darkness and the weight of history made the manor strange and terrifying.

There was no light in the manor, the only source of light coming from a flickering old television. The picture shows the Justice League showing off its might during a rescue operation.

"As you can see, I am now at the scene of the League's operation. The Justice League had controlled the situation an hour ago and there were no casualties. This is almost a miracle. We can't imagine how many casualties there would have been without them. ."

The man narrowed his eyes and uttered a word heavily.

"False gods."

"Yeah, they're never there when you need them."

Another voice sounded from the darkness. Weird eyes opened, as if there was mist filling the shadows.

The husky voice said to him, "They can't help you, David, and they won't help you. A lot of people think they're gods, but they're not. It's a scam, and you need to help everyone see them for who they really are.

You can help everyone and help them never have to fear again. "

The voice seemed to be magnetic, with some irresistible penetrating power, as if it was echoing in people's minds.

"Yeah. You're right."

The man named David stood up slowly, a cloak hanging silently behind him.

There was a twinkle in his eye.

"I can help them all, never lose again, never fear again. But first, I need to defeat the Justice League, otherwise they will stand in my way. Fortunately, I have found the key."

David took a newspaper and narrowed his eyes.

It was written there that the Sky Eye official announced the only designated contact person of the Justice League, and the headline of the newspaper was the press conference held by the Sky Eye.

"Mike Williams, he's...the key."

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