I become light in American comics

Chapter 276 It’s Him Again

"You guys did a great job."

After clearing away the inner ghost, the commander nodded slightly to everyone, changing his previous angry attitude.

Shen You made a self-blame statement: "But the mission failed. My subordinates were incompetent and failed to stop the target person."

"Harm, that's not your fault. The other teams also failed. What you said makes sense. It must be a mole from the Sky Eye Society who has been planted within us."

The leader waved his hand.

"The point is, you guys came back alive, that's the most important thing. You are the only team that survived this operation and caught the mole, which is already a great achievement. I really saw the right person. .”

"Thank you, Commander." Shen You thanked him.

Although everyone behind Zhenglian remained silent, they all secretly felt funny. There are only a few of your subordinates who are not moles and have just been purged. You really saw the right person.

Especially Kara, she lowered her head and hid her little face in her hood the whole time. Because it’s so hard to hold back my laughter.

Sure enough, as long as you follow Mr. Shen out, there will always be fun things.

Just in case, those "traitors" were kept alive, and the commander said they would take them back for questioning slowly. Shen You didn't stop him either. The thoughts and memories of several people at the stall just now have been rewritten by Martian Manhunter. They now firmly believe that they are good people, and even if their mother comes, they are still loyal Sky Eye agents.

The commander finally glanced over several people and said: "As you can see, the Lord has insight into everything and knows everything. Any attempt to penetrate us is destined to be exposed under the Lord's gaze.

It's best not to have any among you, otherwise you won't want to know the consequences if you are discovered. "

Several people repeatedly affirmed that they were absolutely loyal and willing to dedicate their hearts to the organization. Shen You even patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, the purity of our remaining brothers is definitely higher than that of vodka distilled to 100%. No one has any second thoughts."

The rest of us are of the same mind, but it’s hard to say whether we are of the same mind as you, the commander.

The commander was very satisfied: "Okay, that's very good. Although this operation was unsuccessful, the fault is not yours. You have proven your ability, and I am more and more confident in your subsequent arrangements."

You will become the backbone for our blood cultists to break into the Eye of Heaven and disintegrate this organization from within. "

Having said this, the commander showed a cruel smile and said to himself: "Hey, you like infiltration? Like undercover? Let these overconfident mortals experience for themselves what it feels like to be dismantled by a traitor."

It didn't matter that Shen You had known about the arrangement for a long time, but later everyone in Zhenglian looked at each other, a little confused.

Ah, do we still want to go undercover in Tianyan?

Is it possible that we are the only undercover agents within the Blood Cult who are all here?

"This is a glorious mission, and it is also an opportunity. Before that, the envoy of God wants to see you and explain some matters to you face to face." The commander said to Shen You.

"God's envoy?" Shen You was stunned.

"That's right." The commander showed even a bit of envy. "Feel honored, but not everyone can have this honor. God's envoys rarely come in person, and only occasionally send oracles. Even if they come, At that time, only the most pious few in the organization had the opportunity to receive blessings in person."

Shen You responded and mechanically recited a series of lines praising the divine messenger, while at the same time he began to think in his mind.

The envoy of the Blood Cult?

Is that so?

"Why are we looking for the wizard's successor?"

The son of the Third Palace, the demon Salaka, asked in confusion.

"The people chosen by the wizard are the guardians of this dimension. They are our enemies, aren't they?"

The demon Tisak, who is also a son of the Three Palaces and came to this dimension for the first time, replied coldly: "This is why I often say that you need to do more homework and use your brain more instead of relying on strength.

Tes Adam is no ordinary heir. His wanton behavior caused him to lose the trust of wizards, which led to his eventual sealing.

He possesses the power of the Six Gods and is one of the most powerful beings in this place, but he does not have the consciousness and mind of a guardian. He has desires, wants, and his own paranoia. And it is mortals with these who are easier to be manipulated. "

Saraka understood a little bit, and he nodded thoughtfully.

"You're saying we might be able to make a deal with him."

"As long as there is desire, there will be a price." Tisak smiled, "I believe that Black Adam's price is his country, the place called Khandak. He doesn't care about the rest of the world, as long as we Promise him Khandak and he will become an ally."

"But..." Salaka thought for a while, "Even if we agree to his conditions, father will not. Once father comes, this entire dimension will be owned by father, even Khandak."

The corners of Tissac's mouth rose.

"But Black Adam wouldn't know that, would he?"

"That's right." Saraka twitched the corner of her mouth.

The two demons looked at each other and began to laugh strangely.

Who calls them demons?

Keeping your promise honestly will be regarded as the shame of the devil.

"But this operation doesn't seem to be very successful. Ha, I should have thought of it earlier." Tisak said lightly, "Human beings are inherently useless, so we shouldn't expect what these believers can do."

If the demons have learned anything during their brief period of mentoring the Blood Cultists, it's that if you want to get something done, it's best to do it yourself. This group of believers is loyal, but their ability is questionable.

"I hope the cultists can at least give me some help this time." Saraka muttered, "The human organization called Sky Eye seems to have a lot of information. With their intelligence network, it will be easier for us to obtain intelligence in this world. "

"Hmph, it's impossible to expect mortals to be reliable." Tissac snorted, "I have to take action personally on this matter."

"You mean?" Salaka's eyes flashed.

"The cultist responsible for the undercover operation, I will directly implant my fragment in his consciousness, and I will tell him that it is a blessing. But I will hide in his mind and monitor his every move, and take over or even replace him if necessary. His consciousness.”

Tissac said calmly.

"This makes it easier for me to intervene directly. And if something goes wrong, I can escape unscathed."

"So that's it." Salaka sneered, "As expected, you still have the means. Ha, that weakling Belial, this time he won't come to this dimension again no matter what.

I wonder what Dad will look like when we dedicate this dimension to him."

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. It's time for the believer to come."

The two demons immediately shut up and sat down in their respective positions, posing to create a scary and weird atmosphere.

The believer they introduced swaggered out of the gate.

As soon as he entered the door, Demon Salaka smelled a somewhat familiar scent.

A kind of light-like aura that is inconsistent with the horoscopes of demons like them and makes them uncomfortable.

It narrowed its eyes and took a closer look.

The color suddenly changed in the next second, and the whole monster almost lost its soul.

"Yes, yes, it is him!"

Salaka screamed.

"It's him again!"

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