I become light in American comics

Chapter 281 Three Palace Demons

"This is my world, creatures of light!"

The roar of the Three Palace Demon shook the world, and the anger seemed to turn into substantial flames bursting out from the huge red palm.

"Your stupid defiance will cost your whole world! First you, then everyone you care about, and then your whole world!

Everything you know will burn in eternal fire! "

Of course, although the roar is loud and powerful, it still needs to touch someone first.

The first time he took action, Shen You had already accelerated and moved to avoid the position locked by the devil. The flames almost flew past his red and silver body. Shen You, accelerated by Mach, avoided the impact of the flames and galloped towards Sangong along an arc.

Although it seems to be an ordinary fire magic, it is the fire of the Three Palaces. Even the big guys like Darkseid would not want to try it personally as long as they are sane.

In fact, Shen You could sense that the flame contained unparalleled power without having to try it himself. And it's not just physical things like temperature and impact. In addition to that, it also contains some kind of erasing power, which is somewhat similar to the properties of Omega in Darkseid's ray impact, some kind of high-level magical abilities.

After all, San Gong is a strong man who specializes in fire, so the fire he controls cannot be a mortal thing.

Shen You sprinted in an S shape to avoid three fireballs in a row, bypassing the gushing fire dragon and rushed straight to Sangong. Sangong's gesture changed, and he immediately switched from long range to melee. A palm wrapped in flames came towards him.

Shen You lowered his center of gravity and dodged it, sliding to the left wing and passing under the devil's arm. Sannomiya volleyed with a swinging fist that traced a burning trajectory, but Shen You ducked and avoided it, maintaining an astonishing high speed and returning to the right wing through the fire curtain. With the blessing of electric light, his right uppercut was so fast that it hit the devil's cheek hard.

Lightning exploded with a huge impact, and the divine power blessed by speed made San Gong's head buzz and shake, and even the huge body couldn't help but stagger in the direction of the punch.

Shen You was convinced that he still had the advantage in speed, which was good news.

Maybe he felt real pain from the punch, or maybe he just felt insulted. Sangong's six eyes suddenly became red and hot, and he spun around, turned around with great force and whip fist, and threw out a 180-degree flame sweep.

Electric light radiated from Shen You's body again. Before the whip fist could reach him, he leaped into the air. He pressed San Gong's forehead with one palm and somersaulted to land behind him.

Sannomiya turned around to give chase, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw a blurry afterimage wrapped in electric light rushing into his field of vision. Shen You somersaulted behind him and then performed a pirouette in the air, a 360-degree spin as gorgeous as a stunt, and a flying kick that spun back into the air. During the airborne spin, he had already accelerated to dozens of Mach with the help of divine speed, and his kick hit the target. Face door.

Electric light exploded on his cheeks, and even the scenery in Sannomiya's eyes was temporarily distorted after eating this leg. He took two steps back and instinctively shot out his right palm. Fire dragons poured out from his palm, apparently to force the opponent back and gain some distance to gain recovery time.

But Shen You had already left the spot in a blink of an eye, and the flames broke through the remaining shadows and shot through the barriers behind him.

The electric light flashed behind San Gong. He stood up and jumped on San Gong's back. He kicked his right foot on his back. He grabbed San Gong and lay down on his back. He used Leibato's jujitsu to kick San Gong's back. Throw your body backward with all your strength.

This throw only made the demon fly for an unknown number of miles like a cloud, and then hit the ground on its head and braked with its face, dragging it for more than half the distance of the city before it came to a stop.

This is another reason why Shen You likes the devil dimension. There is no need to hold anything back.

He is completely free to fight, even if his hometown in Sannomiya is blown up to the sky, there will be no psychological burden.

Shen You continued to speed up his pursuit, and Hong Yin's afterimage was already catching up to San Gong in an instant. The demon fell to the ground in disgrace and roared in annoyance. Hot shocks like blood erupted in all directions with him as the center. Shen You, who was about to rush in front of him, had to suddenly change direction to avoid the wave of shock.

But as soon as he braked, and was about to turn and continue sprinting, he suddenly felt his body shudder, his weight seemed to have increased ten million times in an instant, and his whole body exploded with lightning, but he was unable to rush out.

Looking down, he was a little surprised to find that he had been restrained at some point.

By space itself.

The space where he was located had undergone strange changes. It looked like shackles composed of countless transparent prisms, layered around him and sticking tightly to his body, fixing him in this coordinate and making it difficult to move.

"You are fast and strong, I will admit that, creature of light."

Sangong stood up, and the flame circle flying in his hand locked onto Shen You who was fixed in place.

"But you're not that able to run now, right?"

At the same time as he drank, the annihilating flames rushed towards his face, clearly reflected in Shen You's eyes.

It is a bit difficult to break free by relying entirely on brute force. It is some kind of magic with spatial attributes.

But magic is just a way of applying rules and energy. Since it is a skill with spatial attributes.

The electric light burst out, and Shen You suddenly turned into a blurry afterimage. He quickly came out of the space constraints and hid in a half-crouch to avoid the flames. The dazzling fire dragon flew over his head.

Sangong was shocked: "What?"

But before he finished speaking, Shen You, who was half-crouching on the ground, had already shot out an instantaneous Spisium. The blue light hit the demon's left shoulder.

Sannomiya yelled, holding his shoulders and retreating. The part where the demon was hit by the light left a huge hole, as if it had been pierced by a sword. Molten hot material overflowed from the wound with a hissing sound and a blood-red smoke screen.

All six of his eyes flashed together, as if they were being charged with energy. He opened his mouth suddenly, and the majestic magic power poured into his mouth, like a burning torrent!

Shen You thrust out his left palm, spread his fingers, and a barrier of transformed energy lay in front of him. The world-destroying torrent washed away the barrier, and the huge impact caused him to slide backwards with his shield.

But after stabilizing his position, he immediately threw off the shield and dodged to the side, avoiding the flames and shooting forward. At the same time, the light energy transformed into two jagged flywheels in his hand, which were constructed into a chain blade shape by photon chains.

He quickly broke into the inner circle, and Sangong immediately changed his tactics. The flames in the demon's palm suddenly gathered together and never dispersed, transforming into the entity of the sword, turning into an extremely huge sword, which he held in his hand and struck head-on.

The flaming sword and the photon flywheel collided head-on. The excess energy, the splashing light particles, the aftermath of the impact, the surrounding peaks and rocks, the earth and mountains, everything was annihilated with the collision.

Finally, the great sword and the light wheel turned into light particles and sparks and dissipated.

The Giant of Light and the Demon of Fire faced each other, almost touching their faces.

The giant made a cross with his hands and pressed it against the demon's face.

The demon opened its mouth, and flames were boiling in its eyes and mouth.

The blue light and the flames of hell exploded with full force in the same second. Zero-distance confrontation, the impact of destruction spreads in all directions with the two huge bodies as the center, until everything in sight is swallowed up.

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