I become light in American comics

Chapter 282 Am I against myself?

"So, after you went in, you went to some kind of hell-like place?"

Some time later, at HISHE Coffee Shop, Barry looked at him with a strange expression.

"Almost." Shen You nodded, "To be precise, it's another dimension, a place where a powerful demon from another dimension lives. But yes, it's almost like hell.

Sangong killed his mother when he was a baby, conquered his own planet in less than a year, destroyed that planet at the age of six, and conquered millions of worlds at the age of thirty. "

"Hahaha, it's funny. I thought you were serious for a moment." Barry laughed.

Shen You looked at him expressionlessly.

"Oh wait are you serious?" Barry raised his eyebrows.

Although the others in Zhenglian didn't say anything, they still had outrageous expressions on their faces.

What kind of mindless, dark and exciting novel is this?

"So you had a fight with that Sannomiya?" Superman asked.

"How about it, you crushed his butt?" Green Lantern said excitedly.

"It's not that easy. This time it's actually more of a test. What I faced was just one of the countless fragments released by San Gong, and what he faced was just a temporary clone of me.

I killed the piece, but that didn't mean much. The main gain from this trip was that I observed his fighting style and collected some data.

But this also convinced me that we are not ready to deal with the demon himself just yet. "

"Not even you?" Diana was a little surprised.

"Maybe in the future, but I'm not ready yet."

Barry glanced at Hal: "He's not kidding, right?"

"Who knows." Hal crossed his arms and shrugged, "But when you hear this guy say there's something that even he can't handle? It sounds like a joke."

"I'm not invincible, Lantern." Shen You said calmly, "I'm not a god either. I can do many things, and I may be able to do more in the future. But even so, there is always something I can do. Can’t reach it.”

Superman nodded: "We are all the same. Just like people always think that I am omnipotent, but I am just a guy who tries his best to help. We are all."

"That guy named Sannomiya." Batman, who had been silent all this time, said dully, "If even you can't stop him, then what if he comes?"

Typical Batman thinking. He heard the name Sangong for the first time today, and he was probably already planning the Sangong plan in his mind.

"Don't worry. I agree that we need to plan for this, but he won't come easily."

Shen You said.

"And there's also Raven, the mage girl who often comes to the store. You've all seen her. She's the daughter of Sangong, okay, this is a bit complicated. I'll compile a file later and put it in your watchtower database. If you're interested, You can turn it over yourself.”

"What is a watchtower?" Hal asked.

Only then did Shen You realize that the alliance's watchtower didn't seem to be launched yet. He glanced at Batman, who was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

Apparently, Old Bat already has plans for a watchtower, but he hasn't told anyone about it yet. His expression seemed to be asking how Shen You knew this happened.

"Something like a satellite, you have to ask him for details." Shen You gestured to Batman.

Hal crossed his arms and smiled: "Ha, what? Don't you still have a satellite?"

Batman deadpanned.

"Wait a minute." Hal's smile gradually disappeared, "You don't really have a satellite at home, do you?"

Batman remained expressionless.

But at this moment, the atmosphere seems to be asking, what? Don’t you have satellite at home?


Hal, who couldn't even pay the rent, was shocked and looked at Batman in surprise.

"Who are you?"

But as soon as he asked the question, he immediately waved his hand to stop: "Wait, you don't need to answer this question, I know."

"I'm Batman." Batman said solemnly.

Hal sighed. Barry poked his waist with his elbow: "You have to ask, right?"

"Besides, who are you looking down on?" Superman also patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "What makes you think that he only has one satellite at home?"

Hal: "???"

The former pilot looked at Batman in shock, eyeing his teammate up and down for a moment.

It was as if I just met him for the first time today.

At this moment, he realized it deeply.

We are different.

"Overall, today went well, didn't it?"

Kara held Stritch in her arms and smiled while stroking her.

"We disrupted those cultists' plans, kept our undercover status, and took down a few demons. Oh, and by the way, we even got awards. Okay, I know, this is a serious matter and we have to deal with it seriously, but I really can't bear it. I can't help but think this is quite fun.

