I become light in American comics

Chapter 285 Who is playing the bad role?

Shen You couldn't explain how he felt. He was very sure that he had never encountered this black creature or anything similar, but its body did radiate a trace of energy fluctuations similar to fear, which came from the yellow light in the emotional spectrum.

But it must be said that the content is very weak, far less than the level of a light ring. It was as if a fragment of fear energy was contaminated somewhere.

And this monster doesn't seem to be very sane.

“So hungry”

The monster stood up staggeringly, its wise eyes flashing with a strange light.

It stared at Shen You for a moment, then shook its head blankly.

"You have no fear, it doesn't taste good"

As he said that, he turned around and wanted to leave, as if he was preparing to look for other food.

Of course Shen You couldn't allow it.

As the old saying goes, you have offended the abbot and still want to run away?

When Shen You stepped on his feet, it was like a bolt of lightning piercing through, like a torrent of electricity penetrating the monster's body. The black body disintegrated instantly, as if being disintegrated in a torrent. The lightning caused the mud-like body to fall apart and turn into a ball of ashes.

But Shen You saw it accurately. The moment the creature exploded, he reached out with his right palm and grasped a certain core in the middle of the collapsed body. His palm released a layer of light blue transparent bubbles to envelop it in the middle.

It was a fragment of energy, somewhere between gaseous and solid states, billowing in the middle of the spherical shield in an irregular manner.

Shen You held up the shield and rose into the sky. In just a moment, he had flown to one of his strongholds, the former Brainiac's mothership.

Lao Bu's mothership was originally the crystallization of cutting-edge technology. After Shen You's previous modifications, it had become a high-end stronghold more suitable for Shen You. There are all kinds of top technologies, the best equipment and the environment that are beyond human imagination.

The scanning with the help of the equipment here quickly gave Shen You the same results as he expected.

"An energy fluctuation reaction similar to the fear spectrum." Pal Hui reported, "After matching the data of similar energy bands, we found signs that a relatively concentrated energy reaction invaded the Milky Way a week ago, but the reaction disappeared only for a moment.

It is speculated from the residual data records that someone may have concentrated a certain amount of fear energy into the Milky Way, but after that the energy dispersed and flew to various parts of the Milky Way. "

Shen You held his chin and frowned slightly.

Is the fear energy another parallax monster?

Last time, Parallax was directly blown up by him, but as we all know, Parallax is the embodiment of fear in the universe. You can eliminate it, but it's impossible to eradicate it. Because as long as living organisms still have the concept of "fear", Parallax monsters will be immortal.

Therefore, the result of the last fight was not so much the elimination, but rather the kicking of the Parallax Monster back into the Fear Spectrum.

Maybe Parallax got more and more angry after he went back, and decided to be fully prepared to come back and do something big this time?

It's really not impossible.

The Parallax monster in the Green Lantern movie did something similar. A small fragment of its horror came to Earth and infected Hal's early gay friend, Hector Hammond. Hammond became one of Parallax's long-range puppets, possessing power that rivaled Green Lantern, and could also remotely absorb the power of fear for Parallax.

If this is the case, then this is worthy of attention. If it is really a parallax monster, this may be part of its huge conspiracy. And considering the grudge last time, Shen You felt that it might be aimed at him.

Although it is defeated by the sinking attribute, the level of the Parallax monster is there after all, and it is definitely not a good idea to let it lay out. No matter what the person behind this is doing, Shen You must be vigilant and take action as much as possible before the conspiracy takes shape.

"How is the shipboard radar doing?" Shen You asked.

"The debugging has been completed," Pal said. "Brainiac's radar is debugged with Euro-Arab technology and can cover two-thirds of sector 2814."

Lao Bu's technology Shen You is not very familiar with it yet, but he has learned a lot about Oua's technology tree following Ganser's formation. The eyes and ears of a Green Lantern Ring can cover an entire sector of the universe and report all illegal activities in the sector to the corresponding Lantern at any time. Shen You applied this technology to the hardware of Lao Bu's battleship, making his eyes and ears more clear.

"Very good, calibrate the radar. The target is the similar response of all yellow light spectra within the range of sector 2814." Shen You said, "Don't let go of the weakest suspected coordinates. Feed back the results to me after you come out."

"Okay, deploying."

Interstellar sector scanning is a big project, not something that can be done in a short time. After the settings were completed, Shen You didn't stay any longer and left the battleship first.

After a while he was going to go to the watchtower.

The Justice League's watchtower has been built. This is an epoch-making facility. This is Shen You's first official visit after the completion.

But while flying through the stratosphere at supersonic speeds, he caught a glimpse of some movement on the surface.

In Midtown, there seemed to be some riots in Iron Mountain Prison.

That's where The Flash's most formidable adversary is imprisoned. All the super criminals caught by The Flash since his debut are locked up here.

Prison riots and the like were generally not on Shen You's radar, but since he happened to be passing by, he didn't mind taking a look. After all, it’s a piece of cake.

But it doesn't seem like he is needed.

When Shen You landed, the situation was basically under control. Not only is The Flash on hand, but Green Lantern is also here to help out. The two's tacit understanding seemed to have improved a lot after entering the alliance, and the battle process was not difficult.

It's just that writing this messy battle damage in the financial report may make many people's blood pressure rise.

"I told you, there must be something fishy in this."

The Flash flashed back and forth among the ruins of the ruins, like a child with ADHD.

"The source of the riots is not from the inside, but from the outside. If someone breaks in and breaks the security system, someone must know the answer."

"The old way, we just ask the person involved." Green Lantern said.


The Flash stopped flashing around and suddenly stopped in front of Hal.

"Let's say it first, I'll be the bad cop this time."

Green Lantern's eyepatch moved, with a funny look on his face: "Are you serious, Lightning? Let someone else tell me, who is more like the bad cop between the two of us?"

"But you were the bad cop in the past, and I want it this time too."

Green Lantern was happy: "But you don't look like him from head to toe."

"Please, just once. I can give you a supersonic massage."


"I can go to the East and bring you local dishes, which are absolutely authentic!"

Hal pondered for two seconds.

"Want it to be extra spicy."

"Okay, no problem." Barry agreed, "Don't worry, I guarantee it will still be hot when you buy it."

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