I become light in American comics

Chapter 289 Just pretend nothing happened

"You mean, there is someone looking for our respective enemies everywhere now."

Wonder Woman crossed her arms and said a little strangely.

".Looking for trouble for them one by one? Doesn't that sound like one of our own?"

"Absolutely not, Diana." Batman said solemnly, "He is analyzing us and trying to get our weaknesses."

"Weaknesses? We have no weaknesses." Hal was as confident as ever, "We are the Justice League."

"Everyone has vulnerabilities, and a lot of us wear masks, for example."

Martian Manhunter said calmly.

"Now he knows that The Flash is a police officer and will never do anything illegal. He also knows that Wonder Woman visits a woman who lives on the Apache Reservation every month."

"Your mother?" Hal looked at Diana.

"More than a friend," Diana said.

"The Tomb Devil also knows that Batman doesn't trust everyone in the team." Martian Manhunter said.

Hal yawned: "Oh my God, this is really shocking."

"He's wrong." Superman put his hands on his hips, looking a little proud, "Batman trusts me."

Batman said coldly: "I don't trust you."

But Superman didn't care, and continued with a smile: "He just said that."

Batman: "."

At this moment, the main screen on the watchtower suddenly went black. It lit up again after a moment, and that white scary face appeared in it.

Tomb demon.

"Look at you, you are so arrogant and can't see the suffering in the world at all."

A hoarse voice came from the screen.

".No wonder you never noticed the tragedy that happened to us."

Everyone was shocked and stood up from their seats warily.

"Tomb Demon?" Batman said solemnly.

The Tomb Demon did not answer, but kept to himself: "The world believes you are their gods, but I know you are not. I have seen real gods.

People trust you, but that trust will eventually come at a cost. Starting with the one closest to you. "

The Tomb Demon narrowed his scarlet eyes.

"Just because you are so arrogant and never look down at the common people, you have not noticed the problem until now. You have not noticed the person who suffered misfortune because of you."

"You took a hostage." Batman said coldly.

Everyone immediately became nervous. Each of them cannot accept that someone will be hurt because of them, even a stranger they have never met. What's more, according to the Tomb Demon, the hostage seems to be someone close to him.

"Release the hostages, Tomb Demon." Superman shouted, "What you want is us, then come for us."

"It's not that easy." Tomb Demon said coldly, "Be patient, Justice League. You have to feel the pain of loss first, and then it's your turn. Start with the person who connects you first.

Mike Williams. "

As he spoke, he disappeared from the screen with a hoarse weird smile.

However, at this time, the atmosphere on the watchtower became somewhat subtle.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Is that what he just said?" Hal was a little unsure.

"Well, if there isn't a second person named Mike Williams, right?" The Flash also had a strange expression, "That's the vest that Mr. Shen is undercover in Sky Eye?"

So after working on it for a long time, the Tomb Demon's plan was to take Ultraman's vest as a hostage?

Everyone in the Justice League looked at me, and I looked at you, and they didn’t seem to know what to say for a moment.

"So, do we still have to rescue him?" Barry asked tentatively.

"Who to save?" Hal asked, "Tomb Demon?"

Barry nodded: "That's right."

The tense atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and everyone in the alliance calmly sat back in their chairs.

Do whatever you have to do, the Tomb Demon is basically a dead person anyway.

Kara muttered: "What an unlucky guy. I hope others are okay."

"Mike Williams~"

"Wake up."

The cold voice seemed to sound from the other side of darkness. Shen You, who was already awake, pretended to open his eyes with a confused expression, and gradually became angry when he saw the horrified face in front of him.

"who are you?"

He stared at the grave demon's pale face and asked knowingly.

"Me? I am you, the Justice League, and the tomb of all of you." Tomb Demon said coldly, "You can't imagine what kind of disaster I went through to get to where I am today.

You must think that I am similar to the bad guys you have seen before, with delusions of conquering the world and an inflated desire. But that is not the case. All I want is the truth, nothing more.

I want the whole world to know what the Justice League really is, a bunch of false gods. "

"Then you have to try a little harder."

Shen You said calmly, while activating the clairvoyance to look around.

This is a temple deep in the mountains, surrounded by white-capped snow-capped mountains and cliffs. It is an ancient building eroded by time, with a thick stone door and mottled stone walls covered by heavy snow. Outside the temple is a cemetery with countless tombstones and ominous souls lingering in the cemetery.

"Don't want to say it? It doesn't matter. This was never an option from the beginning. Everyone will eventually speak up."

The Tomb Demon took two steps back and opened the door to the room.

The dazzling light curtain mixed with the biting cold wind carrying snowflakes came in, and the hungry ghosts rushed out of the door.

".After you feel the real pain!" The Tomb Demon opened his arms.

