I become light in American comics

Chapter 283 Trust issue?

Shen You once again patted his chest and made a pledge in front of others. He found that he had worn more armor and now his skill level in speaking freely seemed to have improved a lot. Lines about throwing one's life and blood to show loyalty were already coming out of his mouth.

Oh, you just have to be a little more careful not to mix up your lines. It would be funny if he accidentally said that he was loyal to Balabala when facing Waller.

So when he came out of Waller's office, Shen You had transformed, and he had the aura of a Justice League liaison and a special person responsible for anti-Ultraman.

This undercover road is really getting more and more magical. Sometimes Shen You feels as if he has unknowingly jumped onto a dump truck without brakes. Sparks and lightning are flying all the way, and he doesn't know where it will eventually drift.

But it's also a good thing. Whether it's monitoring the Zhenglian or anti-Ultraman, someone has to be responsible for these tasks anyway, so why not do it yourself and ensure that everything is under his control.

At the same time, on the other hand, if necessary, even the Justice League and myself can cooperate with "Agent Mike Williams" in acting, and when circumstances permit, we can add more achievements to Agent Williams and continue to write a legendary resume.

Once the resume is in place, it is not impossible that one day in the future, "the director's position will be as good as that of our legendary captain."

This one is a little more magical. But there is always a dream, maybe?

Agent Mike Williams, who was introduced as the official official liaison that night, was interviewed for the first press conference. Let's put it this way, the reporters at the press conference were surprisingly enthusiastic.

Since the establishment of the Justice League and the defeat of the gods of Apocalypse, they have become something similar to national celebrities, or even more exaggerated. Many people even regard them as gods.

In their eyes, God has no daily life, no superfluous emotions and desires. They are perfect, they never make a mistake, they save the world, give hope, and never fail.

This can be seen intuitively from these reporters’ questions.

"The Justice League saves the world again! He did a job you couldn't do."

"A lot of people are wondering, sir. The Sight's operation wastes a lot of taxpayer money, but it never gets the job done, right? So why not just disband and leave the work to the Justice League?"

Shen You looked at the aggressive fat reporter and felt instantly happy.

Coincidentally, I thought so too. If you can speak, speak more.

But on the surface, he still endorsed it with a straight face: "Sky Eye will be fully capable of handling the crisis, but we will also assist the Justice League."

“Many people also say that the government has been unable to handle the problem well.” Someone else shouted, “Now people feel that if the Justice League is allowed to do the government’s work, they will definitely be able to do everything well!

Because they are the Justice League and they never fail! "

"You're right! Hell, maybe my unemployed nephew will have a job!"

"They can eliminate the fiscal deficit!"

"They will not tell lies and intrigue like today's politicians. They are friends who talk about everything. They can definitely fix everything!"

"Is it possible for Sky Eye to contact Ultraman? If he can become president and the Justice League forms the parliament, I bet everything will be fine!"

Shen You: "."

To be honest, this was something he didn't expect. But if you look at the current Internet, you will find that this kind of craze seems to be still mainstream.

This kind of fanatical worship actually gave rise to a bit of a rice circle. Their admiration for the Owa Alliance has reached a point where the parties concerned cannot control it. Nowadays, as long as anyone says something bad about the alliance online, he will immediately be attacked by a large number of fans, and in the end he will be drowned in a sea of ​​saliva.

However, this is actually an inevitable stage, but sooner or later this fanatical period will pass. Sooner or later, people discover that the object of their worship is less than perfect. Some people may be disappointed, but at the same time, more people will realize that the value of these guardians' existence is not to bring salvation, but to bring hope, make everyone feel bright, and make everyone better.

But at the end of the day, people can't rely on them to do everything for them and solve all their problems.

In the end, you still have to walk your own path.

Contrary to the people, those in power are feeling the pressure.

"We're going to take a look at the watchtower." Some congressmen shouted, "The Justice League needs to be supervised! They need to register!"

Another congressman said: "We are considering introducing a superhuman registration bill, starting with the Justice League. They are like a bunch of walking nuclear weapons. No private person can have such a powerful force. They must allow us to station in the watchtower. This is Trust issue!”

Shen is having fun.

"Okay, then I will report it truthfully, saying that you don't trust them. Maybe you can get what you want, but you may have to be careful in your life in the future.

For example, when you lock some dark secrets in a safe, remember to remind yourself that someone who can see you from the other side of the world may be watching.

For example, when you are hugging someone you shouldn't be hugging or sleeping in a sleep you shouldn't be sleeping in, there might be someone walking in front of you at sub-light speed, but you can't see it.

And every time at night, when you see any darkness, even the most inconspicuous shadow, you will be on tenterhooks.

For another example, sometimes you just murmur in your heart, and an evil thought suddenly pops up in your mind that you shouldn't have - I bet most of you must have this kind of time often, right? Ha, who knows? Woolen cloth? Maybe someone can hear it too?

Of course, 90% of it is because you are scaring yourself. There is a 90% chance that there is no one next to you, and no one is watching you from the other side of the world, and no one cares about your boring little secrets.

But you just can't help but think this way, and you will always be on tenterhooks. why?

Because you will always remember that you raised hilarious 'trust issues' with some of the most powerful people on the planet. "

After a pause, Agent Mike smiled slightly.

"Of course, I am completely on your side. I am just pointing out the problems you may encounter. If you still insist on this, then I will go to the watchtower to convey your intentions to them exactly."

Several congressmen looked at each other.

After a long period of silence, one of the congressmen laughed, and then said dryly.

"Aha. Aha, Agent Williams, you seem to have misunderstood what we meant. When we said 'supervision,' that was a broad term.

What we mean is a more friendly and harmonious cooperative relationship. It is an intimate way to start a dialogue based on the identity of friends without affecting the friendship and long-term cooperative relationship to achieve the purpose of mutual supervision and progress."

Shen You raised his eyebrows: "You mean, you don't plan to go up?"

The congressman smiled and said: "I'm not going up, I'm not going up. The ground is fine, very good. Just help us bring greetings to the alliance, and ask them if they have enough supplies? If not, bring some food."

He had a politician-like smile, but there seemed to be a word written in that smile.

From the heart.

So Agent Mike nodded politely.

"Don't worry, I'll bring it."

Thank you to the leader Huo Yanyanyi K for the reward!

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