Someone remind me what's next? "

"Under the arrangement of the Blood Cult, I sneaked into the Sky Eye Society." Batman said calmly, "I don't trust the Sky Eye. I have wanted to monitor their actions for a long time. This is an opportunity."

"That's not necessary."

Shen You thought for a while and said.

"If I must say it, I have actually been in the Eye of Heaven for a long time. You may not believe it, but at this moment, I am having a meeting inside the Eye of Heaven. The superiors are commending me for my outstanding performance in the Battle of Deherien. Performance."

Everyone in Zhenglian: "?"

While he was chatting with everyone in Zhenglian in the coffee shop, Shen You's high-speed afterimage, the legendary Captain Mike Williams, was sitting upright in the conference room of Tianyan, with a serious face. Accept commendations from superiors.

He then had the opportunity to go on stage and deliver a few remarks. The agents and employees below all looked at him with expressions that looked like a hero.

After a series of exciting speeches, when a colonel personally put the specially awarded badge on Agent Williams' chest, he seemed to see a logistics girl in the audience and was even moved to tears.

It seems right when I think about it. He and Zheng were united in C during the entire battle of Deherien, and Sky Eye was basically beaten throughout the whole process. Even Amanda Waller was chased by the Knife Squad sent by Steppenwolf in the later stages and had to withdraw from the headquarters and run around.

After such a large organization went through a whole battle, the only one that really dealt with damage and did practical things was the team led by Captain Williams. It is also good for your own organization's mentality to promote and package some resources.

But what Shen You didn't expect was that the chubby Amanda Waller would summon him specifically.

"Although you violated the order, you made the right decision."

Waller sat behind the table, intertwined his fingers, and said solemnly.

"You played a vital role in the battle. You proved your ability and convinced me that I can entrust you with more."

"I am willing to serve the organization." Mike straightened his back.

He said the same thing among the Blood Cultists.

"Very good. As you know, the so-called superheroes gathered after the Deherian War. They are dangerous, and many are outsiders. But people trust them, and now many people regard them as gods.

They call themselves the ‘Justice League’.

But such forces need to be regulated, and we need to make sure we understand them thoroughly. Of course, at this stage, we must adopt gentle measures at least on the surface. We need to express our willingness to come forward in an official capacity and provide all necessary technical and material support to the Justice League.

But then we need a liaison with the Justice League. "

Shen You understood. In the original work, there was such a relationship when the Zhenglian was established, but in that version of the setting, Wonder Woman came to the human world in modern times, and Steve Trevor, who took her away from the Amazon, was also a modern person and a Sky Eye agent. So that liaison was Steve.

But the Steve in this world now is a veteran from a hundred years ago and has been buried long ago. The world line has changed, and this responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of Mike Williams, the heroic agent who is currently at the peak of Sky Eye's reputation.

Shen is having fun. He could tell that this contact person was definitely not as simple as the contact person on the surface. He also serves as an undercover agent inserted into the Justice League by Sky Eye.

Undercover again.

He had so many layers of undercover vests on him that even he was confused. He went undercover to enter the Sky Eye, went undercover to join the Blood Cult, pulled Zheng Lian undercover to join the Blood Cult, and together with Zheng Lian, was undercover by the Blood Cultist to return to the Sky Eye, and was undercover by the Sky Eye to join the Zheng Lian.

To be honest, Shen You could never have imagined that he would end up like this at the beginning.

Of course, you still have to decline symbolically. Shen You pretended to hesitate: "This is a very important task, sir. I'm not sure if I can do it."

"Of course you can. You have proven that ability, more than once."

Amanda Waller smiled mysteriously, then pushed a document bag marked top secret onto the table.

"In fact, I expect more from you. There is a more important plan here, and a more critical task to be entrusted to you."

Shen You took the document bag and frowned slightly: "This is it?"

"As you know, the Justice League is only part of the problem. There is a being on this planet that is more powerful and, to us, more unknown to us. And now, I want you to join this project."

Shen You had a vague premonition.

He opened the document bag and took out a pile of top-secret files.

You can see the eye-catching title on the cover page.

"Preliminary Plan for Anti-Ultraman Strategy"

Shen You: "."

He had to admit that when he first casually picked up the Sky Eye Vest, he never expected that this would happen.

Am I against myself?

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