As if smelling the breath of fresh souls, the hungry ghosts were extremely excited, eager to absorb life and pain. The fastest hungry ghost rushed into "Mike"'s body first, and at the same time, the sound echoed low and strangely in his ears.

"If he loses, I lose."

"He hurts my heart."

"Mike Williams, be food in our bellies!"

With the majestic roar, the hungry ghosts held their knives and forks in anticipation and prepared to feast, but they were stunned as soon as they rushed into the body.

It's completely different from what they imagined.

What he saw under that mortal body was a deep and boundless starry sky, a realm so vast that no boundaries could be seen. The stars twinkled, and the unknown star map shrouded these intruders who didn't know the heights of the sky like a cage. Light gradually emerged in the darkness, shining like a star, illuminating the entire universe, swallowing up these intruders like an ever-expanding fireball.


The things started screaming and turning to run.

"No, no light, no...ahhhhh!!!"

The fastest you rush is the fastest you die. In just an instant, the hungry ghost who was at the forefront was completely wiped out, with no residue left.

Just as the courage and will of the green lantern make them fearful, the blue lantern of hope and Shen You's own light also have similar effects, and they only need to be used in the correct way.

Shen You had already scanned and studied the nature of these evil spirits inside and out, so it was not difficult.

The charging hungry ghosts behind seemed to sense something the moment their companions donated their money, and they immediately made a move and stayed in place.

Only the Tomb Demon reacted the slowest and spread his arms: "Release your fear, the greatest pain in your heart! And I will gain strength from it and be able to liberate everyone in the world."

Um? What are you doing? "

Only then did the Tomb Demon finally realize that something was wrong. He looked at the hungry ghosts he was controlling with some strangeness. The sprinting steps of the spirit-like ghosts stopped neatly, reined in their horses, and then suddenly began to retreat in panic, as if they were afraid of getting close to the " Hostage" half step.

No, it would be better to say that even if he was just stared at by that guy, he would tremble all over and shrink back as hard as he could. Some of the hungry ghosts glared at the tomb demon angrily.

The resentful eyes seemed to say, you brought such a thing back, and you still want power and blessings?

After only one round of brief contact with Shen You, he discovered that these so-called hungry ghosts were actually weaker than he thought. In the comics, the main reason they were able to defeat the Zhenglian Alliance was through unexpected sneak attacks, and they took advantage of the biggest nightmare in each of their hearts.

For example, Superman experienced the moment when his adoptive parents died, Hal relived his father's plane crash, and Batman experienced the classic "Pearl Necklace Alley Parents.JPG". The Tomb Demon deceived them into believing that this temple was a place connecting life and death. They thought they were seeing the souls of their loved ones.

However, when the alliance realized that this was a hoax and that the souls were just hungry ghosts that devoured pain, each man broke free by his own will.

He had successfully entered the enemy's lair. Now that his disguise was seen through, Shen You had nothing to pretend about.

He stopped pretending and showed his cards.

The clone of the high-speed afterimage burst into a burst of strong light, and Ultraman's posture was transformed into the incandescent light.

The Tomb Demon's pupils suddenly widened.

"You you you you!"

Only then did he realize what he had brought back.

Shen You slowly soared into the air, clenching his hands into fists, spreading his arms, and golden light radiated from his body. The icy and snowy tomb began to gradually heat up, the air seemed to be distorted, and even the perennial snow seemed to begin to melt.

Energy is building, like a precursor to a storm.

All the souls began to turn around and run away desperately, just like the instinct of living organisms to foresee danger when a disaster is approaching. The Tomb Demon's heartbeat was even faster, and he had an extremely bad premonition.

This is no longer something he can deal with, and it is beyond the scope of the souls in the temple.

Ultraman is even more mysterious and unattainable than the Justice League. If there is anyone who has a chance to stop him here, it is only the gods who have only a single relationship with the Tomb Demon.

The god who was rejected by the gods was named Asura. The Tomb Demon found this temple when he was about to die, and only saw Asura once at that time.

It was a huge god with a body of dozens of meters, with an indestructible golden body, three heads and six arms, surrounded by eternal red flames, which was particularly eye-catching in the ice and snow.

Asuras were filled with eternal anger because they were ostracized by the gods.

It was the angry God who gave him the power of salvation.

It is precisely because of this connection that he can now feel that Asura is awakening!

The ancient god seemed to open his eyes from the void and cast his sight over.

God felt that outsiders were invading his territory.

With eternal anger, he locked the intruder with endless tail flames, as if he was about to rain down divine punishment.

Then God saw it.

The giant's body was bathed in strong light, and golden light like the scorching sun burst out from his body. With just one blow, an explosion centered on the giant covered the entire snow-capped mountain, and some kind of energy containing strange properties evaporated all the souls in the temple.

One hit, full screen instant kill!

God is silent.

For a moment, the eyes in nothingness closed again.

As in, I didn't see anything.

Just act like nothing happened.

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