I become light in American comics

Chapter 284 The Breath of Fear

There aren't many opportunities for Agent Mike Williams to show his face in person, and most things are done by Parr. What appears on the few occasions that need to be attended is actually just a clone that creates high-speed afterimages.

It is no longer difficult for Shen You to do many things while distracted. His brain can handle multi-threaded work. Losing a clone to go out to socialize does not affect any of his daily work arrangements.

For example, I would go to Kandak to check if Black Adam's coffin board can still be pressed.

Khandak is one of the most famous fictional countries in DC, and all its stories are tied to Black Adam. Theoretically it seems a bit far, but in front of Shen You, any two coordinates on the same planet are not far away.

Flying is not even slower than teleportation.

The high-speed afterimage, invisible to the naked eye, passed by the Kandak border and passed through the mountains to the location obtained from the archaeological expert during the previous operation.

A mausoleum.

Ancient ruins were excavated under the scorching sun of Kandak, and the sand was heated up by the sun. Its entrance is artificially created, a huge crack, like a wide swallowing mouth, leading to a dark and deep world. Looking down, it was as dark as an abyss. Only the structure made of stones and plaster at the entrance of the cave was clearly reflected in the sunlight.

Of course, to be more precise, it just looks like a mausoleum. But Shen You knew that it was more appropriate to call it a prison. Black Adam was once the successor chosen by the old wizard, but he abused his powers and disappointed the Wizards' Council, so he was sealed and suppressed here. This ruin is actually his prison.

Shen You fell into the ruins and found the location of the seal with little effort.

"Here lies Tes Adam."

But when he used Ultra Vision to scan, he quickly realized.

It seems it's still a little late.

There is nothing here.

The magic barrier under the tomb has long been broken, and the sleeping person has awakened. Black Adam, who possesses the power of the Six Gods, is now missing.

But Shen You was pretty sure that he hadn't seen much news about Khandak's magical superman in a while. It stands to reason that when an existence of the magnitude of Black Adam is unearthed, there should be a stir soon. You can see it in the news, but it doesn't seem to be happening yet.

But that's okay. Black Adam is not usually a big threat. All he cares about is his own country. Even if he really wakes up and wants to create a coup or dictatorship, as long as he doesn't collude with some otherworldly demonic alien invaders, that's not in the M78 civil servant's law enforcement manual.

Shen You just came over casually to take a look, and there was no need to bother looking for anyone. He briefly scanned the tomb and found the special material called "Eternal Stone". In the movie, this kind of thing is quite powerful. It can be used as a missile to knock out Black Adam, and it can be used as an engine to create a floating locomotive that can travel at supersonic speeds and flash. It has a bit of vibranium flavor.

This thing is worth going back and studying.

After casually scanning around and confirming that there was nothing else worth searching for, Shen You turned around and headed back home. But after only flying more than three thousand miles, the radar with negative energy fluctuations started to react.

Some kind of dark wave was nearby.

Quiet little town. No one noticed that a meteor streaked across the sky and landed somewhere behind the town.

As night fell, a car parked on the side of the road. A couple was having a fierce fight in the back seat. The poor car seemed to bear a weight that it should not bear as a car. It was shaking and shaking. The intensity was so intense that the poor tires seemed to be on the chassis. scrapped under pressure.

There was a crash and the car window shattered.

A dark arm stretched out from the window, grabbed him by the collar, roughly pulled him out of the broken window, and threw him out with great force.

The man was caught off guard and flew far away with the splashing glass. After landing, he rolled several times.

He looked up in shock and saw a dark and twisted thing slowly approaching him. The details of that dark body cannot be seen clearly, it is like some kind of posture made of mud. Only a pair of wise eyes are swaying all over the body, which makes people go crazy.

The man yelled in horror and instinctively shrank back. He looked towards their car, and saw that the blonde beauty who had been happily chatting with him just now had jumped into the driver's seat at the speed of light, turned on the accelerator, and disappeared in a flash.


As the saying goes, when disaster strikes, they all fly away. When something goes wrong, the female ticket takes the car and runs away at light speed. No, now he is not even sure whether it is the female ticket or the male ticket. Not to mention, if an original girl was in this situation, she might have been so frightened that she could only scream on the spot, and she might not be able to run so skillfully and quickly.

“So hungry”

The twisted strange figure approached him step by step, stretching out its dark and withered palm.

"Need. Fear"

"You don't want to come here!" The man rolled around and said, "You don't want to come here."

The hand had fallen on his shoulder.

At that moment, his body seemed to freeze. Boundless fear almost swallowed him up, and his limbs seemed to be fixed. The essence of life, which was not very abundant, was rapidly flowing out of his body.

He felt like he was dying.

On his deathbed, the man regretted even more.

I shouldn't have done that shot just now.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning seemed to rush from the other side of the horizon. The twisted monster was involuntarily knocked away laterally, and a red and silver afterimage suddenly flashed out.


After briefly giving the telepathic command to the rescued civilian, Shen You immediately focused his attention on the creature that was knocked away.

He had never seen this kind of thing before, and it seemed difficult to match it with the image he had seen in the original work.

But if I scan it carefully, I feel that the energy residue in this thing has a slightly familiar smell.

Is there a hint of fear?

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